Quickest way to prove you’re a dick

| February 16, 2011

I’ve never heard of this ‘tard, Nir Rosen, but Laughing Wolf says he helped Taliban get through checkpoints with his credentials in AFghanistan. But anyway, he has something against Lara Logan because somehow she “glorified war” and she’s a “war monger”. So he put his thoughts down in Twitter recorded for history;

I’m sure you thousands of women appreciate that Rosen is so nonchalant about your terror. I’m also sure that more women get groped than I can imagine and I accept that despite the fact that I’ve never groped a woman, or felt inclined to do that, it happens everyday.

I have a feeling that if it had been Rachel Maddow or some other leftist journalist who never felt the need to tell the truth about the wars or the troops, I would have felt the same level of sympathy for her, but Rosen would have been outraged beyond words. That is if she was groped by white men.

All of you ladies who have been groped at a Tea Party gathering, or even an anti-war protest raise your hands. Yeah, not likely…but Rosen felt the need to defend Egyptian men against the evil woman who tempted them to suddenly act like a pack of baboons. I’ve been in the middle of protests in the US which were mostly Arab men and I can believe that they can be ape-like in the right circumstances.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: General Whackos

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Report says he’s resigned his position at NYU. And being exceptionally cowardly in his excuses for making his initial comments.

Expect to see become Gender Relations Czar in our government any day now.


Yeah, and he seems surprised that his comments were public domain? Perfect fit for this administration, clueless and classless!!
And from what I read, he used his press credentials to get the Talibs through an Afghan checkpoint. He’s just an AQ apologist and sympathizer, who hates the US. I read a couple of his hit pieces and an interview with him. The reason that AQ hates the US, according to this asshat, is because of Kashmir and “Palestine”. If we’d just force the Jooooooooooos to give up everything they’ve built and turn it over to the Pallys and just march happily into the overns again, and tell India to give up Kashmir, everything would be unicorns and lollipops.


Throat punch anyone?


Also listed as a “former fellow” on the “New America Foundation” website.

Looks like Rosen really stomped all over his pee-pee…an object lesson in hubris as practiced by a tool.



I’m confused… based on remarks by Sandra Bernhard in 2008 about Sarah Palin, I thought liberals thought gang rape was funny. Why would he need to resign from NYU?


If he used his press credentials to get tailban through checkpoints: i think he needs a 1 way ticket to getmo or at least put on terrorist watch and no fly lists.


Who does hillary clinton report to in the goggle state department


Larry, putting him on a no-fly list would require the TSA to stop groping 7 and 8 year olds, and the Feeb’s to actually do something. Can you really see that happening?


She’s a war monger, his user icon has an AK-47 in it.



I don’t think “resigned” is the right way to put it from what I read. Seems the liberals in charge of the college he was at were all fine and dandy with his anti-war, liberal screeds until he attacked a women and then the armpit haired feminists at the school did their cloud of screeching harpy routine and he barely escaped with his life. I think he was given an ultimatum as well he should have been. A woman was sexually assaulted by the 7th Century sand monkies that Obama seems to love. No fun should be made of that situation.