An incomplete list of new IVAW board members

| July 12, 2010

The names of the new IVAW board members are beginning to trickle in from a few sources. The preliminary results are;

Robynn Murray
Logan Mehl Laituri (One Year Term)
TJ Buonomo
Jeremy Stainthorp Berggren
Joyce Wagner

I’m glad Laituri made it – maybe he can steer the organization in a half-way decent direction. Scott stirred my memory about Jeremy Stainthorpe Berggen earlier today. he’s the guy who thinks he got PTSD from NOT deploying. Robynn Murray is the ditz who didn’t really have any complaints about her time the Army and Iraq yet tried to sound like she did. She also accompanied Matthis on stage when he burned the flag alongside Elaine Brower. TJ Buonomo and I are old acquaintances. Joyce Wagner, an actual Iraq War veteran blasted Matthis for burning the flag in their name.

Three of the new board members are actual Iraq War veterans (Murray, Laituri and Wagner), the other two are not – Buonomo waited until he graduated from the Air Force Academy before he voiced his opposition to the war and Berggren got PTSD from dreaming about his buddies in the mortuary unit who did deploy.

On another note, Bill Perry, the old 1971 VVAW Winter Soldier, counted the votes. He claims that IVAW’s resolutions on Immigration, War Crimes and Gaza were passed. I don’t have the text on those yet, but I will. Apparently, some rock gruop sang a song about Miss International Pancake, Rachel Corrie and that coupled with an Ann Wright fairy tale about the plight of Palestinians was influential in the vote on Gaza. Regular readers will remember how well-informed Ann Wright is about Gaza – like she was well-informed about the Mavi Marmara.

But Perry can’t help but rant incoherent BS about a 1,000 years of crusades against the Palestinians armed only with bottle rockets. If i can get my stupid computer to work, I’ll up load the screen shot of Perry’s rant.

Update: Here’s Perry’s anti-Israel rant

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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IVAW is still around? I thought they folded?


Berggren made the board, eh? It’s a proud day for members of the victimhood profession everywhere.


Did James Branum deliver the “war crimes” information since he obviously is the preeminant scholar on such subjects? Good to know that IVAW has adopted the evil Jew running the world/ pro attacks on civilians so long as they’re Jewish platform. The ISO overlords will be pleased.

sara beining

I am a current IVAW Board Member and am stating for the record there is no Jewish conspiracy sentiment endorsed by IVAW. Nor does IVAW endorse “attacks”. Furthermore, the identities of the members of the newly elected Board of Directors is not a veiled secret that trickles down, it is public information as required by our non profit status. Feel free to continue to enjoy your imagined conspiracies and socialist take over theories at your leisure, though.



Perhaps as a board member, you could see to it that your group’s website is updated to reflect the current board’s composition. It appears it has not been updated since at least September of last year, and still lists the 2008-2009 board. Just a protip, you know, if you guys are still serious about this thing.

Conspiracies? No. I don’t believe IVAW has the collective mettle to mount any sort of conspiracy. As far as “Socialist takeover theories” go… well, I suppose you’ll say this is all fancy photoshop work, or Jonn somehow took it out of context:

Do tell…


Jane Fonda… Bill Ayers… any of the original Winter Soldiers testifyees get in free…


So IVAW endorses the terrorist organization, just not the attacks that said terrorist group advocates? Since IVAW tacitly adopted the ISO talking point on Gaza into their platform, then IVAW needs to understand that they are officially supporting, however tactitly, the Hamas rulers who have a charter of their own… And that charter bluntly advocates violent destruction of all the Jews living in the area.

If ol’ Sarah doesn’t like being linked to violent foreign terrorists, then perhaps her group could have fended off the desire to include such an unrelated topic into their platform. Now you truly are a dime a dozen.