Meet Professor Habanjero T. Pugglesworth IV

| January 14, 2010

Sorry for all the personal type posts of late, but here at TAH we are very dog friendly.  And this will be the latest addition to TAH Mid West operations:

Yup, the GF is moving here to scenic Indy in late February, and we wanted to get a dog to keep her company during the day since she will be working from home. I wanted a Rottweiler, she wanted a chihuahua. Somehow in her mind we agreed on a puggle. I said fine, as long as it was a girl dog. I don’t want to be petting my dog and all of a sudden accidentally graze a ding dong. Well, I lost that fight as well. But, he is adorable, and he needs a home because the couple that owns him now is having a third kid, and the dog needs more attention. He is 1 1/2 years old, and at least looks precious. Mind you he’s probably like Cujo and takes Rhino sized dumps, but so it goes.

As for the name, I wanted a female dog and she was going to be named Mrs Pepper Pugglesworth. “Pepper” was the name of my pet goat that some blind people killed when I was like 10. Anyway, I wanted to honor my pet Pepper by naming the dog after her, but Caro tells me that Pepper is a girls name. And, last thing I need is a gay dog, especially if I graze a ding dong. Because grazing a gay dogs ding dong makes you de facto as gay as Superbowl 6 Romeo.

Now, since calling him all that is a bit of a mouth full, we are batting around shorter names. Caro like Pugsley, which reminds me of “Muttley”:

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I think he looks Mexican, maybe Paco?

Brown Neck Gaitor

Actually, when I hear Pugsley, I think Pugsley Uno Addams of the infamous family.

Much love to Muttley. I think that is a great name for him.

So for those of us keeping score. Dog breed, Caro; Sex of Dog, Caro; Dog Name, Caro.

Congratulations, when are you heading to Home Depot for the 2 gallons of “Spring Lilac” paint?…

Jonn Lilyea


Brown Neck Gaitor

And how could Caro get lonely with the Eric Gange Bobblehead and other action figures (sorry, Limited Edition Collectable Figurines) in your apartment?


I was willing to compromise on the sex of the dog but little peperoncini was free. TSO said and I quote “your pimp hand isn’t that stong and I’m afraid you wouldn’t be hard enough on a puppy and it will be spoiled.” So the one year old was a good fit.

PS I have to repaint my apartment before I move, would painting white over sweet lilac be therapeutic for you BNG?


I have a Great Dane; don’t whine to me about Rhino sized dumps.


Bruce. You must name him Bruce.

He is a cutie!


He looks cold maybe I should get him a sweater for when TSO takes him out in the AM!


Blind people killed your goat?!?!?!

My dad killed my goat, who was blind. He wouldn’t apologize (said it was the humane thing to do) so I drew him a picture of me crying. He scoffed. So I drew more tears on it. He finally said sorry.

Jonn Lilyea

I want to be clear on this supposed TAH dog policy; yes, we love dogs here – but we don’t turn totally gay over dogs, worry about accidentally touching ding dongs, nor do we consider ANY dog “precious”.

Since this “precious” incident closely follows another “shopping for drapes” dustup a few months ago, I’ll counsel that getting married doesn’t automatically translate into mincing over to the Gay Side however briefly, either.


Oscar Wilde only wished he was this gay.

Just A Grunt

Real hard to maintain respect for a guy who will compromise on something as important as the choice of a dog. Just saying.


Rock on, JAG!!!!


S6R: First the bowl of steamed dicks and now this……..I’m just sayin.


I’d like to add something to this conversation but frankly, the whole ‘touch a dog’s ding dong’ and ‘blind people ate my pet goat’ thing has me disturbed beyond words. It’s like the time a this dude told me how he’d scored with his hot teacher in high-school when I knew he was freakin’ home schooled.

Jonn Lilyea

Caroline, maybe you can get TSO and the dog matching sweaters for their morning walks. Perfectly normal in Indianapolis.

AW1 Tim

TSO… Dude, seriously. Whatever it is you are drinking, you need to switch brands. Like now. Either that, or see if the CO2 detector’s battery has died.

I mean, if I had a dog like that, I’d name him shithead. Seriously. I mean, that’s the perfect name for almost every dog, because that’s simply who they are. Seriously. There’s a reason cats are called pussies. Dogs ought to have dog names. Like shithead. Or dog. Or beer me.

You know, come to think of it, you’ve moved to Indy, which is where his gheyness Sayton Manning lives. Maybe you’re catching Manningitis?

Just know that I’m concerned about you. that’s all. Apparently the rest of the crew here is too.

Old Tanker


My Great Dane was the best dog I ever had!!!

He was a Good boy!!


…wait, the dog is a year and a half old and doesn’t have a name?


Nah, he’s not really a moster, per se, but he does go 170lbs. and is taller than me when he stands on his hind legs. Great guard dog, too, but turns into a blithering puddle around kids.

Figure this out: His best friend is the Yorkie across the street. I’m not kidding, either.

Old Tanker


He only went around 130lb. I tried to keep him pretty lean as weight is a big problem with Danes. Like Trooper says, mine was a great guard dog too and he would get so happy around the kids he would get what they called “happy tail”. It was like a bull whip and perfect position to get the kids right upside the head or me right in the nads….

He never cared about squirrels but he HATED chipmunks. They would run up the downspouts to get away from him and then he would rip the whole downspout off of the house. Sadly, we lost him just over three years ago….*sniff* So I got a pair of THESE to chase bunnies around with!


I knew some folks in college who had a dog named “Kleine Schiesskopf” (excuse the spelling), which means “little shithead.” Don’t remember what breed he was, but I thought it was a perfect dog name.

Muttley’ll work, or is it Puggsley?? Whatever…


Caroline–make sure when TSO takes the dog for a walk while wearing matching sweaters, you ask him to go easy on the “guyliner” and take some of those Sarah MacLaghlin songs off the iPod. After all, it would be pretty embarassing to have to admit to your friends how you lost him to his gheyness, Peyton.


There’s so much to say here – – and yet, I have no words. “grazing a gay dog’s ding dong” and your pet goat that was killed by blind people . . . wow. . . And you thought spending Christmas with the Griswalds was an adventure.


I think you should call him Pupsly – Pup for short.


Lanisa- That’s exactly why he’s going to fit so well with the fam…

AW1 Tim

Ya know, he’s gonna be the only grunt with a pink CIB…….

Just A Grunt

Since we are sharing doggie pics here is my beast. Her name is Rocket and she lives up to it. The easiest going and friendly, sometimes over friendly, which at times has earned her the name Crotch Rocket, but if you are a stranger or even look like you want to enter my property, well…blastoff.

Great protector but sometimes it is hard to find the off button.

We also have a new addition which we named Apollo and we are finding out, he is one smart dog. Too smart for his own good at times.

We also have a third one, so yeah I guess we are dog lovers. We have a big enough back yard that they can chase each other and the squirrels and the chipmunks.


Darling little puggle! My puggle is almost 2. We’ve had him almost a year and we named him Oates… as in John Oates. He definitely has a mind of his own, but is also a good dog when he wants to be. Enjoy! Puggles are the perfect size, like a lot of love and have tons of energy!

Mr. Puggle®

Hey! Nice to meetcha! Hang with the puggle posse sometime!

Mr. Puggle®

Cool, you all served! So did I and my entire family for generations, plus my son currently is serving. Thanks for your service and sorry about your buddy.

I will put the Puggle Professor on the blog this week.


adorable x9!!! perfect choice for a dog! my puggle, gwendolyn, saved my life! i blog about her to raise awareness for eating disorders and love for dogs! check her out! and email me with any puggle questions! 🙂 http//

John of Argghhh!

“Graze a ding-dong.” And here that’s what I thought potheads did at 7-11 at 2AM…


Wonder if that puppy knew he’d be getting all the sex he could want, when he went home with you…


Puggles are adorable, but they’re worse than cats for having staff.


I’m so glad this thread was fragged up, if only for the Oscar Wilde and pink CIB comments. I needed that geegle.


“Dragged”, the word is “dragged”.


I asked my cat what he thought about pugs, and got this response: