Good Riddance

| February 12, 2010

A big news story today is the announcement by Patrick Kennedy, son of Ted Kennedy, that he will not seek reelection to Congress from Rhode Island. He claims his life has “taken a new direction”.  I cannot think of a finer example of the type of human garbage that inhabits the halls of Congress than Patrick Kennedy. Here is a guy that has been elected official since the age of 21 and in his own words has “never worked a fucking day in my life” (which was uttered after he said he didn’t need the Bush tax cuts).  Almost every year, there is some new scandal with Patrick involving drugs, women, DUIs (plural), and dealings with fugitive Democratic fundraisers. Patrick also like to manufacture controversy, most recently when he claimed that he was asked not to recieve communion  by the archbishop of Rhode Island due to his support of abortion, but failed to mention that the archbishop made this request two years before Patrick’s public announcement.  Its no secret that daddy Teddy covered for little Patrick  and was able to insure all his scandals were cleaned up nicely by the media and other Democrats in Congress. Patrick also played the  “I’m depressed and bi-polar” card multiple times and used his mental illness as an excuse for his outrageous behavior. Even though we all struggle with personal demons, someone who admits to having serious mental health issues should not be continually elected to Congress but I guess thats okay if you are a Kennedy.

However, now that Teddy is no longer around to pull strings and with polls showing his support tanking in Rhode Island, Patrick has decided to call it quits after 16 years in Congress (yeah, thats right 16 years…). It is a testament to the power that the Kennedys possessed in the Northeast that this scumbag was able to win EIGHT elections. Not only that, he was considered a serious contender to replace RINO Senator Lincoln Chafee. His announcement also reveals another new reality about American politics. Without a Kennedy holding a powerful politicial office, it shows that the era of Kennedy influence in American politics has ended. And for that, I thank God. The Kennedy family is nothing but of bunch entitled, arrogant, and corrupt trust fund babies that think we owe them because they are related JFK, America’s most beautiful (and overrated) President. What has this family really done for America? The Peace Corps? The Special Olympics? [sarcasm] Oh wow, those things have really change the course of human events. [/sarcasm]

Good riddance Patrick, I hope we never see you or anybody else from your family in a position of power ever again.

Category: Congress sucks, Liberals suck, Politics

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AW1 Tim

Can I get an AMEN!!!!!!!


My first thought, on hearing Patty’s announcement, was that his internal polling must look like the Detroit Lions chances of ever playing in a Super Bowl. Heartily agree, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, Patty.


What William Kennedy-Smith isn’t running for anything? Shit I might have just jinxed us.

Old Tanker


How dare you sully my Lions with the likes of Kennedy’s, the Lions may suck but they don’t suck ass!


LOL that’s true, Old Tanker. And they’re mine too. And in my defense, I just compared the chances.

Old Tanker

And in my defense, I just compared the chances.

…in that case, his polls can’t be that bad can they?

AW1 Tim

There may also be some issues with that whole “detox” issue not working out so well…..

He IS a Kennedy, after all.


So, any chance of him being the Queen of the P-Town “Pride” Days next year?

Tom Degan

No family in American history – not the Roosevelt, not the Adams, and certainly not the Bush families – have paid a higher price in the service of the people than the Kennedys. And to be perfectly honest with you, I’m sick and tired of listening to them get kicked around by the clueless right wing.

It was announced yesterday that Ben Quayle, son of the former vice-president, will be running for congress. We here, at this glorious moment in the history of our great nation, are proud and privileged to bear witness to the birth of the Quayle family political dynasty.

I need a drink.

Tom Degan
Goshen, NY


Puh-Leeze, a higher price? Mary Jo paid as high a price as the Kennedy family did. So, want some cheese with that Kennedy whine?


And, Old Tanker, I’m sure his numbers were still better.


Jesus, Tom, wipe your chin up next time, will ya?

Operator Dan


Are you kidding me? The only people the Kennedys have served over the years have been themselves.

Look at their REAL accomplishments, look past the historians and media that push that image of Camelot. Look at all the murder (Mary Jo, the Skakel case), the rape, the corruption, and their all-consuming sense of entitlement to elected office (i.e. Caroline in New York). You want to bash the Bushes? Fine. Whatever, W. wasn’t perfect and neither was his father or brother. But in terms of accomplishments as a family and in contributions to this country they exceed the Kennedys.

Quit drinking the Camelot coolaid Tom.


It is nice to see that Tom thinks that a family made famous because of the Pappa Joe’s bootlegging has sacrificed so much more than everyone else’s.

Every aldult male on my father’s side family has served in the military. Three straight generations have served in combat and my Great-Grandfather was in Ft. Riley when the WWI ended.

My family hasn’t sacrificed any more than anyone else’s family. Privelege does not equal sacrifice.



Get a clue! Take a stroll through a military cemetery – particularly in the South – and you will find many families have given a lot more in the same time frame and expected a lot less in return.


Hi all. I’m of mixed mind on this. I’m glad the sob is leaving office (one which he followed in his relatives footsteps by defiling) on the other hand I’m sorry he won’t have to face the wrath of the voters. Quite a number of Dem’s are looking at the poll numbers and the time before the elections (think about how much more crap the Troika of Obama, Reid and Pelosi can still enact before November) and retiring before the humiliation of defeat.


Tim – AMEN!

Tom – I grew up in Charlestown, steeped in Kennedy lore and facts. The family’s story is so intertwined with Boston history, I felt they were somehow related to me. There were good things and there were bad things. There was service to America, it would be horrible if all history recalled were the stumbles and pecadillos. However, having that last name was no assurance of usefulness and if one Kennedy proved that more than any other, it was Patrick. Patrick was not the charismatic leader his uncle Jack was. He was not the driven crusader that his uncle Bobby was. He was not even the master of constituent services that his father was. All three of those men was human and as such flawed. Patches is merely flawed with no redeeming value.

That you can state the Kennedys made more sacrifices than the Adams’ shows an atrocious lack of knowledge on your part regarding John, Abigail, and John Quincy Adams.

Before the rest of you jump all over me for saying a kind word about Ted, I am the person who when asked if I felt any sympathy over Ted’s brain tumor responded “Does it hurt worse than drowning?”

If we could say one thing about Patches, it is this – he was smart enough to read the writing on the wall and get out.

Italian Greyhound

Good info. Nice website.