Matthis still in your schools
I know there must be some Philadelphia tax payers in this crowd that are upset that a phony Afghanistan veteran and admitted rapist is lying to your kids in the schools that you fund.
He still claims he is an Afghanistan veteran. In this video, he claims he “trained up” for his six days at the Bagram Baskin Robbins. He tells the kids that soldiers are trained to shoot civilians.
He spews out statistics about 1 in 3 women being sexually assaulted while they’re in the military. 1 in 5 men are sexually assaulted during their terms. He gets those figures from a study that sent out hundreds of thousands of surveys and got only few thousand surveys back. One third of the women and 20% of the men who responded claimed to have been sexually assaulted. Not a very scientific survey.
According to Matthis, 1 in 4 homeless people in NYC are veterans and veterans are the largest demographic among the homeless. More accurately, more homeless claim to be veterans than they claim to be from any other demographic. Most of the homeless veterans I’ve talked to wouldn’t know an M16 from an E-tool.
And you’re all drug-adled sociopaths teetering on the edge of suicide like him.
The School District of Philadelphia
440 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia PA 19130
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Schools, Shitbags
So, why has the military not taken this person down? Or a least the local cops? or even the local VET Group taken this person out and then went back in to clean up the mess that was caused?
So, why not?
You know some see this as an act of great accomplishment,enlightening the children and such. What I see is a drug dealer in a school spouting off random nonsense surrounded by an audience that has no choice but to be there. Some kids are capable of thinking for themselves and if they want to follow in the cult of a 6 day war hero then go for it. I am predicting a statutory rape charge in the near future though. Just my personal opinion though.
Once again, I find myself asking why. Why is he allowed to claim Veteran status, why is he breathing free oxygen, why isn’t he under arrest, or ECO’d? Dr. Chiroux, are you aware that in MD and DC, as a direct family member, you can have him declared an Emotionally Distressed Person, and file an Emergency Committal Order, essentially declaring him unfit to be amongst normal society. You can have him forcibly committed to drug and psychiatric rehabilitation.
Is VFP funding this POS by any chance?
As Kelly Dougherty, Queen of IVAW has stated, “we don’t need facts, because we are right”.
When you have a club of weak links, drop outs, screw ups, liars, frauds, stolen valor violators, veteran impersonators, communist revolutinary wanna-be’s, radical socialists, feminists, etc who celebrate and embrace the most far fetched claims and stories that can be created that suits their variou agendas, what do you expect?
boggles the mind
Homeless people figured out a LONG time ago that putting things like “Homeless vet” and “God Bless” on their signs garner the most sympathy and bring in the most cash.
On a different note, Matthis wouldn’t know a standard deviation or bell curve if it hit him in the mouth. His statistics are more FUBAR than the ones the MSM use.
Looks like Skeletor addressing that class. Who would have thought that bringing a meth head in talk drivel to students was a good idea? Oh yeah…. the Public School System.
Just remember what union runs that system, and which party most all belong to, then understand that this assmaggot’s rantings reinforce the meme that the union and it’s members WANT to push.
That’s all you need to understand.
This bitch is the poster child, not only for IVAW, but for the liberal left et al. Drugs? Ok. Stat/forced rape? Ok. Lies/deception? Ok. Why wouldn’t he be invited by todays educators? These educators(?), claim that to have a Valedictorian makes the other students feel bad, but have no problem propping up a druggie.
Home School, people, do not give your children to these cretins.
Lucky, I am aware. Such as you suggest would most likely achieve little, at great cost. Regardless it would achieve little as when he is of no further use to his handlers he will be discarded and replaced with a different face effluenting the same message. He does not look well; what a shame; what a loss.
Watching Metthis “degrade”, I am reminded of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and their “Faces of Meth” album.
They show the destruction in subsequent mug photos of meth lovers.
And the locale; aaah, Philly, the city of brotherly love, where the New Black Panthers are exempt from prosecution for their voter intimidation tactics. Guess any crime is legal there, including rape, as well as a false picture of ones service in the military.
Metthis and Philly go hand in hand it seems.
Dr. Chiroux, I am truly sorry. He needs help, even if he is despicable. FO: Even the mention of that album to this day makes me cringe!
1 in 5 men? *gasp* I hope I’m not one of those men. That would be horrible. He’s SO RIGHT. As soon as I got out I found myself some crack and shot up to avoid the cruel reality of it. And then I rapped someone because you know Soldiers really only live to rape and pillage.
The actual percentages of any of what he says are there. But the reality is not nearly as bleak as the hard core Lefties seem to want to make it. I just don’t get it.
Mr Chiroux,
I must apologize for venting spleen at your son. He tends to hit a little too close to home, especially when he brings up the “Collateral Murder” video. I realize that this must be difficult for you. Please accept my apology if I may have offended you at some point.
~Doc B
Dr. Chiroux,
You have my deepest sympathy, and I would have you know that you, sir, are amongst friends. On behalf of only myself, if I may ever be of service to you, you have only to ask.
“He tells the kids that soldiers are trained to shoot civilians.”
I must have missed that block of instruction at Bragg & Camp Shelby during MOB training for my two Afghan tours….
“Most of the homeless veterans I’ve talked to wouldn’t know an M16 from an E-tool.”
But all “homeless vets” claim to have been super secret nighthawk kommandos from shadow section, ghost platoon… Yet they get the damndest calf eyes when you ask them what the skin of the aircraft is or about an anchor line cable…
JAG, most of them get calf eyes when you ask them what their MOS was. Just like Tim said in #8, remember what the union is, and what their philosophy is.
I gave a ride one day to one such, young kid who claimed service. I asked him if he was 11Bravo, and he told me that no, he had been part of 10th troop. He left the vehicle not long after that…