VoteVets-endorsed candidate admits to stacking deck against voters

| October 20, 2010

Remember Eric Massa the VoteVets candidate who became a New York Congressman and eventually resigned in disgrace because he was accused of sexually harassing his male staff? Well, that brings us to Brian Lentz, another VoteVets candidate who is running for the seat in Pennsylvania recently vacated by yet another VoteVets candidate, Joe Sestak now running for Arlen Specter’s vacated Senate seat.

Well for months now Lentz has been denying that he had anything to do with getting a Tea Party candidate, Jim Schneller, on the ballot to make it a three-way race in his favor against Republican Pat Meehan. From The Hill;

“If somebody’s already made the decision to run, I didn’t think that ‘helping’ with the process of signature petitions was improper,” Lentz told told the Delaware County Daily Times editorial board in an interview.

Republicans have accused Democrats of helping set up Tea Party candidates as spoilers in several House and Senate races around the country. Democrats face a tough political environment this fall, when they are trying to maintain their congressional majorities against a GOP wave spurred in part by Tea Party groups.

From the Philadelphia Enquirer;

Schneller – whose past political activity includes filing a lawsuit challenging President Obama’s citizenship – began his campaign for Congress long before Lentz volunteers circulated petitions on his behalf. Lentz pressed that point on Tuesday. “I did not encourage him to run for office,” the Democrat said. “He made that decision on his own.”

Yeah, I think an Army officer turned county prosecutor would know that it’s unethical to prop up a candidate against his own opponent even if it’s not against the law – I hope the voters in Pennsylvania CD-7 understand.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: Veterans in politics

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To me, it seems like a cheaper campaign idea then paying for TV ads, and newspaper ads. If he’s smart enough to think outside the box, maybe it shows he’s the best candidate. Its really not that different then what every politician does. Do you support the republican running the “Latinos don’t vote” ads?