Guerena autopsy released

| June 6, 2011

From Ponsdorf and Streetsweeper comes this link to KGUN9 announcing the release of the autopsy of Corporal Guerena. Nothing surprising – but it does list the places the young Marine was struck;

The report goes on to note in detail the entrance location and trajectory of each wound, most of which were on the victim’s extremities. The medical examiner listed, in order, these entrance wounds:
— one wound to the head, which the report describes as a graze;
— one wound to the right upper chest;
— one to the right lower chest;
— one to the left upper abdomen;
— three to the right upper arm;
— one to the right elbow;
— one to the right hand;
— one to the left upper arm;
— one to the left elbow;
— one to the left forearm;
— one to the left hand;
— two to the right thigh;
— one to the right calf,
— one to the right foot;
— four to the left thigh;
— and one to the left foot.

I guess that about covers it all. 71 rounds, and 20 hits on the target. Pima County doesn’t have a range? Like I said in my initial post, they’re damn lucky they didn’t kill any of the neighbors.

Oh, another important point;

The toxicology report included with the autopsy found no drugs in Guerena’s system. It did find a low level of alcohol, measuring 0.024%. The report notes that some or all of that low amount could have been the result of “postmortem production” — in other words, caused by natural decay after death.

Oh, so he’s like the one drug dealer ever with no drugs in his body.

Category: The Guerena Killing

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Doc Bailey

it seems like they hit almost everywhere BUT center mass. I’m sorry but the more I hear about this the more it seems like a bunch of hopped up gear queers that saw a video of urban assault. I would expect this level of “spray and pray” from the “Blue Ridge Mountain Boys” not a damned SWAT unit.


Can OldSoldier54 or whatever stop pretending this wasn’t a murder?

Most of the shots were to his extremities, yet they held off paramedics for over an hour and a quarter. This is evidence of murder. He could have been saved.

Dupnik and the officers involved in this shooting should be hanged.


@#2 That is one of the saddest parts- this guy completely bled out, punctured like a pin cushion. I don’t know enough to say he would have been saved, but with a little bit of medical attention, it sure as hell would have been more likely.


@ #4 – Boo….the real sad part is that SWAT medic needs his/her license yanked. After reading the autopsy, that so-called medic had about 7 minutes in which to get work to save his life. An RA unit was outside standing by. *spit* That house wasn’t in Iraq or Ghanistan, nor did the *team* push inside to recon it. Cowards….every last living one of them are nothing but cowards, *spit spit*. My opinion only. Thanks YatYas for finding that additional.


Old Trooper

What we’ve been told by Pima County dogwashers and defenders is that they didn’t know if there were more people in the house, blah, blah, blah. That’s why they brought in the robots, etc.

Here’s my take on that lame-ass excuse: They weren’t worried about who was in there when they initially shot up the place; right? From the video, they sure didn’t look too concerned after they were done firing, either. Why did they retreat? Why didn’t they continue into the house and clear it? No, they fucked the dog on this whole operation from jump street. They let him bleed out and weren’t concerned enough to call in medical help. They weren’t concerned about others in the house, either, because they didn’t continue the mission and clear the fucking house. Not a one of them should ever wear a badge again, including Sheriff Dumbfuck.


If soldiers and Marines can get saved with a multiplicity of shrapnel wounds, I have no doubt Guerena stood a fighting chance if anyone cared to render aid.

The point is that these guys need to be hanged for murder. They conducted an illegal, unprofessional shooting, and then went back to cover their asses and get their stories straight for over an hour while this Marine bled out. Tall tree, short rope. For each of them, Dupnik included.

Doc Bailey

Give me an Aid Bag, and 5 minuets and I’d have had his ass packaged and ready for transport, and I’ve become a fat ass since I got out. If I could do it, I KNOW they COULD have.


This was not a murder and these were not some poor innocent families that Law Enforcement decided to pick on. What good would it do the SWAT team to intentionally let Guerena die when they knew his wife and child were present as witnesses. Although the SWAT team does appear to need work on their tactics and trigger control.




Umm, YatYas. They didn’t know his wife and kid were there. They had “planned” (using the term in its broadest possible sense) their raid to coincide to when they assumed (assumptions being easier than surveillance or research) his wife would be out taking their one kid to school. Yes, with all the awesome power of the state behind them, they failed to discover that he had a 4 year old, and 4 year-olds don’t go to school. They also appear to claim that they didn’t know that he worked nights and would hence be home, though that also contradict that somewhere else. They had nobody doing surveillance of the residence, they also apparently had no floor plan or plan for how the conduct the entry.

Put a list together of all the things that a competent and well-led tactical team should do prior to raiding a residence and you’ve pretty much created a list of all the things that Dupnik’s killer clowns didn’t do.


Before considering the ME report, 1. I had wondered about the “pool of blood” that was described as under his body. Depending on how large it was, it could be evidence that he could have lived – if medical aid was rendered as it was supposed to be. A pool usually is an indication of heart action – the pump was still working. 2. Murder REQUIRES proof of premeditation. Ie; Pima SWAT went there with the INTENT to kill Jose – and he would probably have to have been unarmed. Good luck proving that. 3. It seems to me to also require the assumption that Pima SWAT is full of sociopaths wearing badges. I don’t think so, but perhaps I’m wrong. If I am, the Republic is in even worse shape than I thought. Taking the ME report into consideration: As a RN student, I have learned much about the human body that I didn’t know before. I suspect that all or most of us who partake of Jonn’s site weren’t buying the “killed instantly” BS Dupnik and his bozos were trying to sell. As I mentioned before, I was troubled about the pool of blood issue. I had read some references, don’t remember where, that it was large. This usually means that the heart is still functioning. Now we know that his hearty was fine. We were also told that he was head shot, which usually means end-of-story, but now know that it was just a graze. Some folks tried to point to the head shot issue to imply that medical aid was moot and thus there was no wrong doing by Pima SWAT for not rendering it to Jose. Well, that was a load of bull, wasn’t it? From the KGUN9 article: “The Pima County Medical Examiner told KGUN9 News Monday afternoon that even if medics had reached Jose Guerena immediately, they probably could not have saved him.” I suspect that is not true and, is the ME (very possibly as a result of applied pressure from higher up …) trying to provide covering fire. As noted by… Read more »


OldSoldier54, pre-meditation is only required for first-degree murder. Or are the other commenters saying they think it is first-degree?

This looks at least like negligent homicide.