Update on the Nikki Haley Debacle
I sure hope nobody is thinking that this little bombshell has gone away because it ain’t close to going away.
Erick Erickson at RedState who jumped all in on the Haley bandwagon long ago has pretty much be-clowned himself throughout this whole ordeal. Don’t get me wrong, I love RedState and I think Erick has been a net positive for them but on this one, he’s blinded by his own investment.
Comments like this make that pretty clear:
“There has to be a there there they think. Will Folks drops a bunch of phone records that prove he talked a great deal to his employer. A-ha! it is proof of something.
I have no clue if anyone is behind Will Folks doing this. He really could feel aggrieved for some reason and just want to take out Nikki Haley. But I have a theory, I have some facts, and I’ve drawn some inferences to form my opinion. Let’s go below the fold and down the rabbit hole.”
More on this in a moment. First back to Haley’s responses to this so far.
First she adamantly denied it.
Then she adamantly denied it and said that she barely even knew Will Folks.
Then Folks released some text messages and phone records.
This time she didn’t exactly adamantly deny it.
South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley may have had a romantic relationship with blogger and former staffer Will Folks. Folks says they did, and he’s slowly, painfully releasing material to support that claim, every day. Haley says it never happened, and her defense is … to say, “I will deal with this situation once this election is over.”
I don’t know what she means by “deal with it” but I think there’s clearly more coming soon and there is no way in hell that it’s going to be good for Haley or the GOP in South Carolina.
Then she was asked if she would release her phone and email records.
She flatly refused! She refused to release information that if her story is true would certainly absolve her but she refused.
Nikki Haley said it’s not worth her time and energy — or the state’s tax dollars — to release phone or e-mail records between her and a blogger who has claimed the two had an inappropriate physical relationship …
“I am not wasting any energy on this — none,” Haley said when asked if she would respond voluntary to a request by The Post and Courier for the release of her phone and e-mail records on her state- and campaign-funded accounts.
Back to Erickson’s comment.
It is true that Folks was employed by her for a while. I am a business man and have employed far more people than have ever been on a State Representative’s payroll and I knew all of them real well. The other point is that most of these calls happened in 2007 between elections. By between elections I mean one in 2006 where she ran unopposed and 2008 where she took a record 83% of the vote.
Kind of hard to imagine a critical moment in either of those campaigns when 3 hour phone call makes any since that started at 11:28pm.
Nobody is defending Folks but he ain’t running for Governor.
Haley has not been very forthright in this affair. Her story has changed and apparently she intends to clear this all up AFTER THE ELECTION. I doubt that will include her phone records or emails which surely make this accusation go away right now, wouldn’t it?
In a five day period in late August of 2007 Folks records show a total of 476 minutes of late night conversations with Haley. All of them after 9 pm and one started at 2:24am and ran for 146 minutes!
As for Will Folks, sure as hell sounds like she knew him pretty well.
UPDATE: I wrote this before the latest clown jumped out of the slime and claimed to have slept with Haley. This latest allegation is so idiotic and so obviously politically motivated that it will actually help Haley.
Don’t misunderstand my intent here. I like Haley’s positions. I also think she is the strongest candidate in the Republican field. Gresham Barrett voted for TARP and then chastised stupid South Carolina voters for questioning him on it. Andre Bauer is a populist fool who couldn’t count his balls twice and get the same number. Henry McMaster is an able guy with a good resume and strong connections to Reagan but he also has the charisma of Al Gore.
But I want anyone who reads this to tell me that you would be way cool if you discovered your wife had a 2.5 hour phone call with another man that started at 2:24am.
She is still ahead in the polls and the Democrats are frothing.
Category: Politics
She’s not hard on the eyes, either. Granted, she’s not at a Angie Harmon level, but……
In case you didn’t catch it, COB, that was a subtle hint for a Harmon pic.
I have no doubt that nothing happened between those two. Folks is an assmaggot with serious mommy issues. Those phone calls all occurred during times he was working for her campaign, and the little crapweasel can puff his chest out, but until he actually has something to back up his claims, he ought to be watching over his shoulder.
Your skepticism is warranted. Still, why is it Haley’s obligation to prove her innocence? Shouldn’t Folks et al. have to prove the allegation to some standard before Haley owes answers? For example, I can think of a lot of reasons why I wouldn’t want to provide phone records to a media outlet were I running for office.
Unless she is trying out for one of those “hotties with douchebags” lists, I am just not buying it.
Not with the first guy who, if he had ever served, would have been the guy busted for putting porn on the computer in the ship’s library.
The second guy is about as straight as Lindsey Graham. To steal something from Ace, when the guy claimed he had an affair with a WOMAN, his wife was pleasantly surprised.
What if…this dipsh*t called her at 2.24am and…she fell asleep cause he was asking boring questions like, “How big should the signs be at the next rally”? And she started breathing heavily in her sleep and he “took it the wrong way”?
Could happen, right?
Sure, and my wife and yours would make us into steers if these calls were on our phone bills…