My dream ticket

| April 5, 2011

Yeah, from a blogging standpoint, this is too much craziness to ignore. I mean now on a slow day I can depend on Joe “Bite Me” Biden to tell a cripple to stand up or something. Just imagine two people who are twice as crazy as Bite Me campaigning on opposite ends of the country for each other.

Fox News interviews Ventura on the potential for a Paul/Ventura ticket;

Jesse Ventura’s publicist confirms he’d consider running on the same ticket with Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, if he ran as an independent, but Paul’s camp has yet to respond to the suggestion.

“He said he would consider running with him,” Says Jen Hobbs, who’s organizing Ventura’s current book tour. “If Paul ran as a Republican, Jesse would run as independent on same ticket. Or if Paul switched to Independent, he would seriously consider it.”

Or, if Paul was wearing bunny ears and Ventura could wear a tu-tu. Or if Paul would sing a round of “Row, row, row your boat” with Taylor Swift while Ventura played with his action figures.

And the Paulians would come out of their basements again. Do you know how long it’s been since someone has told me to “read a book sometime”? And Ventura has those three guys who never missed an episode of his TV show.

Naw, I don’t want them to win (not much danger of that), I just want them to campaign.

Category: General Whackos, Ron Paul

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Zero Ponsdorf

Dang Jonn, I was CERTAIN you had no sense of humor.

Cedo Alteram

I can’t stand either one of those douches! If Ron Paul ever were to be nominated by the republican party, I think that would truly prove that all hope was lost. There wouldn’t even be a single party to occasionaly root for.


Seems the further Jesse’s hairline recedes up top, the further it grows down his neck. And, agreed, the comedy would rival anything I’ve seen in the last 1/4 century, or longer.


Twist and Twisted


They’re both unelectable. Their sycophants thrive on the ability to accuse unnamed evildoers of being behind everything bad that happens. Hell, Alex Jones’ entire basement dwelling empire is built on the assumption that there are supersecret nefarious goings-on behind every rock and tree. A Paul/Ventura administration would bankrupt the lot of ’em and leave them with nothing but free time. If that happens, their moms are going to make them start doing chores again.

Either that, or it would open the books to all the non-existent conspiracies and cause mass revolt when Paul/Ventura can’t come up with evidence to substantiate them. Because if you don’t buy the conspiracy theory, you must be in on the conspiracy!


Is Ventura going to be campaigning under *that* name or his birth name, Janos?


Thanks, I started to throw up in my mouth when I saw the Headline and Picture. horrible thing to do to HOW Alumnus


you made me puke in my mouth


This will never happen. You can’t fit that much stupid and crazy into one room.

Oh, and the Ronulans are already coming out of hibernation in NH, God help me.

Old Trooper

Right now, in the dark part of his basement, Alex Jones is running off a load at the thought of this candidacy team. He’s had both of them on his radio show in recent days and I’m sure, when Jesse mentioned teaming with Paul, he made messy in his drawers.


I would love to see this, but I think if it happened higher powers might try to “get them out of office” like they did with Kennedy


Which Kennedy, exactly, got laughed out of office? Let us know, Ventura, would you?


It’s not meant to win.

The ticket is meant to generate interest in book sales, TV ventures, and speaking gigs.

The best joke will be who kisses Paul/Janos’s a$$es the most to ensure Ronulans swing the primary votes in his or her favor. Last time it was Senator McCain. This time?