The healing power of cigarettes

| April 6, 2011

Everyone who sent me this article in their email subject line reading “Marine takes sniper shot to the head and lights up a cigarette 15 minutes later”, so I just assume that the cigarette is the most important part of the story;

Early March 4 in Helmand province, Boothroyd, attached to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, was on a rooftop providing over-watch for a local security patrol. It was his first deployment. Insurgents opened fire, “and I got hit by the first bullet,” he said.

The bullet pierced his helmet. The Kevlar caught and turned the round, he said, “so instead of going in and thrashing my skull,” it entered through the neck and lodged itself above and behind his right ear

So, I’m guessing that smoking a cigarette after getting shot in the head will save your life, judging by the importance of the cigarette in the story. I’m also assuming that smoking more cigarettes will prevent head shots, too. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not taking a chance.

Category: War Stories

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Prayers out to this Marine for a speedy recovery.

Oh, and if he needs any more cigarettes, I’ll buy him a carton!