Help from Internet Sleuths

| February 16, 2011

Give you what I have, and see what you can come up with. Each year the Air Force and others send out PSAs to be used on radio stations. Today, a lady that sent them out got this reply:

From: Blake Gardner []
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:38 AM
To: Barbara Goodwill
Subject: KNBO


I am the new tech guy at what was once KNBO radio station.

I did not play your USAF Christmas PSA because of inappropriate content.

Please do not send any more fascist propaganda.



War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

KNBO used to be this station:

Apparently they got bought out?

I found this clowns facebook page, by virtue of the fact that his email shows up on a page where he lost his phone.

I sent him an email, without reply.

Trying to find out what station he works for, where he lives etc. Since he won’t reply to my email, just have to do it the old fashioned way, put out a bounty from TAH for the internet ninjas. Basically I want to know if it is the official policy of his radio station that the Air Force is sending out “Fascist Propaganda.”

Any help is appreciated.

UPDATE: I think that station became this one:

But, a Christian station saying that seems odd, no? Can’t find a phone number for them though.

Category: Politics

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If this is the old KNBO, their number was:
(903) 628-2561

(903) 628-2465

They are listed in New Boston, TX where this douchebag seems to reside.


Maybe someone at the New Boston 1st Baptist Church can help. He was listed in their church bulliten last summer for having a birthday on July 25th.

May not be the same dude but New Boston, TX is a tiny little pissant town, so maybe?


Brother Ken seems to be leading this flock.


Looks like he might be a Christian Rock hero too.


also seems to know more about math than geo-politics:


KNBO Radio 1530 AM, New Boston TX (that info is above)
KLBW Radio 1530 AM, New Boston TX. Religious progamming. Owned by Chapel of Light, New Boston, (903) 628-8718.

(I’m not sure how two radio stations could share the same frequency, but that’s the info on the ‘Net.)


Blake seems to be on a “debate team” somewhere out there. Hanging with his homies in high school. That’s apparently why the “band” he’s the “lead guitar” for hasn’t yet appeared on MTV, or American Idol. Not enough time for practice, Blake’s too busy making an ass of himself.
As for his response, if it wasn’t done on the station’s e-mail program, I’d think that he just happened to see the PSA while the band was performing all their hits at the radio station, and decided to be a much bigger loser than he already is. Or, he’s the janitor and pirated the address and fired off his own reply.


Try this one
Contact: Call 512-346-8255


Chapel of Light Radio Station-KLBW

1198 Daniels Chapel Rd

New Boston, Texas

Ph.: 903.628.2561/Fax: 903.628.2562


Got a station website:


Chapel of Light Radio Station-KLBW


oOPs, Pinto beat me to it. lol


TSO, my thinking is he got a hold of the letter, and, being an asshat, sent his own e-mail reply. Hence, the use of his gmail account, rather than the station’s.


Probably not, although I think the Justin Timberlake look on his FB page is just so……ghey?


If he is the tech guy at a radio station where the live feed doesn’t work and most of the links on the web page are dead, is it any wonder that he would have to reply through a gmail account? My guess is that asshat can’t get the Outlook server to boot, either.


There does not seem to be a viable link for the station, the station’s producer, the talk show host (who has moved on), or even the Chapel of Light. Curious.


Chapel of Light Radio Station-KLBW is an affiliate station of IRN USA RADIO NEWS.

Their affiliate relations contact is Kelli Deshan. Phone number 800-829-8111 ext. 1125.
Cell number is 901-573-2840. Email is


Just a thought but since he actually was stupid enough to put into print the words “fascist propaganda”, doesn’t that count as slander opening him to lawsuit?


#24, I doubt it as he sent it to her personally with no thought of it going viral.

If that is the right douche-nozzle’s FB page, all I can say is, based on what I see and have read, he’s a 100% pole smoking bitch, period.

Hopefully, someone will confirm who he is, and more importantly, if he actually works for and is allowed to represent the station in question in that manner.

If not, he may have some “splaining” to do during a “Come to Jesus” session with station management and/or owner(s).


God I love this place.

B'emet Or

Thanks for the link to his FB page…….

AW1 Tim

Dude may also have a twitter account:

Sounds like the fellow to me. 🙂

B'emet Or

I just sent him a note as well……and if I don’t hear back from him, I let him know that I’ll be contacting his friends, and even if he goes private….I screen shot the entire list.

he will be found.

Doc Bailey

AW1t, that can’t be him he talks about turning 5-0. still seems like a douche.

John you weren’t kidding about Ninjas. Remind me never to piss y’all off.


Tim, like Doc said, I doubt that’s him. That guy is a photog in LA, I think.
This “social activist” will probably drop off FB for a while, then whine to his “friends” how the evil war mongers drove him off of it.


Stonewall, “propaganda” is defined as publishing information favorable to the opinion of the organization or cause.

It doesn’t have to be a lie to be propaganda, so that alone isn’t libel, despite popular perception that it connotes lies.

And I don’t think the AF can claim libel, even if called “fascist” or “communist.”

But if “propagandist” were libelous, I’d be a rich man, as well as own michael-yon-online!

AS to the JA in question, sounds to me like the researchers are at work, w/o my help, and that the JA in question is too idiotic to even run his site website, and may be having problems with his personal email and FB accounts.

I’m not saying the search should be called off, but he sounds like he may have problems tying his shoes, and clearly has no concept what “facism” is.

Bubblehead Ray

Well, reading his sign off is enlightening. If “Ignorance is Strength” this fucktard must be the Incredible Hulk.


TSO – Ran call signs through FCC. No record of either call sign in database. Power searched all AM radio classes (A-D)to be sure, no records found.


So, from reading through Louisiana College news, this guy is a master debater.


How stupid did my little moniker look? Not even spelled correctly.

Old Trooper

I spent a bit of time checking on this stuff, but to no avail. I don’t think the reason this dude didn’t play the PSA is because of his personal bias, but rather that he can’t figure out how to do it, since the station website doesn’t even have any content in the pages (if he is responsible for tech, I would hate to meet who their webmaster is). Plus, if he does work at a Christian radio station; how do they square his “interests” from his facebook page with their Christian message? I noticed that first thing; “sex, drugs, and rock n roll”? Not hardly something that would be preached on air at a Christian station.

B'emet Or

Ok I just found out that one of his “friends” is either in the military or has been, I’m going to contact him, and see where it takes me. It may be better if one of you military guys contact him because you can talk the talk with him. If you go through his pics he’s in uniform. He probably won’t appreciate his “friends” fascist comment.

He’s one of the first friends on this a-holes list.


This may be a long shot, but I found a couple of phone numbers. His Mother’s name may be Patti and his Father is Dan. They live in McKinney, TX. It shows a Blake without a phone number but parents are listed (972) 542-5276
This may be a brother Daniel J and phone number (972) 5423793

Blake Gardner
1600 Heritage Dr, Apt 1324
McKinney, TX

New Boston, TX to McKinney, TX is about 2-3 hrs away.

This is all public record.

Hope these help

Blake gardner

dude that guy even looks like me, and that is a fake page btw. i had a profile pic just like that. its sick that you guys are looking for me or whoever this is. what the fuck you gonna do when you find me bitch?