RSSVeterans in politics

Military veteran Republican lawmakers post open letter slamming Tim Walz

| August 23, 2024 | 40 Comments
Military veteran Republican lawmakers post open letter slamming Tim Walz

Fifty Republican lawmakers in Congress signed an open letter to Tim Walz. They blasted him for “stolen valor” as well as for the circumstances surrounding the timing of his military retirement. The lawmakers pointed to their veteran status as a motivation to address the inconsistencies between Walz’s statements and his actual experience. They called on […]

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Kamala Harris questioned JD Vance’s loyalty to the US

| July 29, 2024 | 56 Comments
Kamala Harris questioned JD Vance’s loyalty to the US

Kamala Harris questioned JD Vance’s loyalty to the U.S., implying that Vance would just be Donald Trump’s lackey. Harris suggested that Vance would just “rubber stamp” Trump’s “extreme” agenda. Vance fired back, asking Harris what she had done. He pointed to his experiences as a U.S. Marine who deployed to Iraq, and as a businessman. […]

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Veterans urge FDA to approve ecstasy for PTSD treatment in clinical settings

| July 16, 2024 | 36 Comments
Veterans urge FDA to approve ecstasy for PTSD treatment in clinical settings

Veterans, including lawmakers who are also veterans, attended a two-hour outdoor news conference in Washington D.C. They shared their experiences with dealing with PTSD and with other effects of serving in a combat environment. Some of these veterans pointed to ecstasy as helping them beyond what traditional medications for their conditions were able to do. […]

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Disabled Veterans calling on Congress to move on bill related to concurrent benefits

| July 14, 2024 | 14 Comments
Disabled Veterans calling on Congress to move on bill related to concurrent benefits

Veterans with less than 20 years of service, and having less than a 50% disability rating, are not able to receive both their military retirement and disability compensation. There is a dollar for dollar offset, reducing retirement pay by the amount of disability pay. Veterans groups are calling on Congress to get the bill moving […]

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Congressional stolen valor?

| June 13, 2024 | 60 Comments
Congressional stolen valor?

United States Representative Troy Nehls (R-TX) is being accused of stolen valor, or rather, continuing stolen valor. We briefly discussed the kerfuffle a while back. Since we didn’t have records in hand, it was just reporting on the goings on. Our excellent community here posted a bunch more in the comments there as the incident […]

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Semi Bird, gubernatorial candidate, previously reprimanded for false military claims

| May 31, 2024 | 21 Comments
Semi Bird, gubernatorial candidate, previously reprimanded for false military claims

Semi Bird, Republican candidate for the Washington gubernatorial race, was reprimanded while he was in the Army. The reprimand accused Bird of perpetuating fraud against the U.S. government. The U.S. Special Forces accused Bird of stolen valor. They accused him of misrepresenting his actions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Bird was also accused of wearing awards […]

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American veteran flees to Russia and joins their army

| April 12, 2024 | 34 Comments
American veteran flees to Russia and joins their army

Wilmer Puello-Mota, A U.S. Air Force veteran and former elected official, was supposed to show up in court. He reached an agreement to plead guilty to charges related to having an image of a 17-year-old girl on his phone. In exchange, he would be sentenced to 18 months in prison. However, he did not show […]

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Austin’s absence blamed on lack of policy

| February 28, 2024 | 35 Comments
Austin’s absence blamed on lack of policy

GEN Austin’s office is explaining his absence just after New Year’s. A mixture of concerns about protecting Austin’s privacy — and a lack of written policy for emergency hospitalizations — caused staff to balk when it came to informing the White House or Congress of the secretary’s absence, while at the same time not informing […]

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