More US troops to head to the Middle East

| September 24, 2024

The surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah has contributed to the Pentagon’s decision to send additional troops to the region. There are approximately 40,000 U.S. troops in the theater. A dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons are also present in the area. Israel ramped up attacks into Lebanon; due to deteriorating security, the US State Department warned all Americans to leave Lebanon.

From The Daily Mail:

The U.S. is sending troops to the Middle East in response to the surge in violence between Israel and Hezbollah and as the region teeters on the edge of an all-out war.

The Pentagon announced on Monday that ‘additional’ service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region along with a dozen warships and fighter jet squadrons.

Israeli forces have ramped up their airstrikes deep inside Lebanon and the State Department has warned all Americans to leave as the risk of conflict spirals to levels not seen in years.

Tensions have reached boiling point in the last seven days, and started to deteriorate when pagers and walkie talkies owned by members of Hezbollah exploded in a coordinated attack last week.

Devastating airstrikes by the Israeli military on Monday killed at least 100 people and injured another 400 in Lebanon as IDF warplanes pummeled targets across the country.

Terrified residents in Beirut and elsewhere received calls and texts warning them to move away from Hezbollah targets, with Lebanon’s information minister condemning the alerts as a tactic of ‘psychological war implemented by the enemy’.

Schools have been closed early during the heavy attacks that have sparked calls for international intervention.

Additional Reading:

Robinson, W. (2024, September 23). US announces it’s sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon. The Daily Mail. Link.

Category: Israel, Middle East, Terror War

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It’s all good. Biden is on it. He said he is working on a de-escalation plan. We should have it sorted by Thursday, Friday at the latest.

Kamala already told us we don’t have any troops in combat zones so the military should be 100% safe.

Remember, there is no “I” in team and Biden / Harris has really proved their worth. Wether it was heading off the Russian invasion of the Ukraine or stopping Hamas when they were preparing to attack Israel. They are like a diplomatic dream team.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You forgot the “(/sarc)” tag at the end.

Marine 0331

FJB is drawing up his plans in the sand at the beach as we speak. Or, wait…it’s cool and rainy outside so he’s in his basement eating ice cream and watching Beverly Hillbillies re-runs and while he’s doing that, he is drawing up plans. But, Heals Up, not sure what her role is in all of this unless she is working on her latest word salad speech.

Last edited 4 months ago by Marine 0331
jeff LPH 3 63-66

Max Baer is the only living member of the Hillbillies

RGR 4-78

“Coach” Tampon Timmie is coming up with the game plan.


Are you saying Kamala LIED? The horror!


“‘additional’ service members would be deployed to join the 40,000 already stationed in the region”

More fodder.

Hack Stone

Don’t worry, they are not in a combat zone, per the last debate. Someone should tell those troops who are being hit with drones and indirect fire that they are just as safe as being on the streets of Chicago at 02:00.

Old tanker

But but vice president cackles says we don’t have troops in combat zones!


Kumala out-cackles Killary


We’ll have a decisive victory before the election! /sarc

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Well, let’s think positively about what this could mean for the unholy trinity of Russia, China and Iran.

China: – um, you might want to chain your dogs instead of unleashing them.
Iran: – um, no, those ebul jooz must die!
China: – um, you escalate now the Orange one will win.
Russia: – then we all lose.

BREAKING NEWS – Biden sends Harris as envoy, gets Hezbollah and Hamas to agree to a lessening of rhetoric.

All Hail Kamala the peace-maker! Kamala, how did you do it?
Kamala – I told them about how when I was a girl we all had lawns we were proud of.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I could see Frau harris sitting around a campfire with hamas and hezbollah banging sticks together singing Sara Sponda Sara Sponda and then putting everyone to sleep telling boring stories about growing up. I think I’ll go on youtube after this and listen to the kids singing Sara Sponda Sara Sponda so I can get a good idea of how Frau harris will do. See You Later Alligator.


She would take them all, three at a time.
Airtight is a’ight

Marine 0331

and a banana seat on her bike………….


Pointed vertically.


She might have it mounted on the handle bars horizontally for some tongue action. And just sitting on the post, close to her brain in her ass.


And its 1,2,3 what are we fighting for,
don’t give a damn, next stop is Iran.

USMC Steve

And yet as cumbubbalah tells anyone who will listen, NO US forces are in combat zones anywhere in the world.

Hack Stone

Bring in Admiral Rachel Levine. She’ll get things in order post haste.


MSC is an organization stuffed to the rafters with problems. Just heard from a classmate on one of their dry stores vessels that they have gangs onboard the ships and areas officers won’t even go. Leadership won’t enforce discipline and officers are afraid to enforce it.

We’ve PC’d ourselves into an irreparable oblivion.


Leadership and officers afraid to enforce it, or Leadership and officers getting their cut to look the other way.


Sounds like officers who don’t wanna get shanked by gang members aboard ships.

There’s an AOE out there they already dubbed the “African Queen.”


And so it begins…again…or continues…still? How much more American Blood and Treasure will we lose this time? For nothing…but more of the same. I don’t give one (1) single flying rats azz about ANYONE in the ME…except our troops that are going “Once more into the breach, Lads!” And now they can’t even refuel. And no telling when or if a replacement floating gas truck can show up. WTAF! This answers some of the questions, and theirs, that I raised with the lads I saw over the weekend…ie…why they have been placed on an Active Duty Status…”shuffling paperwork” the subject of which they couldn’t discuss. Share a little something with my TAH Family if I may. We have all lost someone during the never ending war in the ME. For some, it was immediate, for others it was after action. Anyone notice that The Gun Bunny was off the net for most of the day? Well, this weekend past I got the word that a fellow compatriot and Brother, who had been suffering from Esophageal cancer brought on by Bush War 1, had taken the final turn for the worse and wanted to see me today. Starting tomorrow he will be under the care of Hospice Home Care. We all know what that means. As good a man as ever tore a cartridge, jumped from a perfectly good airplane, or led an assault across a trackless desert as an Armored Cavalry Scout will soon strike the tent and cross over The River to rest beneath The Shade of The Tree. He was in good spirits, has made his peace with his situation and his God, but was way yonder thinner and drawn than just a few weeks ago. No, he wasn’t looking for a pity party, but wanted to make a $ donation towards an Historical Building that we all had been working on. I lost it among the dust bunnies and onion ninjas. He won’t make the next anniversary of going to war @ 19 years old. But we WILL Pay Honors to him, those like him, and will… Read more »


Sorry to hear KoB. Sometimes the dust bunnies are bigger and the onions are stronger. Glad he was in good spirits and able to make peace with God.


Thanks, Odie.


Biden admistratin (?) is saying right now, let’s create a big headache for the orange felon. Should he lose, we’ll let the squad run the middle east operations. Either way, we win


Let’s not tell Kama-Lala. It harsh her mellow.

Skivvy Stacker

I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore, I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by, dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes…”


Please to meet you, hope you guess my name…
