Democrat = Communist

| June 19, 2008

HotAir has the link to the video at

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee….”We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market.”

The video at the link is first the video of the idiot congressman making the outrageous statement that we should nationalize the oil industry. Then this doofus is followed by another communist (and big OBAMA supporter) trying to explain to Cavuto the great advantages of our comrades in Washington controlling the oil industry.

Democrats can call themselves whatever the hell they want but I know a COMMUNIST when I see one!

Category: Politics

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Whio is that senile basturd? I can see it now:

“Dear Defend…you are allowed to get gas on M/F, on State St. at 1630 hours. Should you need more than is allowed, please fill out gas requisition.”
Yeah, um, that’s gonna work out well for us isn’t it? I remember appropriating needed items from other Units because logistics was constantly f-ing up…OY!!


Yep… Them’s the facts, plain and simple. In case ya missed the background:

Just check the links, plural.

Reckon I’m more surprised by your surprise.

Mike Dennin

Nationalize the refineries…set prices…

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear we lost the Cold War.



Alinsky came to Rochester after the 1964 riots to help Rev. Franklin Florence organize the FIGHT organization. Here’s a link to an article that Playboy did on Alinsky and his radical socialist organizing he did for FIGHT:

The Struggle with Eastman Kodak

See, nobody believed me when I told them I got Playboy for the articles… 🙂

We’re still living with the consequences of Alinsky’s organizing. Rev. Florence, Scott, Graves and the rest have perpetuated the victim and entitlement philosophy in inner-city Rochester since those days and those neighborhoods are like war zones. I can go on and on about the seeds the Alinsky planted in Rochester…

Obama is a disciple of Alinsky. His first community organizing job in Chicago was with Developing Communities Project. He was hired by Jerry Kellman, another Alinsky disciple.


Here’s a little background on Malia Lazu and her group Oil Change International…



Thanks for the link and the skinny on Malia Lazu and Oil Change International! She’s another admirer of the dictator Chavez. Are these people dense or what!

I linked the expose’ off of the RC Pirate Forum as well.

Great investigative work!

Frankly Opinionated

Good Grief!:
Pointing an old Sportfisher toward a small island in the Eastern Bahamas looks more like a solution every day. For many years, I have discounted taking refuge in a 3rd world country, but it seems like a very real alternative with what is surely coming our way.
nuf sed