Simmons to drop out?

| May 25, 2010

According to the Capitol Watch Blog, the REAL Vietnam veteran in the Connecticut Senate race may be dropping out today;

Rob Simmons will hold a press conference for this morning in New London to announce he’s leaving the U.S. Senate race, sources said late today.

The former congressman and Vietnam War veteran lost the Republican convention’s endorsement on Friday to former World Wrestling CEO Linda McMahon.

It’s a cryin’ ass shame – I’d like to watch Blumenthal wiggle and squirm over his lies during the next six months of campaigning.

Another thing that makes it a cryin’ ass shame is that another qualified veteran gets squeezed out an election because of a self-funded candidate and the Republican party’s inclination to back millionaires over willing veterans.

ADDED: Simmons has “suspended” his campaign.

Category: Politics, Veterans in politics

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Another case of the GOP turning into Dem-lite.


It is only “suspended” until news breaks that SC Blogger Will Folks has been spoinking both Blumenthal and McMahon for years! Cuz he rolls that way.

B Woodman

I wonder if Simmons would be willing to run as an independent? Or if the TEA Party would be willing to back him?
Sounds like another case of the Country Club RINOs backing, not a real Conservative, but a Dem-Lite.
And the GOP wonders why they’re losing ground and support with thinking rational individuals.


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