Help IVAW name their new coffeehouse
OK, so IVAW is getting themselves a new coffeehouse in Washington, outside the gates of Ft Lewis. I just watched this (surprisingly well done) video documenting their search and the thinking going into it.
Anyway, totally think the (tentative) name, “Ogive Plunger” sucks. It’s a piece on the Mk19, which is the preferred weapon of an IVAW member when telling a story about shooting unarmed women carrying groceries. It makes a distinctive noise when told to you through the sobs of the largely ridiculous audience, and the quiet chuckling of the 2 asshat bloggers in the back.
Anyway, I thought of three right off the bat which I think work well, but thought maybe our readers could come up with more.
- AR 670-1 (Kinda catchy, this references an army regulation regarding proper wearing of the uniform which is still unread by 87.3% of their members.)
- Big Chicken Dinner. (While not serving actual chicken, the BCD refers to Bad Conduct Discharges, which most the imbibers of Juan Valdez’s best will likely have.)
- Shit on a Stick in the Rain. (Only drawback: might not be family friendly.)
Your thoughts?
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
I was thinking USAFAEBCD (USAF Academy Education Bad Conduct Discharge) after the IVAW President of the Rochester Chapter… 🙂
The temple of the limp lizzards.
In a play run by Temple University, there’s a similar story, only the woman was carrying a baby…
TSO: I used to go to UMASS Temple Basketball games, and based on the area it was in, I would be surprised if the area didn’t have people with Mk19s. “The stadium? Yeah, just take a left after the third burning car, you can’t miss it.” Going to the games was like pretending you were Snake Pliskin.
I protested Michale Moore at Temple’s Leicouris Center. That was a trip.
How bout Che’s Java Joint, where ancient 60s ideologies about GI resistance live on. Maybe the geezerly Jane Fonda will drop in for a cup of joe while she’s one her way from SF to Seattle.
Che’s Java Hut sounds good to me. The jingle can be “We’re Fonda Coffee, but we don’t know Beans”
Ugh, is there nothing lower than a snake’s balls for these asshats? How about a tall dou-che(rhymes w Che)java? Douche= dou+che=perfect fit for IVAW…
Raoul Deming Says:
Going to the games was like pretending you were Snake Pliskin.
Snake, I thought you were dead…
Lt Nixon & Ray,
I think you both have it dead on. Although, IVAW could also give out those little mark off cards and after ten cups, you get a free red Che’ t-shirt.
Or one could just go to Blackfive and order a “don’t be a Douche” t-shirt designed by UJ and senf it to Elvis….hahahaha. His hero.