Are You Looking Forward to Denver as much as I am?
The New York Daily News is reporting that Hillary Clinton has requested to not be nominated during the Democrat convention in Denver.
Hillary Clinton has decided against being nominated for President at the Democrats’ Denver convention, but many of her more die-hard partisans may vote for her anyway.
A source close to the New York senator confirmed she won’t file a formal request to the convention asking to be nominated along with Barack Obama, who eked out the victory in their fierce primary slugfest.
“She is not going to submit the signed request,” the insider told the Daily News. “People are still circulating petitions on her behalf, but this is a done deal.”
Hillary surrogate and former white house minion Lanny Davis is still demanding that Hillary be put on the ticket.
Wonkette apparently does not share his enthusiasm or reasoning:
…he wrote for the Wall Street Journal explaining why Hillary Clinton is the best, nay, the ONLY option for vice president if Barack Obama wants to be elected King of America.
Argument 1: Clinton will not energize the Republican base, and in fact would bring Republicans over to vote for the Democratic ticket.
Argument 2: Clinton, by virtue of her femaleness, will reinforce Obama’s message of new politics and change.
Bill Clinton will behave himself and not be a pain in the ass at all.
In other news, 2 plus 2 now equals 6, that email really did come from a desperately wealthy gentleman in Nigeria, and Lanny Davis is not a douchesack. Proof: he is now a columnist in the Washington Times.
At least one of Wonkette’s commenters seems to see the real reason that no sane person would select Hillary as VP:
Argument #3: Should President Obama accidently suffocate his black ass by clamping a pillow over his face, Hillary will be ready on day one.
This is only going to get better.
Category: Politics
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