Help out Laughing Wolf

| June 28, 2010

Laughing Wolf from Blackfive sent a message asking for your assistance this morning;

I would like to ask a favor of you and your readers. I know some are very particular about charities, and as such I would like to get feedback on what we have up at [Cooking With the Troops]. Such feedback, plus any information on organization sites they find particularly good or helpful will help us develop our “real” site. Would you be willing to pass this along to them?

So I know you guys are click-averse (since none of you click my ads) but help out one of my rum-drinking, cigar-smoking buddies.

Category: Bloggers

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Sgt K

You have ads?

Southern Class

Wait a minute Jonn:
I click 4 or 5 of your ads when I think of it, at least once a month or so. Just clicked 5 now. LOL!
Will go over and see what I can do to help.

Southern Class

Yeah, he does, they just don’t jump out at you. They’re those “ads by google” at the bottom of the top 2 or 3 posts on the page. If you click ’em, like to read them, Jonn gets beer money. So, if you want to read the good stuff, don’t click too many or he’ll be so damned plastered he’ll start writing weird shit. But anyway, click on ’em once in awhile, or even every time you open TAH, it won’t let any cooties into your computer, and may even give him enough to buy a round down at the pub once in awhile.


I love cooking with the wounded! I even got our wedding cupcakes from the Yellow Bowl Bakery. They have an awesome Irish Car Bomb Cupcake, tell me they don’t know their crowd!

Southern Class

I have been working with “Cooking with the Troops”, getting somethings up and running. Looks like a place for me to spend some time, and a buck or two, as well. If you don’t have their website, just Gooooogle “Cooking with the Troops”, and you’ll see em all over the page.
Great Cause, n good food to boot. I like that!