We Are Not Your Soldiers; teacher reactions

| December 10, 2010

You remember “We Are Not Your Soldiers”, right? It’s the name of a program sponsored by World Can’t Wait, the far Leftist organization which give voice to morons like Elaine Brower, Robin Long and Matthis in your children’s schools. It’s an attempt to disrupt the military recruitment effort – an effort that has gone on as long as there have been recruiters. Well, here are some teacher reactions to to the one-sided seminar their students got;

Teacher from Paul Robeson High School [Brooklyn, NY (718) 774-0300] wrote this after having the We Are Not Your Soldiers Tour in her classroom:

At the time the “We Are Not Your Soldiers” tour visited Paul Robeson high school, my students were preparing to take the New York State Regents exam. Many of my students have failed the exam at least two times. As their last shot before making the decision to drop out or get a GED, I was concerned that failing the regents exam would encourage some my students to join the military instead.

So now this bubblehead teacher, who hasn’t taught his/her students to the minimum requirements of the State Board of Regents is suddenly worried about their future. Well, as long as that future doesn’t include a stint in the military. And the military doesn’t want morons in their ranks, but the teaching profession doesn’t know that, or they don’t want to know that.

From Lavie Raven, teacher at Little Village High School [Chicago, IL (773) 535-4200]

The recruitment of our young people for violent wars that have little meaning and rare efficacy, is a criminal offense itself. World Cant Wait has come and talked to students at the Multicultural Arts School the last three years….

Three years? Really? Would it be better if the military recruited old people, Lavie? No one is jerking them out of school,or rounding them up in cattle cars and driving them to war…so explain how recruiting is a criminal offense, you dense cow.

David Strausbaugh, teacher at Worthington Kilbourne High School Columbus, OH [(614) 883-2550]

“Liz Lazdens and Anthony Wagner, speaking on behalf of World Can’t Wait, recently spoke to classes at our school. They were very organized and informed and the students were engaged in an interactive manner. Anthony’s accounts of his experiences while fighting in Iraq made a particularly strong impression on the students. If teachers are seeking to create discussion about American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and challenge students to think about how schools should address military recruitment then I would recommend they consider inviting speakers from World Can’t Wait.”

Young people from end-to-end of this country have improved their lives by spending a few years in the military. Most were affected more profoundly than they were by their idiot teachers who tried to force their inexperienced opinions on their students. When are teachers going to start teaching and stop indoctrinating students?

How many students have been condemned to a life of ignorance and poverty because of these idiot do-gooders?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Usual Suspects

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Doc Bailey

Finding out the “truth”? Right. . . about that.

Look I’ll say it again War sucks. But there is indeed a true nobility in placing one’s mortal body between wars desolation and his loved ones.

to that first teacher: obviously she doesn’t know YOU NEED A WAIVER TO JOIN WITH A GED! we do not take drop outs, unless they’re damn motivated, and we don’t take idiots.

To the second teacher: “Multi-cultural arts?” does that have any Real World application? I’m sure anyone going there is already batting a thousand on a liberal score card so why bother? Also: it’s pretty damn hard to get an ACTUAL job with no experience, and not a technical skill to your name. If, however you were to join the military, almost any employer will look favorably on that experinece and technical skill. Just because you join the military doesn’t mean you’re going strait to the front. Look at the Chair Force.

to the Third teacher: If you are really interested in a policy debate on Iraq, I would invite you to also have a member of Jaysh al-Mahdi join your classroom. I’m sure his tales of all the good and wonderful things HE’S done will provide an illuminating and enlightened atmosphere.

if this is the class and caliber of our teachers it really is no small wonder that kids are all acting like retards.


Someone might want to explain to these mouth-breathers that if they can’t pass basic equivalency exams such as the Regents, they’re not exactly going to have an easy time cutting the necessary AFQT to enlist.

Oh, and times might have changed somewhat, but when I was recruiting, in order to join with a non-traditional (read: GED) graduation, you had to be an UMG on the ASVAB (over 50), and otherwise be so clean you squeaked. Even then, the number of non-trad waivers granted was pretty minimal (less than 5 percent of contracts.)

Something tells me that our idiot teachers aren’t overly familiar with Latin, specifically the phrase, “Si vis pacem, para bellum.” Yes, I know it was Thucydides who originally said it and it was adopted by Cicero. (And ya’ll though we were dumb.)

Memo to idiot WCW and teacher sycophants: Tua mater est vacca foeda.

Old Tanker

Teachers like this are part of the reason I left teaching, and not the science teachers. I had an English teacher who wanted her students to write a paper on Global Warming (read Man-made) and wondered if I wanted to help her grade them on the scientific merit. I said if they are going to argue that it’s AGW then they aren’t going to like the grade. She said “everyone’s entitled to their opinion” I asked her to find where “opinion” fits into the scientific method…I got out of grading those papers…

On a side note a couple of the most flattering things that ever happened to me while teaching was one student asking me to write a recommendation for his Eagle Scout, he said it was because I was a Vet and he thought it would carry more weight 🙂 Great student and he made Eagle Scout. Another student used to come in after class frequently to ask me what it was like being in the Army, he loved to hear the stories. Later he asked me for a recommendation for his application to Annapolis, he wanted to be a Marine (don’t know where I went wrong with that one 😉 ) He didn’t make it to Annapolis but did join the Marines. He had the right attitude, I have no doubt he did very well as a Marine. Those were the reasons it was difficult to leave teaching…

In short Doc, they’re not all acting like ritards! You made through okay!

Junior AG

“So now this bubblehead teacher, who hasn’t taught his/her students to the minimum requirements of the State Board of Regents”- The “benefit” of Teachers Unions in a nutshell…
If you love your kids, homeschool or private school ’em, the public fool system is useless as tits on a boar..


As a former officer, and as a current teacher I would point something out about the first teacher’s comment. Those students are only going to pass that exam if they’ve made the effort to learn the material. If they haven’t then I’ve got news for you: The US military doesn’t want them.

As for this organization: You’re welcome. I stood up and did my duty to protect your right to run your mouth and spread lies. Many of the other people on this board did the same. We have done something special with our lives. What can you say?

Trigger Mike

After calling the Paul Robeson High School in Brooklyn, NY the principal was very rude, would not even engage in a conversation with me once I told her I was an Iraq Vet. It was very difficult to get a word in at all. Very rude and unprofessional. Her name is: Katherine Kefalas and you can reach her at 718-774-0300. Zero out to the operator to be connected. If she does the same to you get in contact with the Parent Coordinator Geneva Bowser and/or High School Superintendent Office Phone at 718-968-6110 and also the Borough Director of Family Engagement Office Phone at 718-935-4638.

Trigger Mike

Just got off the phone with e Superintendent of Robeson High and that number 718-968-6110 goes directly to her. She was polite and listen to what I had to say and said she would talk to the principal. I’m not sure what will be done but she is the person you should call.


I must admit that I was surprised when I recently went back to school. Did some time in a liberal arts college right out of high school and quit because of the extreme-left, hippie attitude that infected everything. Was expecting that when I returned to the local community college but, shockingly enough, my History teacher and my Political Science teachers are both right-wingers and make no excuses about it. Of course, my Poli-Sci teachers pointed out that they don’t belong to any union and tend to be more like small franchisees renting out teaching space at the school. Maybe that has something to do with it.

So, in a nutshell, not all teachers are idiots. I, for one, am going back to school to follow my teachers’ example and try to correct some of the stupidity out there.

You can’t fix stupid….but sometimes you can have fun messing with! 🙂

Old Tanker

Sounds like a good idea. I think they need to know a little background about the people they are letting in their schools….like a certain person who was dealing shrooms on a playground and is now invited in to be around kids again…the parents may certainly want to know.

Trigger Mike

Please call. I will call the other schools shortly. I just need to let them open first then it’s on with more calls.


Oh, and Jonn, some of us bubbleheads are offended by your use of the word. Just sayin.


ETA: Then again, look who the school is named after:


Apologies for using “teh Wiki” as a first source, but figured what the hell.


Oh, ______ education majors. They’re so cute. Thinking that they know things and such.

Miss Ladybug

I attempted to get into education (elementary) because I believe we shouldn’t cede that ground to the Lefties. It’s just been much harder than I anticipated in getting that first teaching job, and at this point I likely won’t ever have a paying teaching gig. I don’t speak Spanish (they always need bilingual teachers…) and I’m not secondary math or science…

My dad – a veteran – now teaches at a local high school. He’s certified for history and German (he was a German linguist in the Army).

Trigger Mike

It’s pain in the ass to get anyone at Little Village. It also appears that it is several academies on one campus:


Old Tanker

Miss Ladybug
lower el is the hardest to get into for sure. Hell, I’m certified in Chemistry and Physics and when I lost my job a couple of years ago I tried to go back into teaching. I interviewed at the High School I graduated from, my old boss is on the school board, my wife’s cousin is President of the school board, and they ONLY interviewed teachers certified in both Chemistry and Physics…..there were 5 of us there (that’s alot for that cert) and I didn’t get the job…


Trigger Mike–another “feel good” school. 2+2=5 in their world, and dammit, if that’s what it is to THEM, isn’t that what’s important?


I’ll say that if the attitudes and opinions of those three students were a reflection of most of their classmates then the military will not suffer from their absence anyhow. Let them rant and rave about how the military is evil from behind the speaker of the fast food joint that their Feel Good High School Relative Equivilancy Degree has qualified them for.
If that presentation saves one Officer from having to waste their time with an Article Fifteen proceeding, One NCO from having to deal with that attitude constantly or one Junior Enlisted from having to take up their slack then let them be convinced the military is not the place for them.


“To the second teacher: “Multi-cultural arts?” does that have any Real World application?” Sure it does, Doc. Lots of them go on to “Women’s Studies”. Right, Sandra Korn?
As for the idiot who even thinks that “schools should address military recruitment”, it sounds like he knows that the schools have to allow it, or lose federal funding, and he got his panties in a wad.

Doc Bailey

notice the first two are in Chicago, and Brooklyn? two place with extremely high crime rates, and what was the term I heard used? oh yes “ethnic issues”


Very true, Doc. Hell, the Brooklyn DA’s office hired an intern who was an illegal alien. Maybe that was part of his effort to get crime off the streets?

Trigger Mike

Listen to the WCW moron talk to these black students and watch the racism she displays…


Wow just wow. Talk about poisoning the youth of America. If it wasn’t for the Army I would be in a world of hurt right about now. I agree with George if they don’t want to be in the military fine that makes room for someone who wants to be there and do his/her part.


Now, I ask you: what kind of news event would it have been if all the kiddies had been waving American flags and baking cookies for our troops overseas?

(Sarcasm very much intended.)


Hmm… I watched the Elaine Brouwer vid. Oy. I just do not understand her motivation. Nasty stuff she is made of.

#22 Trigger Mike
WCW vid… my head hurts. I wanted to stop watching it half way through her hip-ness, but watched it to the end waiting for some redeeming qualities. Sadly, found none.

Miss Ladybug

OT~ I wish I’d realized the situation re: elementary ed before I went back to school. May have made a different choice. You were always hearing “we need teachers”. Well, yeah, BUT… At this point in time, if anyone asked me, I would warn them away from education UNLESS they were pursuing either bilingual (and even if I spoke Spanish, I couldn’t do it because they and/or their parents are probably illegals and I don’t know if I could keep my attitudes about that out of my job), secondary math or science, or special education. My BBA is in accounting, so I didn’t really have enough hours to go for a cert in anything practical that wouldn’t have required more hours in the content area (I have a good general knowledge and didn’t “study” for the “content” area for my EC-4 cert – if I did the 4-8, I’d have to brush up on some math/science/social studies that I don’t use regularly). At this point, I’m 5+ years down the road from going back to school and all I have to show for it is a pretty piece of paper that says I hold a M.Ed, just over $20k in student loans, other debt I didn’t have before (because of being underemployed so long – I was virtually debt free, except for my car loan, when I went back to school). Now, it will take a while for me to dig myself out of the financial hole I dug for myself with the decision to try to become an elementary teacher. I look at it this way, though: if I ever find “Mr. Right” and have kids of my own, I will have the knowledge for lesson planning and the different ways different people do better at learning to home-school my children….

Doc Bailey

Is it possible for someone, hopefully one of us who isn’t bat shit insane, to offer an opposing view point?

“Evil triumphs when good men do nothing”

Not gonna say WCW is EVIL, but they are clearly in the Negative column.

Trigger Mike

Doc, I am working on contacting the other schools next week. I had to hold off on the others because I have a job and a life.


Reminds me of a De-motivator I saw. “Protesters: Because jobs aren’t for everybody.” so true and so sad.


As the POIC and LPO for the recruit training unit at our base, my first and foremost instruction to the noobs was as follows: I cannot disrespect you and neither can any of my instructors. In order to show someone disrespect you must first have respect for them. Until you show me that you deserve respect and the ability to wear the same uniform as I am you will be treated as such. I also told many a recruit that there is no discrimination among my ranks because I and all of my instructors don’t like any of them equally. My instruction was that before any of my guys went to Great Lakes, I had to make sure they would not wash out. I had a 100% graduation rate over 6 years and have watched all but one deploy, advance, excel, and show all the qualities of soon to be Chiefs. I have also watched 2 put on the anchors. To see the disdain toward the military that I see here makes me ill but I know that if any of these shit bags crossed my quarterdeck, they would first be miserable and then they would wash out before they had the chance to embarass myself, my instructors, and my uniform.


ROFL! I wuv each and every one of ya’ll!



Off to ladybugs blog! I feel a cav raiding party coming on…