The Palin email frenzy

| June 11, 2011

The Media Palin-hunting-expedition were fed 24,000 pages of email yesterday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from several media outlets. So the journalistic numbnuts descended on Alaska yesterday. The Washington Post has farmed out their research to their readership to plow through the emails for dirt on the former governor. Thus far, they’ve only found stuff that most of us already knew;

Palin felt passionately about issues of importance to her state, the documents show, and she waged battle with foes large and small. That included detractors on obscure government commissions as well as multinational conglomerates seeking access to Alaska’s vast oil and gas reserves. She twice refers to one major oil executive with a derogatory nickname and complains that phone calls with him did not go well.

You know what? I’d have more respect for the Post and whoever else took part in that FOIA if they’d been this tenacious and inquisitive with Barack Obama during the campaign for the 2008 election. I don’t remember any major media outlet asking even the most basic of questions about his tenure in the Illinois State Legislature. No one was asking what qualified him to be President…and we’re paying for that lack of journalistic curiosity now. And Sarah Palin isn’t even a candidate for the 2012 election yet.

I interpret this quixotic enterprise to be an indicator of how the Left, in general, and the Washington elitists, in particular, fear a Palin candidacy without the McCain albatross around her neck. I’m pretty sure that they know that Palin’s name next to Obama’s on the ballot is an easy choice for 2012.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Media, Politics

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That’s what passes for news in the LSM today, a bunch of schlubs unloading a vehicle and they video it? Maroons. And, I’m sure the one on the cell phone is breathlessly telling a (progressive) friend, “they’re here, they’re here, we’ve got Palin’s e-mails”.

Cedo Alteram

Yep, exactly.


Indeed, Jonn. This is completely ridiculous. But you know, maybe the hypocrisy of the media bias will hit home someday…er, not.


You nailed it down, Jonn. The left loons are scared shitless of Sarah.


“I interpret this to be an indicator of how the Left, in general and the Washington elitists fear a Palin candidacy without the McCain albatross around her neck. I’m pretty sure that they know that Palin’s name next to Obama’s on the ballot is an easy choice for 2012.” -John-

Exactly, John

That feeding frenzy is disgusting. Blood in the water. Shark’s circling.

Tell you what they keep messin’ with Sarah and it’s going to push a whole lot of people that are sitting on the fence in regard to the best pick in the GOP field right into her camp. Including me!


Exactly, John

That feeding frenzy is disgusting. Blood in the water. Shark’s circling.

Tell you what they keep messin’ with Sarah and it’s going to push a whole lot of people that are sitting on the fence in regard to the best pick of the GOP field right into her camp. Including me!


Sorry about the double post.


If you ever watched her show she was very passionate about her state. You don’t talk trash about Alaska and get by with it around the Sarahcuda. She is one tough lady. She knows had to hunt, fish and make camp. What more does she need to know. I bet the Ice Cream Emperor, Nazi Pelosi nor Debbie Wassername Shultz could do any of that.


S/he who finds the one sentence that sinks Sarah Palin as a political force will have employment, their own show, and a guaranteed column running in the Sunday editorials for life.

And the Dems want us to go for Pawlenty?


B Woodman

An LSM tempest in a TEAcup. (sorry, couldn’t resist the bad pun)
Nothing to see here, move along.
Why? Because Ms Palin, unlike DemonRats and RINOs, has morales, scruples, and integrity.

B Woodman

PS – Forgot to include.
I hope Alaska is making the LSM pay for all the paper, toner ink, and state employee time for all this.

Doc Bailey

She must be really dangerous to the dems have people pouring over so much crap.

can I get the E-mails from NBC about Palin? I think THAT might be revealing


They just love wasting other people’s time and money. I wonder how much they could accomplish if they didn’t spend so much time digging up dirt on people…

Anonymous in Jax

Just because she can fish, hunt, and make camp doesn’t mean I want her as my President. I am not against voting for a Republican, but good lord, when it comes to intelligence and the ability to articulate your point under fire, she is a disgrace.



You haven’t been listening to any of the candidates. The only public speakers who come across as well-schooled and articulate are those that have been given the question beforehand.

When should a candidate be under fire? Never, with a proper staff and campaign manager. Just the rules of the road.

It’s like Obama – supposedly noted for his oratory. He’d fail a high speech class under the sheer weight of his transition non-words, like “uh.” And he has the questions and answers written for him well before-hand.


#12 Doc Bailey,

NBC’s emails about Palin came out when the Journolist was uncovered and their emails released. It’s where the Bristol-as-Trig’s-mother meme began, along with her supposedly being a poor public speaker.

Anonymous in Jax

DaveO, I’m not saying that there are other candidates who are a lot better. I’m just singling out Sarah Palin in this instance because this post is about her. And I agree about Obama– the man cannot survive without a teleprompter. He sounded very articulate during his candidacy because he was so well rehearsed in what to say.


I just read some on another site about what has been found so far. Pretty much she is a normal person and likes to use the word flippin a lot. Oh yeah and she consulted with her husband on some issues…wow some real dirt there.

Frankly Opinionated

They didn’t learn a damned thing when they sent how many reporters(?) up to Alaska to did dirt. Even had a guy move in next door who couldn’t find anything.
They are soooo desperate…….


I have to throw some cold water on this “scared of Palin” nonsense. The only people scarred of Palin are those who will lose oxygen in the Iowa (maybe SC) primary among Tea Party and socially conservative voters. I.E. Pawlenty and Bachmann. Palin is an idiot, she doesn’t know shit. She’s devoid of tangible policy positions or actual solutions to anything and she’s the caricature of the reactionary, goonish soundbite politician. The mainstream media (if you parrot “lame stream media” then kill yourself) is on her like flies on shit because she’s a train wreck that generates ratings, no more, no less.

Susie Q

#20 NotSoOldMarine

Maybe you should read some of those emails, and you would know what you don’t know.

It’s great that you think you know what you’re talking about, and I don’t mean to offend, but some actual research into the person you’re calling an idiot might make you seem less of one.

Doc Bailey

#14 Like how Obama gave us zilch for specifics? I really haven’t heard him explain anything in anything more than generalities.

#20 I will have to disagree on her being a “train wreck” She shows that it is possible for a woman to be powerful without the typical feminist meme, and thus disproves a lot of the Left’s most hysterical supporters deepest held beliefs. If not well spoken, she and Bachman represent a serious threat to the Image of the “liberated woman” Bachman more so I think, because she IS well spoken. If she were to become more than just a Rep from Minn, it would change the dynamic.

Toothless Dawg

I’m surprised that emails haven’t been re-written by now and the shocking details brought to light. Perhaps the MSM is grabbing snippets from several emails that they can put together and say that Palin actually wrote these (words, that is). In the least, I still await articles that ‘Sarah actually meant to write’ from the MSM and others.

Doc #22 – Bachman is hot. I like her in #1 position if paired with Palin. Haven’t made up my mind if she is paired with Cain. Waiting for West to throw his hat in the ring but time is running out.


Well, if you haven’t seen it, the emails released also show that she wrote a letter to family and friends about Trig and she wrote it as if she were God. Can you say backfire?