The Child Nutrition Act to improve our National Security

| December 13, 2010

It’s not that I’m for starving kids, but I have to ask someone – what the hell is up with the “Child Nutrition Act” thingie that Obama signed today? Our kids are starving? Then why are we so worried about them being so damned fat at the same time? It seems to me that a suitable Liberal solution would be to take that Chunky away from that chunkie and give to a starving kid. Right? Joe?

With a war going on, we don’t have a defense budget, we don’t know how much of our pay check is going towards taxes after the 1st of next month. But, by God, we’re going to pry the Snickers out of the deathgrip of every butterball K through 12 in this country. From the Washington Post;

“We’ve seen the connection between what kids eat and how well they perform in school,” he said, speaking at Harriet Tubman Elementary School in Northwest Washington. “We need to make sure our kids have the energy and capacity to go toe-to-toe with their peers.”

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act will expand the number of children in school lunch programs by 115,000, increase the reimbursement rate to school districts for meals by six cents and replace the junk food available outside the cafeteria, such as in vending machines, with more healthful options.

Did you know that in DC schools, they feed kids breakfast, too? Did you also know that they feed kids breakfast and lunch through the summer break? Hey, I’m just wondering if you know, cuz I’m tellin’ you.

Michelle Obama has called childhood obesity a “national security issue” according to Michelle Malkin. it’s because kids are too fat to join the military…the military already has a cure for that problem.

If a child is still in the home where they got fat, nothing you do in school will help them. Their parents are probably lifetime porkers, too and don’t want their kids to join the military, anyway. If they were worried about military recruitment, they’d have outlawed IVAW in the schools, too.

Can they jerk the snack machines out of school – sure. I lived without them…but I’d go across the street to the gas station and buy crap. Are they going to put up a candy perimeter around schools like they’ve done for guns? Guns still get near schools. Guns, for Pete’s sake. they started putting fruit in those vending machines when they first allowed them in schools, until they discovered kids won’t lay out their change for fruit. Didn’t they ask…well…anyone?

Another stupid “Act” that makes everyone smile and feel good about themselves that either won’t accomplish anything or become so bloated and intrusive it’ll result in more legislation. Take your pick.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Schools

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$8B to serve lunch? And, looted from food stamp program no less.

At least Odumbo can claim a national security win.


I’ve preached this sermon so many times before… you know the reason kids are fat is BECAUSE of the nanny state– foodstamps make it so you can afford all kinds of pre made crap our parents NEVER bought.
I do disagree with one point– the candy perimeter. Kids are not allowed to leave the campus most of the time. Usually only juniors and seniors, and WALKING ACROSS THE STREET is way more than they have to do now.
And the Free lunch is no longer the lunch you got in school– with pizza on Fridays… it’s pizza, subs, whatever you want EVERY DAY. There’s a limit you can get free, but it’s not remotely nutritious. (maybe the subs… but that’s sketchy)
and Yes. Free Breakfast too. In the city school my kids went to intermittently (mostly to provide baby sitting service) everyone gets free breakfast, low income or not.
In the suburban school free lunch kids get free breakfast– which does involve fruit, thankfully, instead of those stupid “super donuts”.


It’s all about duplicity, shuck and jive and outright lies… The Obama administration can’t operate on anything else…


Whenever you see a bill signed into law that makes no sense, look for the riders on the bill. THAT’S where you’ll find what is going on. And usually, you end up cringing at it.


And this happy horseshit provides for school “nutrition” programs at schools like my kids’ who actually have the stones to call a Pop-Tart an entree on the breakfast calendar.

This is why I pack lunches.


Funny, when I was in elementary and junior high school, the lunches we had were anything BUT healthy. Can’t imagine much has improved since then.

Doc Bailey

Solution 1). Get those fuckers to do some Good PT. Its good for you, its good for me.

Solution 2). If you’re worried about nutrition make healthy food not taste like someone shit in your mouth (human centipede anyone?)

Solution 3). Instead of playing Xbox, put them in the Boy Scouts/Girl scouts, and go do something in the woods, or preferable out in the middle of nowhere.

while nutrition is important, and education about nutrition is important, we can not intrude on people’s right to make a bad decision. Although if they would take care of this in school there’s be less fat chicks at the bar WHICH I’M ALL IN FAVOR OF!


Agree with Pinto, look at the riders attached.

Reaganite Republican

National security threat…?

Yeah, if you drop them out of airplanes onto population centers and/or infrastructure, I guess lol

Someone needs to tell this shameless hypocrite to shut her pie-hole

Her own rear end resembles the back of a bus


If you have ever been behind a Food Stamp recipient in a grocery line( they’re the ones with the American Flag debit-cards) look at what they purchase. Chips, cookies, sugary”juices” and junk food. And what isn’t covered by Food Stamps,is paid for with Welfare payments.If they want to cut obesity,don’t allow these purchases-pretty simple. Of course, that would be Racist and Discriminatory.


Some parents do not take good care of their kids. Some people want to use that sad fact to take control of every child’s day.


And of course, Me-Shell was applauding this bill being signed in between bites of lobster.

Dipped in butter, of course.

Doc Bailey

I would like to point out that 80% of Philly is ineligible for Military service. Mostly that’s crime, but plenty of fat bodies there too.


I agree with Doc Bailey. Squat thrusts,pushups,and Jumping Jacks, followed by a 3 mile run at 0 Darkthirty. Then put’em
in the sandpit if they so much as draw a picture of a Snickers. Yeah and NO FAT CHICKS IN BARS!

Miss Ladybug

Actually, I think school menus are created by the districts. Subbing in elementary schools here in Austin, there are no vending machines for students. Except for Fridays, there are no “treats” available in the lunch line, either. I always made a point to pack my lunch so I wouldn’t be subjected to that mostly disgusting looking food. They’d have things like a slice of cheese pizza, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, a burrito, a taco, a “hamburger”, and I don’t remember what else. No fries, of course. Mac & cheese, fruit cups, a veggie. A choice of low fat/skim milk (or low fat chocolate milk), or juice at breakfast time. Breakfast food? French toast sticks, sausages that look like mini hot dogs, toast, not a Pop Tart to be seen. Of course, this is elementary and not high school. I’d have to ask Dad about that, since he’s a HS teacher now. Bottom line, school cafeteria food is gross, IMO. No telling what the chunky kids are eating at home, and kids just don’t go out and run and play after school like I did when I was a kid…


Oh, they’re playing, Ladybug.

X-Box, Wii, PS3…


They just want everyone dependent on the state for everything.

They also want control of the curriculum. This money always comes with strings attached. Further conditions for federal funding can be added at a later date. Schools find themselves being arm-twisted by the federal government whenever they allow this kind of money into the schools.

So our kids are starving and our kids are obese at the same time. So which is it?

Here’s my question. Considering the fact that a lot of these kids’ parents receive food stamps to feed their children, does that mean that they will receive less because the kids are eating two (and sometimes even three) meals a day outside of the home? Or do they get the same amount?


All of this has the feeling of pouring money down a rathole. Liberals love to design a program and spend a lot of money to address a problem. Then, after we’ve designed a program and spent a lot of money, they claim that the situation is as dire as ever. It’s like, what the hell did we spend all of that money for?

Will there ever be a point when liberals decide that we’ve done enough? I mean, will there ever be a time when we don’t read some press release in the newspaper about how kids aren’t getting their nutritious meals, or will this go on forever no matter how many times we let the liberals have the program that they want?


Y’all know you have an ad from Markos Moulitsos called American Taliban on your front page?

“How war sex, sin bind the Jihadists and the Amreican right”?


I love the random ads, couple weeks ago it was “how to find your gay mate while in the military”. ohhhhhkayyy.


I just got a free kids book for my new Kindle from your links! I’m so happy. 🙂 ok, on with your day.



Remember before you slander all Food Stamp users, that there are good people that have bad things happen and need to use the service temporarily.

If you don’t want the gov’t policing the trans fats you can eat in the restaurants, or what candy kids can use to fund raise in schools leave that shit at the door.

The people who are concurrent abusers of the food stamp and welfare programs are not taught how to buy the healthier choices, or how to budget money. They are not taught to think.

It is easy to see who abuses the system and who does not. It isn’t discriminatory, but true. I think if the schools were to go back to cooking actual food, instead of processed crap, the kids would be fine.
I remember the kinds of foods we got back in the 70’s and early 80’s. PBJ sandwich with chicken noodle soup or BBQ hot dogs served over mashed potatoes- Grilled cheeses with tomatoes.BLT’s, Ham and cheese sandwiches with apple or applesauce… French fries were not served. We had baked potatoes or chef salads in HS, PBJ…My kids hate the school food and pack their own lunch. It’s getting back to basics and nothing more.