Justin Trudeau stepping down as party leader

| January 6, 2025

Donald Trump posted this image after trolling Justin Trudeau about Canada’s becoming an American state with Trudeau serving as its governor. (Truth Social)

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, announced that he will be stepping down as the Liberal Party’s leader. He will remain as Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister is chosen. Current polling shows that the Liberal Party is set to lose to the Conservative Party, headed by Pierre Poilievre. He is seen as a firebrand. It appears that Donald Trump’s comments about imposing a 25% tariff on goods coming in from Canada increased the challenges that Trudeau faced.

From CNN:

Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party for 11 years and prime minister for nine, was facing a mounting set of crises, from Donald Trump’s tariff threats to the resignation of key allies and disastrous opinion polls. His resignation would be seen as the PM choosing to jump before he is pushed, ahead of a general election to be held later this year that he is widely expected to lose.

The move would leave the Liberal Party without a permanent leader before the general election, where polls show it is set to badly lose to the opposition Conservative Party, led by the firebrand Pierre Poilievre. The election must be held on or before October 20, but could be brought forward.

The Liberal Party national executive, which controls leadership issues, is scheduled to meet this week, likely after the caucus.

Trudeau’s government was rocked by the surprise resignation of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland — just hours before she was due to deliver her annual fiscal update.

In a blistering letter of resignation, she criticized Trudeau’s “political gimmicks,” likely referring to a two-month sales tax holiday and 250 Canadian dollar ($175) rebates for most workers.

Freeland said Canada could “ill afford” these policies, seen as a pre-election handout to claw back some voters, and coming as the country faces the serious prospect of huge tariffs which could be levied by the incoming Trump administration.

Additional Reading:

Park, H., & Edwards, C. (2025, January 6). Canadian PM Trudeau set to resign as party leader as polls plummet, source says. CNN. Link.

Category: Canada, Politics, Society

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This will give Justine free time for travel. May (s)he can go to Cuba and reconnect with some long lost cousins.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

You beat me to it on the possible Cuba trip Gun Bunny


Could be a real fambly re-unonyun, Jeffy. Dear Old Dad maybe burning in Hell, but Unk Raul is still kicking (albeit not very high @ 93 yo). I’m sure he’d love to connect with 1/2 siblings and cousins.


He can go be Unkie Raul’s cabana boy


Happy trails, asshole.


As the French like to say:
Putain d’idiot de Trudeau est parti.
As English like to say:
Fucking idiot Trudeau is gone.


Berlitz Foreign Languages School grad? Gooood!


Yipee Kay Yey…muthafucka
This is a happy day!
This never would have happened unless The Don regained his rightful place


Die Hard is not just a Christmas Movie.

It is the Christmas Movie.


Agreed. I also include Die Hard 2.


comment image

Amateur Historian

Overused meme is overused. But I approve anyway.


“Justin Trudeau, the nominal Prime Minister de facto dictator of Canada…”

Now a nice fair trial with a hanging afterwards would be in order.


I’d love to see his goofy socks swaying gently in the breeze. Whilst he’s still wearing them.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I’m sure that most of Canada is ready to say “GOOD RIDDANCE!” to Castro Junior!


Now we gotta get rid of diaper headed Jackmeat

Slow Joe

I don’t know who Jackmeat is. Chat GPT, Gemini, and Grok don’t know either. They referred me to some fruit.


Jackmeet Singh
Turdeau’s towel wearing butt buddy from the New Democratic Party (the name says it all)


Is Jackmeet a relative of Jack Shit?


Jackmeet doesn’t know him.


Good riddance.

May you fade into obscurity and die with the legacy you rightfully deserve.


Skivvy Stacker

We can finally close those Canadian refugee camps in the Iron Range eh.


And just in time for a new US president.


Doing my best bender laugh…
All the butt-hurt snowflakes that want to “runaway to Canada” are going to be shit-outta-luck when Pierre Poilievre aka Trump Canadian Light becomes their new Prime Minister. We’re living in glorious times, mates.


I doubt anyone seriously wants Canada as either one ginormous state or a collection of states (formerly provinces.) Look at Canada’s politics – a conservative Canadian probably would be a middle-of-the-roader here, and a liberal Canadian can out-leftist the best of ours. Or let’s try it another way – do you really think we want to add 35 million Democrats to the roster? Not to mention the Quebecois who lean more French than English?

Slow Joe

That is a valid point. I observed similar dynamics in Europe, where the “right” has little to do with free market capitalism, small government, and constitutional rights.


I’ve seen comments now where Canadians and other leftists claim Pierre would be just as bad as Trudeau, if he were to take the reigns.

Trudeau’s resignation speech was gayer than Christmas…


Bye Felicia!


Au Revior cocksucker.


Hasta la vista, Dickless Dictator




Can those truckers that he messed with their bank accounts sue his ass now?




Let’s hope so. Maybe one of the trucking companies he will use to move his stuff start charging storage and delivery fees equal to what it cost the average company/owner operator in lost wages.

RGR 4-78

Va te faire foutre, Justine.


Will the new Prime Minister be able to dial back some of the gun control measures the simp Trudeau enacted?


Ageing badly.


Momma was a whore.


His ex-wife Sophie couldn’t stand his wussy ass.
Now they are both free to see other men.


I ain’t no ways tie-urd… of winnin’!


Amateur Historian

🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🦅




I know someone who can take Justin Trudeau’s place with a moments notice…..
“Currently Available!!! Lots Of Experience!!”


She has a lot of experience, just ask Willy Brown. She could ruin Canada even better than Trudeau.