The danger of speaking about things you don’t understand

| June 23, 2010

I’ve been watching a whole bunch of people lining up outside of the New York TV studios of the morning shows to express their irrelevant opinions on the fate of General Stan McChrystal. So far the stupidest statement was made by Donald Trump on Fox and Friends this morning.

When asked who should replace McChrystal if he left his position, Trump named “Admiral Mullens” – oh, really? Why would the chairman of the joint chiefs – the guy in charge of all of the services – want to take a demotion down to a regional commander?

There are several other idiot opinions floating around out there, but few are as ill-informed as real estate agent Donald Trump. Finally, I had to turn off the TV because there are two people who know what’s going to happen to McChrystal and neither of them are talking to me.

I always expect the worst to happen, and the worst would be if they called Eikenberry (or as some ill-informed idiot talkers call him Eikenburg) back to the service and put him in charge of Afghanistan. Nothing that dick would like more and Joe Bite Me is likely to suggest it. And it’s absolutely the worst thing that could happen.

So there’s my prediction which is just as valid as Donald Trump’s idiot mumblings.

Category: Military issues

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509th Bob

How do you know that Obama is any smarter than Donald Trump?


Asking a guy who has never worn a uniform aside from a “hair helmet” who should be running the show in A-stan? Why not ask me? I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!


Dangerous to speak of things one doesn’t undertand? Hasn’t stopped a left/libtard before!

Old Tanker

You know, that would be funny if I didn’t think it could actually happen….


My money’s on Cindy Sheehan being picked to replace McChrystal.


“Asking a guy who has never worn a uniform aside from a “hair helmet” who should be running the show in A-stan? Why not ask me? I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!”

Take away the hair helmet and you’ve got Obama.