R. Lee Ermey Is Not Dead

| June 1, 2010

So the last day or so I have gotten a lot of emails and Facebook messages about actor and Marine R. Lee Ermey dying suddenly in his home. This story is untrue and whoever started this rumor needs a beating. In fact I know just the guy to give it to them….

Category: Media

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Best opening scene in a military movie EVAR.


was not he a guest at the Memorial Day Parade in DC yesterday??


PVT Death, yes you, you pathetic piece of batshit!

I will fuck you up, do you understand me maggot?

Do not cross me for I will smite you and will leave you a shrivelled piece of shit on history’s highway.

I am so deeply embedded into this beloved Corps that you cannot possibly imagine the magnitude of ass whipping I have in store for your puny ass.

Do not fuck with me PVT; I will come when I am ready!

Toothless Dawg

Sir yes Sir … uhhhh were you my DI in Jan 1962, Ft Ord, H-5-1??? I’ve been looking for you!!!!!

Toothless Dawg

Oh crap, that would have been Jan 1963 … I enlisted in Dec ’62


But but Gunny wasn’t acting in that movie…he was just being himself. Did you HEAR ME?

Carry on.


He wasn’t even hired to act in it. He was supposed to be the tecnical advisor. Kubrik liked him so much he screen tested him and he got the part. He also had a bit part in Apocalypse now. I would love to meet him one day.

Old Tanker

I like watching his mail call show, great stuff.

PVT. you had better unfuck yourself right now!!!!!

Lance Coolie

“When I call you all weak bitches, you know I really just mean stupid fucking recruits, right?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good, I hate you. I hope you all fucking die.”

I miss boot camp.

Stan Salony

All members of my family were in The Corps. Except me. I was an
aviator at the time of Viet Nam, and tried to enlist in The Corps. They wouldn’t have me because I wore glasses. I wanted
to eventually fly in Marine Aviation, but “no luck” due to eyesight. So, I wound up in Nicaragua, humping the bush and flying H-23’s for another group against the Sandinista Bastards.

Anyway, about R. Lee Ermey- On one of his History Channel series,’ I caught him calling a sound-suppressed RUGER a ‘LUGER.’
Why didn’t he catch that during post-production? A few mins. ago, I caught him saying a particular soldier WON the Medal of Honor! One DOES NOT “WIN’ THE MEDAL OF HONOR! Itis AWARDED!

Stan Salony

All members of my family were in The Corps. Except me. I was an
aviator at the time of Viet Nam, and tried to enlist in The Corps. They wouldn’t have me because I wore glasses. I wanted
to eventually fly in Marine Aviation, but “no luck” due to eyesight. So, I wound up in Nicaragua, humping the bush and flying H-23’s for another group against the Sandinista Bastards.

Anyway, about R. Lee Ermey- On one of his History Channel series,’ I caught him calling a sound-suppressed RUGER a ‘LUGER.’
Why didn’t he catch that during post-production? A few mins. ago, I caught him saying a particular soldier WON the Medal of Honor! One DOES NOT “WIN’ THE MEDAL OF HONOR! It is AWARDED!