Pakistan intel services warn Taliban before raids

| June 11, 2011

The Washington Post reports that since mid-May, the US government supplied intelligence from the bin Laden raid to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI) only to have the targets of the intelligence evaporate.

Officials said that video of the two installations indicated both were being used to manufacture improvised explosive devices, or IEDs — the roadside bombs that are the principal killers of U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan.

One was located in a girls’ school in the city of Miram Shah, home to the Haqqani network’s North Waziristan headquarters. The other, in South Waziristan, was thought to be an al-Qaeda-run facility, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Well,then it seems that we need to stop sharing intelligence with Pakistan and conduct our own raids – with or without Pakistani permission. We don’t have the luxury to recreate the conditions that kept the North Vietnamese Army alive, allowing the Taliban to have their own Cambodia/Laos demilitarized zone to work out of with no repercussions.

At this point civilian casualties shouldn’t be a concern. If parents know that their kids are attending schools that contain bomb factories, they should have enough common sense to withdraw their kids from those schools instead of providing the Taliban human shields. Obviously, the Pakistan government isn’t all that concerned about terrorist activities if they can’t plug their leaks.

Instead of Leon Panetta and Joe “Bite me” Biden tip-toeing around the Pakistanis, they should have tough talk supported by tough actions. the robot ninja zombie strategy is Bite Me’s idea, he should be able to convey to the Pakistanis the importance of their support.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Andy FMF

Have to agree with the comment regarding civilian casualties.

Three axioms I learned the hard way in the GWOT.
Innocent does not mean unarmed.
Unarmed does not mean innocent.
Civilian does not mean noncombatant.

Doc Bailey

I think its quite simple, we do not give them any money, and if we have to we give India more money to check Pakistan. With friends like these, who needs enemies.


And people are suprised by this? OBL living within spitting distance of Paki military school, and now we find out ISI is leaking to the Taliban. These asswipes being our “allies” is a frickin joke!