Phil Hare twists over phony soldier charge
Do you remember Phil Hare who said he doesn’t care about the Constitution in regards to healthcare? Well he got busted again trying to intimidate a veteran who happens to be a constituent. Someone sent me the story last night but I was holding off until I could get more details, but Big Government ran with it.
In his letter, Ken Moffit accuses Hare of being a phony veteran which enrages Hare. Hare’s former commander, Bill Albracht, who happens to be at the event, confirms that “legally” Hare isn’t a veteran. Given all of the information in the letter, I can only assume that Hare never served on active duty and spent all of his time inhabiting a Reserve billet during the Vietnam War and that’s why Albracht tells him that hare is not “legally” a vet. Hare never spent 180 consecutive days on active duty. Not that there’s anything with that – his bio tells the truth;
In 1969, Phil took his first job at the Seaford Clothing Factory in Rock Island. During the 13 years he cut lining for men’s suits there, Phil served as a union leader and as the President of UNITE HERE Local 617. He also served six years in the U.S. Army Reserves. These experiences gave him the determination to always fight for working families and veterans.
His first job coincided with the year he joined the Reserves after he spent two years sitting on the waiting list for a position to open in the Reserves. He spent the previous four years taking college deferments – again nothing wrong. So he’s a veteran of annual two weeks training and a weekend a month. He accrued no veterans benefits – he only avoided the draft in perfectly legal ways.
But it’s gutless way he wraps his heavy drop self in it. I’m sure there’s nothing in his records that’ll deviate from his skimpy resume`, but it sure is nice to watch the little union greaseball twist.
Thanks to Lolly for the reminder this afternoon.
Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck
ROFLMAO–Sergeant Schultz just got his ass busted. Then again, they’ll sweep this under the rug, just like they did with the little voicemail tirade Pete Stark let loose on a vet a few years back.