IAVA’s Paul Rieckhoff: This Senate sucks a lot

| December 13, 2010

Remember all of the shit we went through with IAVA’s scorecard the last two election cycles (2008 and 2010 and interim the 2009 post about “nonpartisan IAVA“)? Well, Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff writes in the Huffington Post today;

So how much does this Senate suck?

A lot.

This has definitely been a year of incredible frustration and stagnation in Washington. Without a doubt, it’s the worst I’ve seen it in my short time working as an advocate on Capitol Hill. But in the last week, the inaction and incompetence in Congress was taken to a whole new level. This Senate is so backwards, so ineffective, so lacking in leadership, it’s almost hard to put it into words. Unless you use a term that comes from the military: FUBAR.

Hey, um, fuckstick, you helped put them there. All of that bullshit “nonpartisanship”, stacked and manipulated vote rating got you the current cluster of mental midgets in Congress. And it’s only going to get worse, Paul. The Blue Dog Democrats have been replaced by hardcore Republicans – and the morons like Jim McDermott and Nancy Pelosi who you gave high ratings are only going to get more hardheaded. Yeah, I know they’re not in the Senate, but you get the gist, right?

That’s why when you sent me a personal invitation to your latest IAVA social circle jerk, I didn’t even bother to answer. You might want to reach out, but I’d rather cut your stupid dick off. I hope you enjoy your cows coming home to roost or some other stupid mixed metaphor. Dick.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

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I love how Paul blames “Obstructionists.” Yeah, well, had Reid taken DADT out, and allowed an up or down vote on that issue, the NDAA would have sailed through, and none of this shit would have been neccessary. Instead he tried to use a lame duck Congress to push through all his legislative wet dreams.

Additionally, I love how Paul cites the popularity of DADT without mentioning that 1/2 the Service Chiefs said that now is not the time.

Doc Bailey

its kind of a bad sign when you start talking in capitol letters. “We know what is Right, and Good and you are Obstructing.” (imagine a tone like talking to a child)

Does it bother anyone else that the senate, which is supposed to be a place to take time to actually debate things, is managing to pass some really F’d up bills as if tomorrow is not going to come? I expect that out of the House.


Absolutely bothered by the ease at which things sail through. It’s despicable at best. That’s what sent me to the first Chicago Tea Party. Too bad that even losing 63 seats isn’t having an effect…and too bad gaining that is not doing anything, if you get my drift.

B Woodman

Ummmm. . . . The new Congress hasn’t even taken their oath yet, or been seated, much less actually DONE anything.
Must be the current lame-duck session he’s bad-mouthing, the one he & his cronies helped put in.
Sucks to be you, asswipe. It’s only going to get worse for all’ya’all after January 20th.