But we knew that already.

| June 4, 2010

We just need you to say it yourself.

First meet Greta Berlin Seems like your standard Professor with many different credentials in various academic subjects and teaching it on to the next generation.

Well seems that she was a major player in organizing the ships to try to run past the Blockade. But it gets interesting with this quote from her about why the ships did not dock in Egypt.

“This mission is not about delivering humanitarian supplies, it’s about breaking Israel’s siege on 1.5 million Palestinians,” she said.

So it was never about getting aid into Gaza but “helping” the Palestine People Hamas from the blockade.

Of course Hamas is all in support of these suppliers of blank market crayons.

“The occupation’s threat to prevent the Freedom Flotilla from arriving in the besieged Gaza Strip is Zionist piracy and a violation of international law,” senior Hamas leader Ismail Radwan said in a statement.

“The occupation is concerned about these ships… because they grant legitimacy to engagement with the Palestinian government and confirm that the attempts to isolate Hamas have failed,” he added.

So in the end it is all about politics and nothing more.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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Bubblehead Ray

I’ve been of the opinion that this whole fiasco was staged by Hamas to try to embarass Israel into pulling the blockade from the beginning. I can see the conversation now

“Hey! lets send your moron Brother in Law Achmed and a bunch of his idiot friends to Gaza on a boat and have them attack the IDF with knives and sticks when the IDF boards the boat for inspection. Achmed and his friends will find themselves in a gunfight when all they have are sticks and knives. The IDF will surely kill some of them! That way we get rid of your sister’s loser husband, AND make the IDF back off the blockade. WIN WIN!”

Bubblehead Ray

Irishman Fintan Lane echoed the sentiments.

“We are determined to break Israel’s blockade and will not be intimidated,” said Lane, one of 750 activists from around the world, including dozens of public officials from European and Arab countries, who organisers say are heading towards Gaza.

I wouldn’t intimidate them. I’d make them a smoking hole in the water, and then we can have the “Fintan Lane Memorial Regatta” to go with the pancake breakfast.


I knew this was a political move from the very start. Especially when you have scumbags like Ayres, Dorhn, Chomsky, etc. involved. The next telltale sign was when Israel said they would allow the flotilla to offload at Israeli ports and truck it overland to Gaza, but that wasn’t good enough for them. That told me immediately that this was bullshit. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fabulously stupid people (to quote Michael Creighton) that are buying into this crap sammich. As I noted to someone, yesterday, that was buying into it based on how Europe is reacting and how much more “enlightened” the Euroweenies are, than us. I said “yeah, they’re so enlightened because they have no brain matter left to weigh them down”.

AW1 Tim

Israel’s blockade is patently legal, and meets all the requirements under international law. Any vessel which attempts to break that blockade may be attacked, seized and/or destroyed.

Let’s hope that Israel takes that step.


And Obama supports that blockade, mind you.

USMC Steve

Based upon her self proclaimed statements, and the fact that Mamass is I believe still designated a terrorist organization/state, would that not make her guilty of providing support to terrorism?

Don Carl

“This mission is not about delivering humanitarian supplies, it’s about breaking Israel’s siege on 1.5 million Palestinians,”
Do you really need to hear more after that comment?
You shouldn’t.


A couple of Mark 48 ADCAPs would solve the “flotilla issue”…


At least she’s open about it. I do think the IDF’s subs should get in on the action, though (the North Koreans can’t hog all the torpedoing).