Of geese and ganders

| February 12, 2010

Remember when we were supposed to ignore Obama’s connections to Bill Ayers? Remember that Obama chose Ayers’ living room as his venue to launch his political career, but that he was “just a guy” in Obama’s neighborhood? Well, why isn’t what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander? The Left, in the personage of Talking Points Memo thinks a crazy in Massachusetts isn’t the same;

The Massachusetts man charged this week with stockpiling weapons after saying he feared an imminent “Armageddon” appears to have been active in the Tea Party movement, and saw Sarah Palin, who he said is on a “righteous ‘Mission from God,'” as the only figure capable of averting the destruction of society.

Now, this guy has never met Sarah Palin but somehow we’re supposed to gleen a connection between the two. Even though Palin has never been in Gregory Girard’s living room nor sought his support for a political career. Girard never hurt anyone, but Ayers actually planted bombs, killed and maimed people. Girard’s weapons were largely defensive, but Ayers and his crew plotted to blow up the NCO club at Fort Dix during a dance.

Girard praised Palin’s “magical combination of charisma, a remarkable reserve of personal strength and committment (sic), and her righteous ‘mission from God’ drive (sic) return this country to its convservative (sic), Constitutional foundation.”

Yep, scary terrorist stuff – much scarier than Bill Ayers.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Usual Suspects

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Operator Dan

Not a Palin fan, but Jonn you are right this is ridiculous trying to link him to Sarah Palin. I have never heard Sarah Palin advocating stockpiling weapons and shooting people in the head.

Also, this seems to be just a violation of Massachusetts gun laws. Most of that stuff is legal here in AZ…


Holy liberal batshit, this guy possessed “a stash of military grade weapons, explosive devices including tear gas and pepper ball canisters, camouflage clothing, knives, handcuffs, bulletproof vests and helmets, and night vision goggles,”. Not to mention, apparently, collapsible batons,”stockpiles of medicine and non-perishable food”.
Yet another example of PDS on rampant display on the left. Nowhere is his extensive criminal record listed, oh wait, he doesn’t have one, unlike Bill Ayers. Although, reading this guys rants does put him on the list of folks I wouldn’t necessarily enjoy sitting down for beer with.

William Teach

Interesting. Girard has been held without bail (http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/02/12/mass_man_found_with_weapons_cache_faces_hearing/), yet, the same state lets people credibly accused of child rape out on bail. Heck, they give people convicted of statutory rape 30 day suspended sentences.

Only in Mass can you get

He pleaded not guilty Wednesday to four counts of possession of an infernal device and four counts of possession of a dangerous weapon.

Infernal device? Are we back to witch trials?

Dangerous weapons? What other kind are there? You know the original Tea partiers are saddened by this.

I can’t wait for him to fight this to the Supreme Court under the 2nd Amendment. I wonder if the ACLU will get involved in protecting his Right to Bear arms? Probably not.

Being extremely paranoid is not a criminal offense, if memory serves. But, then, owning a Chinese assault rifle, as John Kerry does, actually is.


It’s Mass–guy probably had a “scary” looking gun and more than 5 rounds of ammo–that qualifies as an arsenal down there. I’d hate to think of how they classify me, and I’m not a big gun owner by any stretch, just keep a couple extra boxes of .45 on hand in case I want to hit the range.


Sparky, as long as you don’t “stockpile” medicine and non-perishable food, you’re probably good to go. Can’t be too careful around those folks that have too much Campbell’s chicken noodle, you know.


I went to BJ’s the other day and bought about $400 worth of stuff, and the oil guy just filled the tank this morning. I’m sure Janet’s Brownshirts will be breaking down the door any second now for my being a “right-wing terrorist”.

B Woodman

If you read a little deeper into the charges, (and it’s still somewhat confusing, by the MSM’s account), he’s being charged with four counts of possession of an infernal device and four counts of possession of a dangerous weapon.
The “infernal devices” MIGHT be the tear gas and/or pepper ball canisters. (Did he actually HURT anyone with them?)
The “dangerous weapons” would be the four police batons he had, which are ILLEGAL to own and possess in MASS. POLICE BATONS!!?? Since WHEN did a lathe turned and painted piece of firewood become ILLEGAL!!??
And all the firearms and ammo in the arsenal? Legal, every bit of it, because he had to, under Mass “law”, get a permit to purchase and possess every-single-piece-of-it.

And the FINAL insult??! It was his own WIFE that turned him in to the police. Sorry dude, but when & if you ever get out of this mess (and that might include jail), it’s past time to break those bonds and kick her to the curb. With FEELING!

Just tell me where to send the money for his defense fund. He WILL need it, every penny.

B Woodman

PS – If any of those goose-steppers want to try and come over to MY house, without a valid warrant, and check out MY basement and storage, it would make what Mr Mass had in his basement look like a beginning.