NJ Thieves sell markers from vets’ graves

| June 7, 2011

In a link from Rich, three New Jersey women have been arrested for stealing the brass markers from over 300 veterans’ graves that they tried to sell for scrap to purchase drugs;

Sgt. Covert says a Philadelphia scrap dealer who paid around $1,500 for the stolen goods, is the one who tipped off authorities.

That’s right up there with stealing a dog’s wheelchair.

Category: Shitbags

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Doc Bailey

despicable. Not only have they disrespected graves, but now we may never know, or recognize our comrades. See the ones that say GAR, that’s Grand Army of the Republic. Civil War. How many family members do you think will come forward for those? unfreakingbelivable.


I believe Shepherd Book referred to the “special Hell”

Old Tanker

Hats off to the scrap dealer who shelled out $1500 bucks and then turned them over…


Yep, as someone said in another thread, short rope, tall tree.


Thanks. Community service should be digging 380 veteran graves.