Barry’s Little Problem is Growing
Today, the Obama camp is playing a little damage control over a SNAFU that happened at an Obama event in Michigan. You will recall that two young Muslim ladies were forbidden from the stage where cameras could frame them in the same shot with the Messiah because they were wearing head scarves.
A lot of folks on the right jumped on this as hypocritical. I didn’t write anything about it because I thought it was much ado about nothing. I work in the marketing world and can assure that both sides do this ALL THE TIME.
But maybe it wasn’t the head scarves that were the problem? Maybe the problem was that they are a couple of radical, terror supporting, anti-Semites?
According to Debbie Schlussel, these two gals have some disturbing history:
Hebba Aref, was an official of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), in charge of proselytizing. The Chicago Tribune identified the MSA as part of the American manifestation of the Sunni terrorist group, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen–The Muslim Brotherhood. Aref served on the executive board of the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s MSA, which demanded and obtained tax-funded Muslim foot baths at that university, a story I broke on this site last year.
Shimaa Abdelfadeel, the other woman allegedly excluded by the Obama campaign, was chair of SAFE, a University of Michigan-Ann Arbor group that hosted the 2002 Divestment Conference against Israel at which “Annihilate the Jews!” was chanted and Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian was keynote speaker. She’s the author of vehement anti-Israel vitriol and propaganda.
Naturally the Obama camp has been apologizing all day but that’s not good enough for CAIR. And this is where it gets real dicey for Barry. CAIR is demanding more than an apology; they want Barry to invite the women on stage during a future campaign event.
Now this is a big problem for Barry.
Not all Muslims are terror supporters but a great many are and they are an overwhelmingly DEMOCRAT voting block.
Category: Politics
Obama campaign shows its bigotry & intolerance…
Oh. Wait. That headline would only appear if the obamanator was a Republican. But, since he’s a democratic socialist, he’ll get a pass from his propaganda shills in the MSM.
Obama apologizes to Muslim women….
And “log cabin repubs” are overwhelming Repub voting bloc.Some perspective please.You’ll not see these “ladies” on stage for either party.
Something tells me CAIR is going to let this slide – it’s no secret that Barry is the Islamist’s candidate of choice, so they’re probably not going to make an enormous fuss about this. Interesting to note – I was checking out CAIR’s “2008 Elections” section, and they have a page dedicated to the candidates positions. Here is the policy positions CAIR decided to highlight on that page: JOHN MCCAIN – On 3/4/08, John McCain earned enough delegates to receive the Republican Party Nomination for President. -Position on Iraq: More American troops to train Iraqi soldiers, secure naval bases. Spread awareness to various sects, urge stopping violence for a political voice. – Foreign Policy: Supporter of Israel, Defeat terrorists against America and Israel. Supports barrier between Israel and Palestine. Aims to strengthen the military to respond to threats from Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea while challenging and Russia. Increase intelligence operations, size of army, marines. Concedes reform in defense budgeting is necessary. – Civil Liberties: Voted against Habeas Corpus Restoration Act. – Healthcare: Expand children’s healthcare, medical savings accounts, long-term care tax deductibility, full tax deductibility for self-employed health insurance costs. Health center funding, wider choice of providers. Ensure rights of patients. – Education: School choice, improve under-performing schools, reward well performing schools, offer voluntary teacher testing. Unrestricted education funds to local states, $500 million teacher merit pay. – Immigration: Stronger border security, employment verification system. No legal status for undocumented aliens. Emphasizes ‘productive Americans’, immigrants with education, job skills, etc. BARACK OBAMA -Policy on Iraq: Removing American troops, increasing Arab involvement, minimize American military presence to fight terrorism. – Civil Liberties: Voted in favor of Habeas Corpus Restoration Act. – Healthcare: Save an average family up to $2,500 on premiums, modernize system, strengthen public health. – Education: Reward innovation in school districts. Summer learning opportunities for struggling children. Increase financial aide, Pell Grants. – Foreign Policy: Fighting small arms and nuclear proliferation. Take military action in Pakistan if necessary. Diplomacy, end genocide in Darfur, prevent Avian Flu Pandemic, stop Congo conflict. Renegotiate NAFTA. – Immigration: Intensify border security, enhance… Read more »
My apologies – the third to last paragraph should read:
It’s not hard to see why the Ikhwan Youth aren’t lining up for a photo-op with John McCain, but they’re clamoring to get their picture taken with Barack Obama.