BP Tells Cameron to Pound Sand

| June 3, 2010

Uber famous director and producer James Cameron offered to assist BP with efforts to mitigate the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

BP says “get over yourself movie-boy, this is man work!”

PALOS VERDES, Calif (Reuters) – Film director and deep-sea explorer James Cameron said on Wednesday that BP Plc turned down his offer to help combat the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

“Over the last few weeks I’ve watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what’s happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don’t know what they’re doing,” Cameron said at the All Things Digital technology conference.

Cameron, the director of “Avatar” and “Titanic,” has worked extensively with robot submarines and is considered an expert in undersea filming. He did not say explicitly who he meant when he referred to “those morons.”

I think BP made a massive mistake in this decision for a couple of reasons.

First, I have worked with Cameron and his folks and they are the best in the world at what they do. And one of the very critical things they do is to adapt current sophisticated gear or create all new stuff for their underwater work which includes a great deal of robotics.

More importantly, this guy is obviously a light bender.

He made Leonardo DiCaprio a believable masculine hero! That was no small feat.

Then he stole the entire screenplay for “Dances with Wolves”, threw in a bunch blue NBA second round draft picks and just like that over a $billion!

I’m just saying, that’s a guy I want on my team.

Category: Politics

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At this point BP needs all the help it can get… and do they really want to piss off a guy who’ll make a blockbuster action/adventure film at their expense everyone’ll know is about them but they’ll have no hope of suing about? (With their public opinion and stock price tanking, just sayin’… )

AW1 Tim

I’d be more than happy to see BP grab Cameron and stuff his ass into the pipe to stop the flow. I can see no earthly reason why that WOULDN’T be a positive, even if the attempt to stop the oil flow failed. At least the world would be out one super-sized ego. Now if we could also add Steve Jobs and AlGore, we’d have a trifecta!

I refuse to watch Dances with Smurfs. No way he ever gets any of my money.


…I say we nuke the site from orbit. Only way to be sure.

Robert Chiroux

I think Cameron was offering to bring in Deep-Core-One from the set of his movie “The Abyss”. Right down there on-site at 5,000 ft with Ed Harris in charge and the weird guy with the mouse running the ROV’s. They’d have that well capped likety split. Throw in Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and it’s all good. Of course then there is that nuke angle again. Wait, what about the NTI’s? Maybe Rahmbo could offer them a high ranking job to let Duhbama take the credit.

steve cpo ret

I heard the Seaview had orders to get underway.

Old Tanker

Robert, don’t forget it was the military that showed up with the breathable pink liquid that allowed Ed Harris to do all of that deep water ninjitsu…

Casey J Porter

Claymore, good one. People need to separate the art from the artist. Cameron and his Marine brother are both badasses in physics. Shit, I’d let him take a shot at it.


If the EPA et al were serious, they’d contact Bob Ballard and see what his people had to offer. I wager that BP would be more willing to work with him than with James “CG and ego” Cameron.


I was wondering if they were going to make a shitty movie full of stereotypes. They allready have the evil corporation bent on profits, the coast guard could be the military guys who don’t listen , and Cameron could be the “expert” the military and the corporation don’t listen to. Add some expensive special effects, a shitty script, and spend way more money than any sane person would we have a blockbuster!

richard mcenroe

If they want Hollywood, they should get Sean Penn and his magic red Nawlins cup…