Big Fat…, huh?

| October 20, 2010

Amy J sends us this video from the governor race in New Mexico. Diane Denish, Bill Richardson’s El-Tee is running for governor of the Adam Kokesh State (What? That’s not a topside view of Kokesh’s head exploding on the State flag? I thought…oh never mind). Well, here’s the video of her talking about her opponent taking border security money to pay…well, I’ve said too much.

Get your mind out of the gutter, Diane. Concentrate on the race.

Category: Liberals suck

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Actually, she’s “hard” to pass up.

Michael in MI

She seems pretty testy.

Adirondack Patriot

Breaking News: Barney Frank has hastily resigned his Massachusetts seat and plans to move immediately to New Mexico.

Old Tanker

You didn’t give out big fat hooters too? Sounds kinda discriminitory to me…


Well, if that’s not a PSA in waiting for the importance of the Teleprompter, I don’t know what is.

You just keep F&%kin that chicken, Diane.