Kamala Harris’s ‘middle class’ childhood included private school, Jamaica visits, and wealthy area living

| September 25, 2024

While on camera, Kamala Harris likes to showcase herself as having a regular middle class childhood. However, a deeper look at her upbringing presents another story. Harris and her sister attended private school, had periods of living abroad, and also grew up in some of the wealthiest locales.

From Breitbart:

When asked during the presidential debate if Americans were better off than they were four years ago, she responded, “I was raised a middle-class kid.”

However, a close look at her childhood shows that Harris and her younger sister grew up with many opportunities that many “middle class” children do not have, such as living abroad, private school education, and growing up in some of the wealthiest locales in the world.

But Harris has downplayed her privilege throughout her political career.

On August 31, she described herself as “a daughter of Oakland, California, who was raised by a working mother and had a summer job at McDonald’s.”

While she was born in the Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, at the time, her graduate school parents lived in Berkeley, California — a predominantly white, liberal elite enclave in the San Francisco Bay Area home to UC Berkeley, one of the top public universities in the world.

In fact, that is where her “working mother” — the daughter of an Indian diplomat — and father met as graduate students. Harris’s own father even wrote that Kamala was “born” in Berkeley.

Additional Reading:

Wong, K. (2024, September 24). Weekends in Palo Alto, private school, trips to Jamaica: A look at Kamala Harris’s ‘middle class’ childhood. Breitbart. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris

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I wonder if she was able to get a better looking yard by practicing her special skill(s) that benefitted her later in life.

Inquiring minds and all that.

Hack Stone

Her neighbors were proud of their lawns. In fact, they even allowed the landscapers that they picked up from the Home Depot parking lot to drink from their garden hoses.

Forest Bondurant

She claimed her neighbors were a mix of working class folks… bricklayers, construction, trades, shop owners, mechanics, and so on.

She disingenuous and lies in vain effort to be relatable. Anyone paying attention knows she’s full of shit.


She’s so full of shit her eyes are brown.


Spread to more than her eyes…


Didn’t you mean to say “Spread thighs more than her eyes…”? or “Spread her lies more than her thighs…”?

Last edited 4 months ago by KoB

She doesn’t have to spread those thighs as wide or as often nowadays.


She wears trousers to hide the knee damage sustained “working under the guidance” of Willy Brown.

A Proud Infidel®™

When she had a runny nose, everyone automatically knew that she was full.


🤧 🤧 🤧

Hack Stone

I was raised a middle-class kid. No joke.


Me too. It was tough. But when the going gets tough, the tough
get going. Or something.


……”Was it over with when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no, and it aint over with now!!”


That almost sounded like Steve Martin in the jerk for a minute.


Except Kamala wasn’t born a poor Black child.


Camel-a’s working at Mickey D’s is as accurate as Tim ‘No Ballz’ Walz combat career. Nothing says Middle Class like 2 parents with graduate degrees. My dad was cop and my mom worked as a lab technician. No silver spoons stuck up my ass.


Well, I for one am sure glad that her opponent is such a truthful, middle-class guy then. Whew! Otherwise it might be a difficult choice.

Hack Stone

The truthful middle class guy has a record of years to be judged on. As to (see what Hack did there?) Cameltoe, what can she point as Vice President or Senator that she accomplished that is considered an asset? She was the Border Czar before she wasn’t the Border Czar, and the border was secure, until it wasn’t secure. She was for confiscation of firearms before she wasn’t for the confiscation of firearms. She was against fracking until she wasn’t against fracking. People are allowed to change their mind, but it sure would be nice if she could explain why she changed her positions.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

All that will change for Frau harris if she gets in through cheating, and will go back to her original plans to tun this country into a socialist country. I commented a couple of weeks ago that if President Trump geta cheated out of another election, I will build up my right rotator cuff arm so I could raise my arm up and say Sig Heil to the peeps that got her in and the new weaponized DOJ

E. Conboy

That hurts!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I also had left shoulder rotator cuff repair 2 years ago.


My comment certainly wasn’t a defense of Harris; it was just a light joke that neither candidate is what Americans deserve. I’d love a truly down-to-earth, middle-class candidate who isn’t afraid to be honest with the people.

Slow Joe

LC, I disagree. I want a candidate who cannot be bought by special interests and who places America first.


I’d love that too. I’m sick of about 97% of ALL of them. Ds and Rs!

$174K a year and after 2-3 years they are all millionaires!!

I hate to say it because I WAS a fan, but even Dan Crenshaw!

To get it right again, the money has to be removed. It’s too much of a temptation.


Never gonna happen from any party. Well, JD Vance does come to mind.


Would you care to name who you feel is more qualifiedto be president ? Who would you rather see from either side of the aisle?

For as rich as Trump is, I have yet to see anybody else willing to meet the people on their level.


How about an honest congress critter or their spouse. That would be nice.



I say you are dead wrong LC. We do deserve DJT and God willing, we will get him back as president. He’s the only one who can restore this country to the one we knew and loved. Not perfect, but great and better than any other country in the world. If we get the other one, well, all I can say is, kiss your life and your ass (as you know them) goodbye and say hello to communism for many more years to come.

RGR 4-78

but it sure would be nice if she could explain why she changed her positions”

Her knees got tired.


May your chains rest lightly…and cure your TDS.


May you be less burdened and stressed that you can see a joke for what it is, KoB.

That said, glad to see you on here – I got worried after your absence in the previous WoT!


Poking atcha, man. I do like a good joke and can recognize one. The joke that our current (s)election process is not the type I like. Hell of a note that the loud mouth obnoxious dood, that WAS voted for by We, The People, is one choice and an individual that got to their station in life by nefarious means, that was NOT voted for by We, The People, are the only choices we have.

In re the WOT, check back thru it, I did reply on that thread, then caught up with and commented on every thread that I missed while I was on TAD this weekend past. You may even want to dive into the thread on more troops to the ME for another update.


I’m trying to remember when Trump claimed to be a middle-class guy. Nope, I got nothing. Try harder.


I don’t remember him ever lying. He was an ass A LOT. But life around the Blaster AO was pretty good with him in charge. And I didn’t want him or trust him prior to him taking office and actually PROVING HIMSELF! And along those lines The current VP has also PROVEN HERSELF!!! I’m at a loss as to why it’s being ignored!!!


She’s not only a liar…


Jus’ sayin’

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed for a party claiming to represent the best path forward for democracy picking a candidate with the same number of primary votes as I have seems a little counterintuitive.

USMC Steve

I don’t want democracy. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic. A lot of folks think the socialist democrats are confused on this issue, but they support democracy because it works for their bullshit, and they could not get away with it in a vibrant informed constitutional republic.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nope, you lose yet again. Harris was foisted upon the D-rat party by its Oligarch Dictators because they rapidly saw that Your hero Joe Biden is no longer the useful idiot they want, thus they had Harris thrown into the nomination without even ONE single primary vote for her. SHE and her party want Government by bureaucratic fiat more than anyone else along with weaponized Government Agencies going after those who dissent with the D-rat party and its agenda just like what they had in Nazi Germany and the USSR.


I would much rather have someone like the Don. He doesn’t need a crime family like Biden or Killary


Trump has never claimed to be middle class or anything close.

Kamala, OTOH, is trying to bullshit people into believing that she’s “one of us”.

I’ll admit, I did (briefly) attend a private Catholic school–for about 4 months. I also went to a one-room schoolhouse, but that’s another story.

However, I’m not running for office, so I don’t have to make shit up about who I am or what I stand for. If she (or the media) were honest about her life, her policies, and her accomplishments, this election would already be over.


She was/is a good comrade.


It’s no surprise, she talks like a communist.


That is because both her parents are Marxists. Her father was or is the premier Marxist professor at Stanford.

Slow Joe

Also by Full Fact:

The Nazis were not socialists – Full Fact

Anyone who uses the word “misinformation” is suspect of socio-communist leanings in my book.

Full fact credibility: 0%


Simply because one thing isn’t true doesn’t make another untrue. The party card is a pretty bad forgery and the article points out why

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC

Welp, if they weren’t socialist, then why is the word part of that party’s official name?


They definitely were, at least till 1934. Then like all socialist governments they killed everyone that might threaten the power of the key leaders and turned into a totalitarian state after the night of long knives. There would be no more talk of income redistribution after the useful idiots like Ernest Rohm were gotten rid of. This is why socialism always fails and turns into a dictatorship.

Every. Single. Time.


Italian fascists and nazis inspired by them were initially Socialists but found economics wussy, inadequate and otherwise not compelling enough. It is an ethno-nationalistic revision of Socialism where, instead of benefits/detriments of society being distributed according to an indeologically preferred hierarchy of socio-economic classes, benefits/detriments of society are distributed according to an ideological preferred hierarchy of ethnic/religious groups. As economics wasn’t the focus, by the nature of that change, gov’t ownership of everything didn’t happen but much gov’t organization/direction of the economy for national development did (China’s “Market-Leninism,” which neglects Marxism in economics and they throw an ethnic/religious minority in prison camps now, is similar).

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

P.S. Come to the think of it, modern “woke” Cultural Marxist left/libtard thought developed by the Frankfurt School (in Germany about that time, too) to fix lack of Leftist economic appeal, is a revision of Socialism where the benefits/detriments of society are distributed not according to an ideologically preferred hierarchy of socio-economic classes, but an ideologically preferred hierarchy of race/religious/gender groups, too. (And they don’t like jewish people either.) Curious, no?

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

—Martin Niemöller

It’s been done before. They current crowd just screams “democracy” means everyone must agree with them.

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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Just different brands of the same sh*t.

RGR 4-78

I prefer to think of your graph as a circle.

Moderate is at 0%, and Communism, Fascism and Anarchy meet at 180%.


It’s like circumnavigating the Earth. Go far enough in either direction and you end up in the same place.

Forest Bondurant

You know the deal…


The card is fake. How ever Harris aligns with the DSA Democratic socialist of America.
The difference between communism and socialism is not conveniently clear-cut. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but these economic and political theories are not the same. Both communism and socialism arose from protests against the exploitation of the working class during the Industrial Revolution.
Just saying I find her to be a communist/socialist anyhow.


Middle Class in America is a pretty broad range. On the upper end of the range in the 1960-70s would be a dual income family of a college professor and a college researcher.


One of the best and most expensive private schools on Canada. It differs from her bus ride stories to school in California.


You know her “fweedom” story was lifted out of MLK’s Playboy interview.


Is she the one in the stripes, on the right?


Westmount HS is a public school in Canada. It costs zero dollars to attend. The Harris family moved up there in 1976 when her parents accepted teaching positions in Montreal.


The bigger question is where did she go to school from 1971-1975?


I wonder if her trips to Jamaica included visits to the ole’ Harris Homestead where their ‘ unpaid interns ‘ also resided?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I was born in Jamaica, thats jamaica Hospital in Jamaica Queens NYC five years earlier that Sis also born there.


My Sis was born in Jamaica, thats Jamaica Plains VA hospital in Boston.


Interesting that the only time Ms. Harris ever actually lived in Oakland was the first few days of her life after birth in an Oakland hospital and as an adult when she worked in the Alameda County DA’s office for a couple of years before moving to San Fransicko to be near Willie. Her childhood was mostly spent going to pricey private schools and living in upper class neighborhoods. Even when she was born her parents lived in Berkeley in a nice neighborhood near the university where they were getting their advanced degrees. Both parents belonged to a Marxist student organization that became the Black Panthers.


So, they are black? I can’t keep up anymore!


I have a couple East Indian guys who work for me. Kamala isn’t very popular amongst Indians now that she downplays her Indo heritage.
They see right through her cheap ploy. She’s trying to pander to black voters simply because they greatly outnumber Indo voters.

lawrence todd

If you want a lying air-head Kamala is the perfect one.


A reminder…and a Pro Tip for those with TDS…Prepare

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Can we get a conviction to go with that endictment? I wonder if he isn’t just a sacrificial Democrat to keep everybody from looking over there.

Hack Stone

He had no problem with the Feds… until he said that New York was going broke supporting the “newcomers”. Then it was Hammer Time.


Yes, and he had the audacity to meet with Bribem in the WhiteHouse, asking for more federal help ($$$$$$). And then publicly he stated he got nada. So maybe we are seeing some more lawfare. I smell retaliation.

Skivvy Stacker

And I was born a poor black child…


You Don’t know you are poor until you grow up and realize eating is something people do everyday.