Kos excludes information on Kirk

| June 4, 2010

As I was writing about Mark Kirk and Tim Walz yesterday, Kos was writing more about Kirk’s supposed deception;

So I checked Kos’ source which is this page at National Defense Magazine. The paragraphs before the one Kos quoted reads;

Mark Kirk, of Illinois, holds the rank of Navy lieutenant commander in a naval reserve officer aviator unit called the Star Warriors, which flies the EA-6B Prowler electronic attack aircraft, based at Andrews Air Force Base.

In December 2000, just after he had been elected to Congress, Kirk was called back to reserve duty to patrol the no-fly zone in Northern Iraq, as part of Operation Northern Watch. Kirk also was called to combat in Yugoslavia, during Operation Allied Force in 1999, and served as the Joint Chiefs of Staffs’ senior force analyst during Operation Sharp Guard over Bosnia in 1995. He served as an analyst at the office of the chief of naval operations during Operation Support Democracy in Haiti in 1994.

Well, that’s a little bit more than Kos portrays of Kirk’s career.

Kos continues whining that the Army showed good sense by not letting him near a shooting war;

I was in the Army during Desert Storm, but am not a veteran of that war. Why? Because I was stationed in Germany and never deployed to Kuwait or Iraq. Kirk might argue that his efforts aided the war effort. Well, so did mine. I spent weeks shuttling supplies from depots in Germany to Frankfurt, where they were loaded onto transport planes to the Gulf. I lugged around everything from ammo to toilet paper (no joke). I spent weeks more working on my base’s post office, helping the small office handle the crush of letters and care packages being sent to deployed soldiers by their families. Seems trite, and it kind of is (and tedious as shit), but there’s little more important to a soldier than mail call. Trust me on that.

Funny how the guys that ship toilet paper whine the loudest. Since Kirk flew Northern Watch, I guess he could argue that he’s more of a Desert Storm veteran than Kos. Enough so that Kos chose to leave that right out of his attack on Kirk.

I don’t know what Democrats are trying to pull, but if they’re going to exclude information from their charges, it’s going to bite them in the ass. Kos should know better, but then he’s never let the facts get in his way before. I’ve seen him use that toiletpaper repairman line as some sort of excuse to make him an expert on military affairs – as much an expert as Gordon Duff.

Category: Bloggers, Liberals suck

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Dear PFC Kos,

Eat a dick.

AW1 Tim

Heh… what Sparky says.


Shitbirds of a feather do flock together. Does that mean they will apologize to Bush 43 who also served “during” Vietnam? Eh. I won’t hold my breath.

I love this line-“it’s not technically true…”

Hmmm. I wonder if that’s like being a little bit pregnant?


I served in Kuwait in 2000 during Operation Desert Spring. I was an infantry mortarman with the 1st Cav (1/9, 3rd BCT). Does this mean I can claim “I am a veteran of Desert Storm missions”? Because that looks like what Kirk is doing. I also served at Fort Lewis loading cargo planes that were bound for Afghanistan. Some of the troops deploying from Fort Lewis were Special Forces. So, can I say I served support operations for Army Special Ops during OEF-Afghanistan? All of this just looks like a lot of resume padding to me.


Now Kirk is saying he “simply misremembered it wrong.” Is there a way to “misremember” it right? I’m a lot younger than Kirk, so my time in the army was more recent. But I think I could remember big details like that. He got caught padding his resume, plain and simple.



First, thanks for the quick response. I have noticed every time I’ve posted here, someone responds fairly quickly. Second, I am not defending Blumenthal (who also lied and got caught) nor am i supporting Giannoulias (who I know nothing about). But I am saying that Kirk lied and got caught. Now if he had said he was a veteran of Northern Watch, or that he served in DC “during” OEF, that would be a different matter entirely. But that is not what he did. Anyone who spent any real amount of time in the service can claim operations “during” a conflict. As I mentioned, I served in Kuwait in 2000, at Fort Lewis “in support of” OEF, and in Baghdad for a year. But I am always careful make those distinctions. Because telling someone that I am a veteran of Desert Storm, OEF, and Iraq like in the quote you printed above, simply isn’t true.

This website has done a phenomenal job of pointing out phony soldiers. I laughed my ass off at General Ballduster McSoulpatch! Please don’t let Kirk slide just because he has an (R) after his name.


Also, in defense of Kos, at least he was honest about his service. He carried toilet tissue. Not the most glamorous job. But at least he admits he carried toilet tissue. If I had a dollar for every cab driver at Fort Lewis who told me about their days n the Special Forces or the Navy Seals, I would never have to work again.


OK, I definitely agree. But I do wish he had been more honest. I don’t live in Illinois, but I like Kirk’s voting record in the House. I do hope he wins.