I hate tax season

| February 13, 2010

I just do that’s all. They gave me a pittance for a tax credit and I have to beg for my own money back. I hate tax season.

Category: Pointless blather

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Nah, my favorite part is when I look at Line 60 of my Form 1040 and wonder WTF it’s all going for.


John, you nailed it with that middle line. It’s not their money.

That’s what irritates me every time I hear a talking head saying how much a tax cut is going to cost the government. It’s not costing them anything because it wasn’t their money to begin with.


I was always kinda fascinated with the process when I was in the Navy.

I paid income tax (except when in a combat zone) which paid. in part, my Navy check, which paid my income tax, which paid my…

I think it’s f’ing magic. It must be? It sure don’t make any sense otherwise. But it keeps happening? My wife pays income taxes which pay, in part, my VA check and we joint file?

Somewhere in one of those bureaucracies in DC there’s a secret room where the Magicians chant the magic formula that makes it all work. Or maybe not?


I wonder how the tax voodoo works as well. I pay a lot of taxes throughout the year. This goes towards my taxable pay and non-taxable allowances. At the end of the year I kindly ask for my money back and I get much more than I paid out, keeping me relatively happy but causing much confusion in my layman’s mind as to the purpose of me paying taxes in the first place.


I made $200.00 more this year than last, increased my withholdings and still ended up paying about 300 more dollars than last year to the Fed. And, I don’t get any say in how it’s spent. Yeah, I hate tax season too.