Zombie Kennedy wants his Senate seat back

| January 14, 2010

The ghoulish Democrat Party has disinterred the rotting corpse of Ted Kennedy to defeat Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown. Apparently, Kennedy’s widow is complicit in the macabre plot to seat Zombie Kennedy in the Senate once again;


A radical right wing plot to prevent Kennedy from taking his seat back has come to the attention of Harry Reid, so he’s joined in the conspiracy to return Kennedy’s corpse to the Senate;


Reanimating a guy no one really liked to resuscitate a healthcare plan no one needs.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Health Care debate

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Brown Neck Gaitor

The only way to save the seat for the Dems is:

1) Dan Rather “finds” a letter where Ted Kennedy hand picked Coakley as his successor.

2) Michael Steele shows up, forgets he is part of the problem and tries to jump on the anti-establishment bandwagon.


BNG, Exactly why I am hoping that NO ONE in Wa DC talks about the MA race anymore. Also Harry Reid. Dude is already walking the green mile, let’s not give him an excuse to get off it.


Agreed TSO, don’t give them any help, let the dems screw this up all by themselves. In the end, I doubt Brown will win, after all, I’m sure there are carloads of votes out there, just waiting to be found and counted for Coakley, but if it’s close, watch the dems sweat. And listen for Baghdad Bob to spin it that it was a great win, not reflecting on 0’s policies at all.


It would be great to see Brown take the seat but not counting on it. Nice to see those extreme left wing liberals scrambling though.

USMC Steve

This scumbag bitch probably believes it is Teddy’s seat too.

Hey, where is that fat liberal scumbag buried? I have some time available to go and piss on his grave but need some directions to it. My thanks for his efforts to fuck up my country.


Unfortunately, Steve, he’s buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

dr kill

When you’re right, you’re right.

Frankly Opinionated

And Mary Jo Kopechne didn’t have time to comment. She is busy beating the fat off that dead assed carcass.

Y’all, tell your friends up there in the state of taxation that America as well as Taxachusetts need Scott Brown. This race is ours to lose. So many people think that this does not concern those who do not live up there, but anything and everything any or all of the senators do, affects all of us, either in a positive or negative fashion. After the special election, put some help out to Nevada to get Danny “Tark” Tarkanian elected. He can put Harebrain Reid out to pasture.

“Never Forget the Ft. Hood Texas 14 of 11/5/09!”


“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” -Napoleon

USMC Steve

If the people of Massachusetts vote Brown in it will be an indicator of two things; one is that they developed some common sense for like the first time. The other is that they are doing it out of spite for getting sooooo butthammered by the democrat party that they are highly pissed off about it. Pray for the conservatives in that state – all 6 of them.

richard mcenroe

Chris Dodd has actually resurrected Ted for Martha Coakley!
