Gen. McChrystal Resigns?

| June 23, 2010

Just saw this at the Telegraph. Breaking: General Stanley McChrystal tenders his resignation.

A senior Capitol Hill source tells me that General Stanley McChrystal had tendered his resignation to President Barack Obama and that the White House is actively discussing a replacement who could be quickly confirmed by the Senate.

I believe someone here may like one of the possible successors.

The source said that among the names being touted as possible successors are General James Mattis, the outgoing head of the US Joint Forces Command and due to retire after being passed over as US Marine Corps commander, and Lieutenant General William Caldwell, commander of Nato’s Training Mission in Afghanistan.

Anyone know anything about Caldwell?

Category: Politics

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McChrystal met with SecDef Gates for just 30 minutes this morning. That tells me that a decision has been made that required little discussion.

BTW Caldwell is a former Cdr of the 82nd Airborne which is usually good but he has ZERO Special Ops experience. That might make his selection a bit unlikely.

Jonn Lilyea

Duncan Boothby, McChrystal’s media guy who was fired yesterday, worked for Caldwell before McChrystal.

The linked article was from yesterday, so nothing has changed.


COB6–since when do qualifications matter under Zero’s watch? He wants a yes-man, nothing more. And I can only speculate on why General McChrystal’s resignation wasn’t accepted. Better in Zero’s eyes to look more decisive and in charge by firing the guy rather than accepting a resignation. Sort of a face-saving move on his part, but it’s only delaying the inevitable crash and burn of this administration.


Gen Mattis, USMC, commanding Army troops – would cause much heartburn within the Army – (last time a Marine Gen was in command of Army units was during WWII, and the Marine fired an Army General.)

Gen Mattis would be a great choice, and he would get things done.

Operator Dan

Caldwell.. what a great name.

Marvin I am afraid you are incorrect. Marines have commanded Army units in every conflict from Korea to OIF/OEF The Marines were in charge of multiple Army units in Anbar and Mattis has experience commanding them. But I am not going to deny that it would cause some heartburn.

It looks like Petreaus is going to take over… I don’t know if it is permanent or not.