Obama’s Lead Continues to Evaporate

| August 1, 2008

This is not good news for the Obama camp.

PRINCETON, NJ — According to Gallup Poll Daily tracking from July 29-31, John McCain and Barack Obama are now tied at 44% in the preferences of national registered voters.

The contrast between Obama’s recent advantage over McCain (ranging from six to nine points) and today’s result is particularly notable because this is McCain’s strongest showing in over a month. The last time Gallup found the race exactly tied was in late June. By contrast, in the weeks just prior to Obama’s overseas trip, he had led the race by an average of four points.

Internationally however, Obama is still enjoying huge support among socialists is Germany and France; and of course he has a landslide sized lead among Hamas, Hezzbollah, Iran and the al-Qeada training camps in Pakistan.

Though it should be noted that international terrorist and their sponsors do not count in the electoral vote.

Category: Politics

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Perhaps people are beginning to realize he’s nothing but a black racist Marxist.


I hope Wheeler isn’t off opening a vein somewhere…

Mike W

Obama is again showing his two faces by backtracking on off shore drilling.Now he would consider it,before itt was a right wing hoax. Casey Jones(Obama) is in the engine and the train has come over the peak and heading down hill w/o brakes. It’s a runaway.


[…] Obama’s Lead Continues to Evaporate – This Ain’t Hell […]

richard wheeler

Mike My $100 bet on Obama still on the table.You still giving all your cash to Mac?


RW –

You know what my policy is on gambling and politics, besides, you’re better off giving that money to Barry than me – he needs it more than I do.

By the way, I keep an account at MyBarackObama.com just to spy on his supporters, and you can see the fear setting in. One Obamunist (Matt Kerley) was ranting “This week has been a horrible week for Senator Obama’s campaign, just horrible…I DO NOT WANT THIS TO BECOME KERRY 2!!!!!!!”.

I hate to admit it, but I’m beginning to develop a bad case of schadenfreude.

richard wheeler

MIKE If all Mac’s supporters are as scared as you Barack should cruise.You’d be lucky to accumulate in a lifetime what Obama raises in a week.