Dirty Hippie starts new website to “Free West Point”…

| June 28, 2010

Not much to see there yet, but this website bears some watching to see if we can get any good humor out of them. The About Us section doesn’t have much:

Over the last nine years, peace workers in the lower Hudson Valley have gone to West Point to call for an end to the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. An ad hoc group of us want to go beyond what can be said on banners and placards, using this website to raise basic questions for cadets and educators, provide news and analysis and stimulate debate.

For myself, I can not wait to hear what they have to say. Right now you get a meager faire of asinine questions like:

Question for West Point cadets and educators:

Is it consistent with international law, human rights, common decency and the good order and morale of the military to send US forces to secure resources in other countries?

Go ahead, try to answer that question. Only…..I thought those decisions were made by our civilian leadership? Aren’t they the ones who are supposed to address those issues? I only bring this up because I know the dirty hippies will answer with some long ridiculous answer citing to the Nuremberg trials, all the while forgetting that the same dirty hippies were mad last week at Stan the Man for taking it upon himself to have an opinion. Now they want the cadets to take in mind common decency when factoring in whether to go where they contractually are obligated to go.

So far this website has only three links. One to some bullshit Marjorie Cohn, formerly of the National Lawyers Guild, wrote bashing Obama. I had the sorry displeasure of reading her shittastic Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent. My review on Amazon was this:

Vigorously fact-checked by a pride of glue-sniffing marmosets with a Ouija board, Rules of Disengagement is a useless compendium of all the debunked canards from the last 7 years. I wish that instead of spending the $14.95 on this piece of crap I had simply replicated the experience of reading it by giving myself a scrotal laceration and then dipping it in turpentine and lemon juice. The legal reasoning behind this book it is roughly as logical as eating an omelet made of pigeon droppings.

Majorie Cohn has gotten every one of her clients that I can find the worst possible judgment. You are better off getting legal advice from a hobo on a train.

If you are a troop who wants to get out, do it without this bufoon who is more interested in making political points than aiding clients. Seriously, it is easy to get out, but not with her driving the clown car.

Next up we have a piece by Bob Herbert of the NYT who hasn’t written a sensible word in 20 years.

Lastly we get a link to a video by PBS between Bill Moyers and Andrew Bacevich. The latter is a Gold Star Dad, so I won’t speak ill of the man, but he might have a bit more emotional investment than one might deem proper.

Anyway, I for one love these dirty hippie sites, since I think their sense of humor is second to none.

BTW- Thanks to our friend Greta Perry of Hooah Wife for forwarding that little bit of insanity.

UPDATE: Oh for the love of Spongebob….look at who is involved in this crap, Tom Hayden.

You know, former husband of Jane Fonda and founder of SDS.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics

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Just got back from a look at this website.
God, what a pile of nonsense….
(I can think of more accurate descriptives, but I don’t normally use language like that in polite company.)

Junior AG

“peace workers”,weeellll, I guess Sam Colt’s “Peacemaker” namesake is copyrighted!


Uh, I really a need a regurgitation bucket. It. just.never.ends.

Larry T

One if the biggest mistakes of vietnam era was no significant jails times for likes of jane fonda, tom hayden and john kerry.

AW1 Tim

Hell hath no fury like a pacifist.

Old Tanker

(I can think of more accurate descriptives, but I don’t normally use language like that in polite company.)

Did you forget where you were?

Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent.

….honor of dissent?…unless you dissent upon “Teh One” evidently… So Marjorie is outta jail eh?

Old Tanker

BTW, love the book reveiw…5 stars…


There is something likeable about Tom Hayden. He, like Roger, and Ted, used to abuse Jane on a regular basis. I think it’s ironic that ultra lefties like them were more of a threat to her life then we were. Too bad they didn’t finish the job.

Powerpoint Ranger

Peace workers? Something tells me that work is something they’ve never seen before….


“I wish that instead of spending the $14.95 on this piece of crap I had simply replicated the experience of reading it by giving myself a scrotal laceration and then dipping it in turpentine and lemon juice”. You forgot to mention the eye-bleach, to cleanse your eyes from the reading of said shite. But, it was worthy of an alert, I did manage to swallow the liquid refreshment, and not spew it on my keyboard.

Roland Van Deusen

Hope you’ll read my comment on freewestpoint, #5 under Hayden’s. Wish you guys would comment on the website, so we can get a dialogue going. Nick Mottern (your “Dirty Hippie”) was in the Navy in Vietnam. I volunteered for River Patrol Boats there twice, but got turned down twice for my eyes. Guess the Navy needed me more in Iceland. My Veterans For Peace membership enabled me to help 98,000 military spouse students get their college $$ back last March, I helped lower veterans’ property taxes in my county, helped pass the NY State GI/vet health bill for depleted uranium (the “new Agent Orange”), & visited VA headquarters in DC to inform them of 4000 nationwide support groups that help w/PTSD. All this in the last 3+ years to prove peace is also patriotic. We honor warriors, not wars. Thanks for your service, but what else have you done besides call us “dirty hippies”? Veterans For Peace helps 85,000 Iraqis get safe drinking water, gave 54,000 free phone cards to patients in 148 VA hospitals, helps schools & hospitals in Afghanistan & Vietnam. What scares you guys about peace?


Considering the actions of such groups as the IVAW, Coffee Strong and Under the Hood, it seems to be anything but. Also that your site has links to almost every single one of the groups also causes doubt about any intentions that you have honest or otherwise.


“What scares you guys about peace?”

That the other side (islamic radicals) doesn’t give a rat’s ass about it.

Roland Van Deusen

You’re correct,dutch508, but we’ve got the bad guys right where they want us. Captured (& long-forgotten)Al-Qaeda docu-
ments showed the motive for 9/11 was to bog the US down in an endless land war in Asia, creating two jihadists for every one we kill. Afghanistan was winnable before we cut & ran to Iraq, sort of like getting in the ring w/Mike Tyson, hitting him once, turning your back on him & fighting Lennox Lewis at the same time. Hitler pulled the same boner by invading Russia while fighting in Europe. Like old Vietnam, this reminds me of Uncle Remus’ “Tar Baby”: every fist & foot you hit him with, gets stuck. We had an active force level of 585,000. Now we got 46,000 killed & wounded, 40,000 desertions, 350,000 tramatic brain injuries, 300,000 PTSD cases (Rand Corporation). Do the math. Any Prez can’t afford to fix unemployment. That would end today’s Great Recession poverty draft @ we’d begin running out of Americans willing to fight for Iraq & Afghanistan long before those countries ran out of Iraqis & Afghans willing to fight for home. “Victory” is still posible, but Santa Anna said he couldn’t afford any more such victories after the Alamo.


I will have no association with any group that supports, defends, contributes to or collaborates with Iraq Veterans Against the War. The group has been a lie from its very inception, and uses the overall lack of understanding of military life, military terminology, and military customs to project an intentionally misleading image that, of late, serves to further causes completely unrelated to veterans issues. If you really believe in “honoring the warrior and not the war” you’d do well to take a good hard look at the prominent members of IVAW, some of whom have stated in no uncertain terms that they do not honor the warrior.


What IS it with people? No one gets under a fireman’s feet when he’s fighting a fire; no one gets under a surgeon’s feet when he’s performing surgery; only idiots try to get under the feet of a policeman when he’s making an arrest.
But let the military deploy against a foreign enemy, and it turns into a dogpile!
How hard is it to understand that this nation is under attack from a foreign enemy, and that threat has to be addressed with military force????

Roland Van Deusen

I’ll say nothing more after this. Can prove I’ve done everything I claimed in reply #11. Deeds speak louder than words. Even used my whole name. In my little home town, 247 troops have been killed so far, with no end in sight. These were neighbors, members of my church, players on my hometown semipro football team, I wouldn’t pull the ladder out from under a fireman, but I’d stop anyone from pushing kids out to play in traffic. Our member of the House Armed Services Committee has admitted that there are plans for a trans-Afghan pipeline. You decide whether we should keep sending other people’s kids to fight & die for the likes of BP, after all BP has done for us.


“In my little home town, 247 troops have been killed so far, with no end in sight.”

What?? Bullshit.



Based on the listing of casualties by location on CNN the larget number of casualties for any specific city is 24. The largest number of casualties from a state is CA with 479.

Based on the numbers provided you are claiming that your little home town has as many deaths as the state of PA(246). While you are free to state your opinion, please do not make up statistics or “facts” when making a point. It does nothing for you credibility or cause.


I guess from Roland’s point of view, the world isn’t a stage — it’s a village.

Roland Van Deusen

OK, you goaded me into one last statement. My hometown contains Fort Drum, home of the Army’s most deployed division, and the stats are CORRECT. I can prove the stats, and all I’ve done in blog # 11. As my deeds there STILL speak louder than any words (including yours), I have nothing more to say to you guys. We all served for the right to disagree. I feel my actions are aimed at seeing no more die, no more families wonder how many barrels of oil their loved one was worth. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, quoting Isaiah 2:4 & Matthew 5:9. I wish I was wrong about these being energy wars, but I fear I’m not. Check out the book by two-time Medal of Honor winner Smedley Butler: “WAR IS A RACKET.” Good by, God bless you guys, we may be all blind men arguing about the shape of the elephant.


Your IP address puts you in Saranac Lake NY with a distance of 107 miles away. Even if we used the location of your VFP Chapter 121 in Potsdam NY is about 60 miles as well. So I am not sure how you get that your home town is close to Fort Drum. Also I did a search for anyone who is died in OIF and OEF, regardless of if it was caused by combat or not and got nothing.

The only way I got anything close to the number that you gave of 247 is if you use Fort Drum. But there is a problem that people have already posted is that a Military Base does not count because when someone dies in support of OIF and OEF it lists that person’s Hometown and not the Post. So that does not work ether.

So you comments about these soldiers being “neighbors, members of my church, players on my hometown semipro football team” is simply not true.


Come on, Roland; don’t get your knickers in a knot and huff off. We LIKE it when folks get on here and give their view of things. If everyone who gets on here says the same thing all the time, we might as well lock ourselves in a closet and mumble, you know what I mean?
Come back and visit any old time. We’ll be waiting!


“Check out the book by two-time Medal of Honor winner Smedley Butler: “WAR IS A RACKET”

My my. You’re only about the 700th person to tell me to read Butler’s 25 page citation-free opinion piece that was written 75 years ago. He sure sticks it to Utah Copper, Anaconda, and the shoe manufacturing industry. And he makes a great case against war bonds. What a useful perspective it is in 2010.

It’s funny that you identify the General by his two Medals of Honor. If you’re buying what he’s selling, medals are just propaganda to induce the troops into fighting.


So I’m assuming Roland that you are including active duty soldiers from Ft Drum in those ‘hometown’ deaths? If so, that’s not an accurate portrayal.

Southern Class

Holy Jeezus Roland, you’ve opened my eyes.
Your using Ft. Drum troops, as “citizens of your small town”, is pure progressive BULLSHIT!
According to your thinking, I should up and state: “Every citizen that was home in the lower Keys when Hurricane Georges went through was in Hurricane Georges. Holy shit, and how about this?: Big Pine Key has under 2,000 residents, and there were 3100 people affected by Hurricane Georges on Big Pine Key. Isn’t that absolutely astounding? Did I mention that the other 1100 were Tourons in their resort rentals?
If you had credible facts, some of us might even listen to you Geezers against War sorts.