MoveOn won’t

| August 5, 2008

Concretebob emailed me last night that MoveOn dot Org plans to “push back hard” against the House Republicans who are staging a revolt on the floor of Congress this week. Bob pointed me to a Free Republic link that had the call to action from MoveOn;

Emergency Rally to Stop Big Oil Gimmicks.

To make sure all our voices are heard, we’re going to rally in front of the Capitol tomorrow afternoon at 4 P.M.

Can you make it?

Here are the details:

What: Rally to Stop Big Oil Gimmicks

Where: US Capitol Building Meet in front of Grant Memorial (statue of Grant on a Horse) On the Mall, 1st Street, between Pennsylvania Avenue and Maryland Avenue, below the west front of the United States Capitol Building

When: 4 PM EST

The Hill reports from MoveOn’s press release;

“Republicans have been escalating their attacks on [Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.)] and the Democrats over oil drilling, and we need to push back hard,” the group said in an e-mail to supporters, asking them to come to a 4 p.m. rally at the Capitol.

“Speaker Pelosi blocked their plan because it won’t help lower gas prices—but it will line the pockets of Big Oil executives, the same people donating millions of dollars to Republicans,” the e-mail said. “But Republicans are working hard to make it seem like they’re fighting for cash-strapped commuters—and not the oil companies who wrote their plan.”

The group plans to point to the ties between the GOP and Big Oil.

So the Republicans must be getting under the Left’s skin. Of course Democrats can’t pay the Republicans any attention because they’d appear to be standing in the way of developing our own resources, so they mobilized the special interest groups to do their dirty work for them.

CNN reported last week that the majority of Americans support drilling domestically;

The poll, which surveyed more than 500 adults by phone in July, found that 69% of respondents support the idea of offshore drilling, while 30% opposed it. In June, 73% were in favor of offshore drilling.

Zogby got the same numbers in June;

Three in four likely voters – 74% – support off-shore drilling for oil in U.S. coastal waters and more than half (59%) also favor drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.

But MoveOn has never been about the majority of Americans anyway – just for advancing their own narrow, childish interests. Those same poll numbers were enough for MoveOn to decide that we shouldn’t impeach Clinton.

Anyway I bagged my trip to the House floor this morning in favor of covering the MoveOn protest…and the Free Republic’s counter-protest…since it’s my milieu, so to speak.

Category: Economy, Politics

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DRILL EVERYWHERE AND DRILL OFTEN!!!! That should be our policy right now!
Bunch of cry babies on the hill is all I see. The public says drill, SO LET’S DRILL!
SAN FRAN NAN, “Living Dead” Ried and the Dems need to get their asses moving on this not too