Left redefines adversity
Yesterday, I read about Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive being refused service at the Hawk and Dove pub on Capitol Hill because he was wearing one of his famous Dou-Che` T-shirts
Uncle Jimbo is a pretty big dude (he has a reputation for being somewhat unstable while imbibing in adult beverages) and I’m surprised someone named Edgar would take a chance at pissing off someone of his impressive stature and unbalanced nature.
Barely related to Uncle Jimbo story, at Babalu Blog, Ziva points us to a story about the wonderful world of ANSWER LA where they celebrated the 55th Anniversary of Castro’s opening salvo against the Batista Administration in Cuba. I hinted at this twisted bit of propagandizing the other day when I asked where the anti-war clowns were going to protest the Russian invasion of Georgia.
But the communists in LA are still enraptured with the Castro revolution. It seems that 300 Communists turned out for the event…and the article calls that a “huge turnout”. In Los Angeles, the largest city in the nation, if not the world, 300 is not huge, guys. There are 300 people lined up behind every urinal in LA at any given moment. Nonetheless;
The huge turnout to celebrate Cuba’s revolution showed that the struggle for a better world is very much alive in the hearts and minds of people in Los Angeles and far beyond. We will continue undeterred to celebrate Cuba and to defend its revolutionary gains.
Undeterred, because of unanimous and unrecorded bomb threats and threats of violence that always seem to happen when the Left has an event…but strangely enough nothing ever happens. Just like the death threats we hear about from the right-wing nuts…no one ever gets killed, but still the Left likes to pump up their self-importance with these imagined dangers.
The success of the evening in the face of adversity was a clear victory for the pro-Cuba organizers and attendees.
So brave these revolutionaries…just like Che and Fidel, aren’t they? No, not really. being a Communist in Los Angeles isn’t brave at all. There was no inherent adversity in 300 people going to a Castro love fest in the furthest Left (politically) part of the country. The Left has pushed the envelope so far that being a communist is passe` – even Hugo Chavez is losing his cachet.
If you want to see brave, watch Uncle Jimbo wear his Che` shirt in DC where the people voted 90% for John Kerry in the last presidential election. Of go to a Freedom Works counterdemonstration against MoveOn in DC. That’s bravery. Not being just another communist in a city full of communists.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Politics, Society
Hawk and Dove is where the Kennedy kid loaded up before played Bumper Cars with the concrete barriers and Dodge’em with the Capitol Police…