The new “malaise” speech

| July 9, 2008

In 1977, Jimmy Carter told us to get out of our energy problems, we needed to put on a cardigan and turn our heat in our houses down to 68 degrees. When that didn’t solve our problems, I remember he gave a speech in July 1979 (later to be dubbed the “Malaise Speech” by the media) when he blamed Americans for our slowed economy and our weak perception overseas.

Carter rolled out the new Energy Department which was supposed to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, but Carter told us we needed to get off our asses, paste smiles on our faces and pull the country out the doldrums. The following year, America answered him at the polls and kicked him to the curb. Then with reduced taxes and a strong military, we pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps and launched the country into the 21st Century.

Now, we’ve got the new Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, telling us essentially the same thing – we’re a bunch of losers and he’s ashamed of us. Remember when he called us “bitter”?

“It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or anti-pathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Even in his apology he called us stupid;

There has been a small “political flare-up because I said something that everybody knows is true, which is that there are a whole bunch of folks in small towns in Pennsylvania, in towns right here in Indiana, in my hometown in Illinois, who are bitter,” Obama said Saturday morning at a town hall-style meeting at the university. “They are angry. They feel like they have been left behind. They feel like nobody is paying attention to what they’re going through.”

“So I said, well you know, when you’re bitter you turn to what you can count on. So people, they vote about guns, or they take comfort from their faith and their family and their community. And they get mad about illegal immigrants who are coming over to this country.”

Take the statement he made a few months ago;

We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.

Yeah, ya buncha lazy slobs. Who do you think you are to want a little comfort in your life and benefit from what our antecedents worked for and left us?

Yesterday he was ashamed of us, too, because we aren’t multi-lingual;

“Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, because they will learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish,” he said. “We should have every child speaking more than one language.”

For comic effect, he added, “It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is ‘Merci beaucoup.'”

What are we doing expecting people to learn our language when they live in our country? We can’t even speak the language of countries we may never visit. Who do we think we are? He’s embarrassed. Baldilocks wonders how many languages The Messiah speaks. I learned Spanish (to meet chicas) and German (to order beer and chow and to find the nearest toilet) so what’s wrong with the rest of you?

When Obama spoke to the League of United Latin American Citizens, he didn’t mention the immigrants who can’t speak English like he did to the Americans previously. He told them that’s he’s going to protect them from the evil white folks;

He won cheers for promising it would be a priority his first year in office and saying “it is time” to “finally bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows.”

I hope he can teach us all Spanish by then, since he’s not all that concerned about those shadow-dwelling illegals learning English.

But I see a pattern developing, the same pattern of the Carter years. We all need to start living up to the Democrats’ expectations of us. We need to set aside all of our earned comforts and start working to make the Democrats proud of us…or at least not be embarrassed by our rube, uncultured behavior. Now, that’s change we can believe in.

ADDED: For those of you who are keeping track (Allen Wood), I wrote this before Rush began his program with the same format.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Jimmy Carter, Politics

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The Gentle Cricket

I’m embarassed that he’s nominated.


Obama and his leftist support base are so concerned about how the Euroweenies (the leftist Europeans) perception of us. This issue goes alot deeper in that I see an insecurity in Obama’s and his supporters perception of themselves. Most of us were taught by our parents that you can’t please everybody all of the time and you can’t live your life through other people’s expectations of you because you will fall short every time. There are times when doing the right thing is unpopular, such as staying the course and being resolute in defeating our enemies. The lefties have no backbone for being resolute and doing the right thing in the face of adversity. When things start getting tough, you can count on them to bail, retreat or surrender. Nobody should be surprised by Obama’s elitist feelings towards his own countrymen as these are typical coming from him and his leftist followers.


Jesus. This is a classic example of liberal apologies about America. They can’t help themselves. How annoying.

richard wheeler

Can one be an elitist “considered to be the best” and insecure “not confident or secure” at the same time?


richard wheeler asked:

Can one be an elitist “considered to be the best” and insecure “not confident or secure” at the same time?

When said elitists are “legends in their own mind”. 😉

richard wheeler

If he’s a “legend in his own mind” he sure ain’t insecure.

richard wheeler

2ND POST If Obama is a “legend in his own mind” he sure ain’t insecure.


If the McCain campaign has their wits about them, they will ram this malaise-mongering down Obama’s throat the way Ronald Reagan rammed it down Carter’s throat in 1980.

richard wheeler

“Their wits about them”.Young Barack would be skewered for such a reference.


I love it. We are now… Bitter, gun loving church goers who only speak English. Apparently, we only speak enough French and German to kick the Germans out of France… twice.

Oh, and sorry Dick, but those who are “Legends in their own mind” are usually that way because they sense they are really inferior and are trying to pump themselves up. Real legends rarely brag on themselves or hold themselves up to be worshiped.

richard wheeler

Ray Please spare the psycho babble.The man is self confident.He’s up 6-8% in the polls and 40+ in electoral college and on the way to the Presidency


Oh. I get it. If you say it, why then it must be so, but if I say it it’s psycho babble. Sorry.. glad you cleared that up.

Go ahead and get real comfortable. A 6-8% lead in July means shit, just ask Dukakis. Hell, BHO even has Jesse Jackson wanting to “cut his nuts out”. Yeah, you’re right, Ol’ Barry is rock steady with his base. He SHOULD be confident. Oh…And UGA had the college World Series locked up this year…but OOPS! somebody just forgot to tell Fresno. You’re counting a hell of a lot of unborn chickens here.

See ya in November Dick.


rw –
Unlike Obama, my comments were directed towards the campaign, not the candidate. Obviously, there’s a big difference between the two.

BTW, anyone who is putting any stock into the polls at this point is on a fool’s errand. The LA Times has already been busted skewing the polling data in BO’s favor, and that doesn’t even begin to take into account that this race is beginning to appear a lot like the 1988 presidential campaign that Ray mentioned. As I stated before, BO’s cynical act is going to wear increasingly thin with the American electorate as the summer progresses.

richard wheeler

Mike and Ray I’ll take Obama $100 straight up right now.I supported Mac against “W” IN 2000 but to watch him now honestly saddens me.Obama will destroy him in the debates.I see no real constituency solid for Mac other than over 50 white males and voters not able to see beyond Obama’s color.Admittedly,this number is unknown but I believe it won’t be substantial.Obama will win blacks,latins,women,youth,majority of indies.Unlike Dukakis he’ll be perceived as a moderate Dem,which if you read his book “The Audacity Of Hope”,you’ll see he actally is.One thing is certain.Only in this great country that gives opportunity to all and is open to free debate could this inspiring contest take place.Semper Fi

Jonn wrote: It’s amazing how many Obama supporters are saying that they supported McCain in 2000, but now…. How stupid do you think we are? You’ve been yapping about veterans supporting that goofy Gomer Pyle-looking creep Jim Webb…where’s your support for McCain – the veteran? Who’d you vote for in 1996? Who’d you vote for in 1991? Give us a break, Richard. You wouldn’t pull a lever for a Republican if your life depended on it. And all of your yapping about veteran-support for your greasy little weirdos is just that…noise.

And, I’ll tell you what, I’ve tolerated your nonsense despite my best judgment for months now…but if you call us racists for not supporting that Halfrican again, you’ll join the rest of ’em on the trash heap of banned comenters. Try me.


Obama will destroy him in the debates.

You clearly haven’t been paying attention. I give you Obama as orator, but you take the scrpit away and he get completely flustered. McCain is the exact opposite. I think this is borne out by the fact that McCain is asking for townhall meetings around the country and Obama is saying no. If he could clean McCains clock, then why wouldn’t Obama be all over it? Seriously, watch it when Obama is not on script, it is friggin painful.

richard wheeler

Jonn To your questions and comments 96 Clinton 91 Mayor Baglin of Laguna Beach Cal.In 88 George Sr.I served with Webb in V.N.where he earned the Navy Cross,Silver Star,and was wounded as an infantry platoon commander.Be careful who you slight.4of5 women surveyed think he’s better looking than you.McCain over Bush was easy choice but “W” F’D him in S.C. and look what we got.Just trying to bring alternate ideas to your site as I did with Cobb.Nothing personal.I’d like to get down some $100 wagers before being banned but understandably can’t find any real McCain supporters on this site.Best to you and family

Shocked and Awed

Has anyone ever met an enthusiastic supporter of McCain?

richard wheeler

Jonn I forgot to mention I voted for Arnie twice though truth be told votes were as much for his lovely wife Maria Kennedy Shriver.


I’ve got bad news for you, rw – Mac’s constituency is in the political center where this election is going to be decided.

What amuses me is that the more Barry flip-flops and panders his way towards the center, the more he will be viewed by moderates as just another cynical, unprincipled politician who is willing to say anything to get himself elected. It’s a self-defeating proposition.

Of course, that’s not quite as much fun as watching BO send his radical Leftist base into fits of impotent rage…

richard wheeler

Mike I believe Cobb will hold the $100 checks uncashed.What say you?


Shocked and Awed –

Mac has plenty of enthusiastic supporters. Just because they don’t behave like the dingbats that treat Obama like the Second Coming of Christ doesn’t mean they’re not committed to their candidate.


rw –
Thanks, but no thanks. My idea of betting on a presidential candidate is contributing to his campaign, and I’ve already put my money where my mouth is.

richard wheeler

Mike I understand and have done the same.Interesting Mac’s good friend and top economic advisor Texan Phil Gramm would call Americans “whiners” within hours of your stated concerns about his campaign “having their wits about them”Great timing.I’m sure shareholders of U.B.S.(company he heads)are “whining” about stock’s slide from $60 to $20 in last 12 months.Brilliant guy.Anyway when he gets out from under “The Straight Talk Express” Mac says rather than Treas.Sec. he’ll appoint him “ Belarus though people of Minsk may not approve”Save those great jokes for the debates Mac.


Wheeler speaks: “Jonn I forgot to mention I voted for Arnie twice though truth be told votes were as much for his lovely wife Maria Kennedy Shriver.”

Yep, and she must be runnibg the office also. Bunch of damn liberals & RINO’s in CA politics.


I teamed up with Hugin from Free Republic and one of the RC Pirate Forum contributers, Charlie, on a list of why conservatives should vote for John McCain. Check it out at and add to the list in the comments section, if you wish. Here’s the link:

Seven Reasons Conservatives Should for Vote for McCain Over Obama

richard wheeler

TSO Talk about flustered.Have you seen poor ol Mac recently responding to rather simple questions from reporters.His eyes get huge,head starts bobbing and he just freezes up and starts mumbling.Dude, it’s downright scary.


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Tumbleweed Rider

Anyone that understands psychology knows that bullies are insecure and are legends in their own minds, ergo anyone who is a legend in their own mind is also insecure. The most scary candidate of this electioin is oBSama. McCain got Georgia right the first time while oBSama was still floundering around trying to discover the Russian invasion was into the Republic of Georgia NOT the State of Georgia, USA.