The Few and The Proud – Red Band Marine Recruiting Video

| April 6, 2011

This is a few years old, but it’s still circulating on the internet among the anti-recruiting, anti-war Leftists. How many of you believe this is a real recruiting video? [Language Warning!!!];

The Huffington Post believed it two years ago;

At a time when we are reconsidering every decision made during the Bush/Rumsfeld era, from torture to the invasion of Iraq to the speculation of adding a sixth side to the Pentagon (thank you Douglas Feith for floating THAT trial balloon!), comes a new, equally disturbing revelation. We all know that the Department of Defense was (and still is) desperate for new recruits in all branches of the military. What is less well known is a program that the Marines, in particular, had of trying to compete for today’s sex, violence and drug-obsessed youth. An apparently newly declassified video reveals one such trial effort.

A number of the commenters on the video mentioned that the “recruiters” are out of uniform, but that’s the least of the problems with this “recruiting video”. There’s absolutely no way the Marines or any other branch of the military is going to use this to recruit. That’s not the kind of recruits they want to attract. Sure they get that kind of recruit, but they’re not going looking for them.

The best way to look like you don’t know anything about the military is to give this video any measure of credibility.

And what the Hell is the Harding Institute?

This, however, might be a real Air Force recruiting video;

Thanks to one of my ninjas for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies

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I knew I should have joined the damn Air Force.
Stupid Infantry.


That recruiting video was over when the guy said “hooah.” What the fuck does that mean?


I can understand civilians not picking up on the seriously out-of-reg haircut, the hooah instead of oorah, or the sgt ordering around a staff sgt, but you’d still have to be a goddamn moron to believe the Marine Corps would actually create a recruiting video like this. Or live in a military-hating bubble, seizing on any scrap of internet half-truth that reinforces your beliefs without bothering to second guess its veracity. How telling of the quality of HuffPo authors.


On closer examination, it appears the HuffPo author likely had a hand in the creation of this video, or at least knew it was fake when he wrote the post:

“[The video] comes to us courtesy of the Harding Institute for Freedom & Democracy (led by dubious “former McCain adviser Martin Eisenstadt”)”

“Mirvish made headlines around the world as the co-creator (with Eitan Gorlin) of the faux McCain adviser Martin Eisenstadt ”

It’s tagged as satire. Personally, I think the author’s satirical chops need some serious work.

Just A Grunt

There was something about the Air Force video that seemed out of place and made me begin to suspect that it may not be legit. After watching it about half a dozen times I finally figured it out. The girl has Captains bars on. C’mon does anybody seriously expect us to believe that an officer could operate a copy machine?


#5: “C’mon does anybody seriously expect us to believe that an officer could operate a copy machine?

No, not at all, but I would hit it like a JDAM.


“Or live in a military-hating bubble, seizing on any scrap of internet half-truth that reinforces your beliefs without bothering to second guess its veracity.” So, apparently, you have been to Amherst, Massachusetts.

I second TSO – picked the wrong service twice.

USMC Steve

The actual recruiting numbers since 9/11 have shown that none of the services have had any trouble attracting recruits in sufficient numbers to make mission. The Marine Corps has been at or arount 125-130 percent this entire time with the army not too far behind. That is why there is currently over a year wait for most MOS’s to get recruits into boot camp.

But again, showing the reality of a situation does not phase the malfunctioning brain of a leftist. They don’t have the synapses to grasp reality.


I was laughing my ass off at the Marine recruiting video! That is truly Epic, of course they were making it a joke vid. LOL