SPLC wants your $$$ to protect Morris Dees

| October 20, 2010

TSO sent me this fund raising letter from the Southern Poverty Law Center panty waists;

Scary right wingers are pounding at the door…send us money! Now! They’re disguised as children in witches masks and dressed in mummy bandages! Oh, scary.

What are they going to do…stuff the cash in sandbags and build a bunker?

In all, more than 30 people have been convicted of crimes in connection with plots to kill Morris or harm SPLC or its staff.

If the plots to kill Morris were as serious as the threat they’re on about always, there are probably more than a few girl scouts locked up for threatening Mo with a box of Samoas.

I love how they mention the Oklahoma bombing in the last line -raising that specter. Every time I see Mark Potok on TV he tells how SPLC predicted the OK Bombing just a few days before the attack.

That’s easy…if I was running around like Chicken Little warning that there’s an attack coming every day, odds are that I’ll be right on the money someday.

I just wonder who the old woman is in the picture there at the end.

Category: SPLC

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“Security measures.” Let’s see…oh, of course! They want to sit at their computers and eat their granola, while big, scary guys dressed in black, with machine guns, dogs, and cameras at the ready, prowl the corridors and grounds to make sure they’re safe!

And THEY’RE worried about armed militias? It’s all WE can do to keep up!!


Unreal. Their 2009 total operating fund assets equaled $31,767,622 and they can’t afford to employ reasonable security measures?

What a joke.


I did a google on that “internet posting” threat and got nothing.

So, I’ll bite: where is this threat located?


Don’t look now, but you probably just became a “hate group.” 1701 and counting.


If I take a dump in a bag and send it to them ,could that be considered a contribution for tax purposes?


They will accuse you of trying to incite bio warfare against them now…



It’s located in their head…..I did the same as you have, ZIPPO!

Nice try, whoever the old looking woman is in that photo.


I’m sure that SPLC has done a LOT of things to deserve threats against them, but seriously, this is like the little boy who cried, “Wolf”. The militias?? The militias are more concerned with the threats on the border, threats inside the US and a Government out of control than they are with SPLC.

Old Trooper

As with any person/group trying to maintain a little relevance, they are attempting to create a story involving them as the victim, once again. Just as Chavez pulls a threat/crisis out of his arse everytime the populace starts to realize what a douchenozzle he is; this is no different. The little girl throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store saying “look at me”!


Nothing funnier than a bunch of pussies crying for help because the don’t pack the gear to protect themselves.

Gear as in that which is missing from between their legs.
