Dicksmith still as asinine as ever, takes on the Kiss Army

| January 14, 2010


I don’t know what institution of higher learning let dicksmith in, but he really doesn’t bring credit to them at all. The man is either retarded or an out and out liar. Maybe both. Him trying to form a rational thought is like watching a dog try to play a ukulele. He’s like Southern Dem, minus the fact that SD is just a character. Right now he’s probably wearing his che gueverra hat and wondering how to get his head in the peanut butter jar to get to the food.

His latest bit of jackassery is to go after Senator Burr for a fundraising letter. Yup, a fundraising letter. I know you guys usually ignore the in-depth stuff I do on votes, so I will just make this one quick. Burr’s fundraiser is to solicit funds, and based on your amount, you can earn a “rank” in “Burr’s Brigade.” Now, it seems stupid to me, but dicksmith totally has his panties in a bunch about it.

He begins:

North Carolina Republican Senator Richard Burr has never served a day in uniform in his life. But that didn’t stop him from selling military rank to attempt to raise money for his campaign.

First off, Burr turned 18 at the end of 1973, and graduated high school in 1974. Not only was the military decreasing in size, but you might remember that we were coming out of a war, and it wasn’t the best of times for our military. Had Burr gone in, he would have served in a peacetime military, and dick would have screeched about how he never served in combat. Instead Burr attended Wake Forest where he played football and got a degree. He went on to work for a company selling lawn equipment. In short, he actually worked for a living and increased the tax base of America. Only in dicksmith’s world is this a bad thing.

Second…hey dipshit, he is not “selling military rank.” There is no military unit known as “Burr’s Bridgade.” If you pay the money to be a Colonel in Burr’s Brigade, it is still not acceptable to send Burr’s Brigade Corporals off to get a box of grid squares, or a can of squelch for the Prick E6. Burr’s Brigade is on par with the KISS army. Or a 13 year old who achieved the rank of Major on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare telling his mom to get down and give him 25. I wonder if dicksmith thinks Hogwarts is real.

Then dicksmith says “What makes this even more offensive is Senator Burr’s actual voting record in supporting the military.” I know you guys hate when I go into the nitty gritty of each vote, because it is obvious to anyone who is not a re-tard that the votes are never what dicksmith claims. I’ll pull out just two and run with those.

Burr Voted against Pay Raises and Body Armor for Our troops. Burr voted against funding for body armor, armored vehicles and equipment needed to keep our troops safe. Burr also voted against providing our military men and women a well-deserved pay increase.[Vote 384, 12/19/09]

I’ll just let the Senator respond to this one:

I have always been proud to vote for the funding of our troops and our national defense. However, I am disappointed that this year, the defense funding bill is filled with spending that is unrelated and not offset through savings elsewhere in the government. I cannot support a funding bill that spends $18 billion on unrelated spending that is not paid for.

Additionally, this bill shortchanges our troops, including thousands from North Carolina, by not providing any funding for the surge into Afghanistan. I support the President’s strategy, but we must provide our troops with the resources they need to complete their mission. In a time of war, for Congress to ignore this funding shows a disregard for the servicemen and women who are away from their families this holiday season fighting on our behalf. I am also disappointed that Congress decided to devote resources to buying planes for junkets rather than fund our troops in the surge.

Yeah, sure sounds like he hates the troops, eh? How ’bout we turn this around dick, explain to us why the $18 billion of pork in the bill is not more offensive and harmful to troops and veterans than a fahkin’ fundraising letter.

Voted against the GI Bill. Burr was part of a small group that worked to oppose the new GI Bill that would make college affordable to veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Burr argued that the new GI Bill was “too generous and would draw troops away from re-enlisting.” This argument and Senator Burr’s alternative bill was defeated in a bipartisan vote with veteran’s organizations arguing that “patriotic troops would continue to serve their county, and that a new benefit would encourage thousands of college-bound young people to join the military.” [Vote 161, 6/26/08; Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of American, 2008 Congressional Report Card]

This one has so much shit wrong with it I don’t even know where to start. First off, that quote. Quotation marks around a series of words usually means that those words were used by the person to whom they are ascribed. Show me where Burr ever said that. Go ahead, I will wait. The only source for that quote is….VoteVets. I found no reference whatsoever to Burr saying it was too generous. In point of fact, the bill that Burr was supporting would actually have been more expensive. And the “draw troops away from re-enlisting” is exactly what the Pentagon said. So, dicksmith would have the politicians who didn’t serve listen to the Pentagon when he wants, but when they say shit opposed to dicksmith’s position, he wants them to ignore them. Apparently one needs a ouija board to figure it out, because VoteVets never testifies on this stuff so who knows.

I do love that dicksmith gives me another excuse to link to the shittastic IAVA scorecard though. I continue to maintain that IAVA serves a purpose on some issues like the GI Bill, but this scorecard was the most dishonest one I’ve ever seen. None of the votes where what they claimed they were, and idiots like dicksmith keep citing to them. Then again, dicksmith isn’t capable of actually researching anything on his own, so maybe this will cut down on his owies. The dude should be required to wear a hockey helmet when he tries to think through stuff.

Anyway, let’s finish up this political ride on the short bus:

Astonishing. The idea that any United States Senator, much less one who has never served and has such an appalling record of short-changing service members, would feel that military rank can be bought and sold to fill campaign coffers is sickening. The actions of Senator Burr disrespect every brave American who has ever had the honor of wearing the ranks Senator Burr is hawking for as little as $25.

The fact that dicksmith can’t differentiate between “military rank can be bought and sold” and nominal titles in the “Burr Brigade” is what is astonishing. When are you going after COD: Modern Warfare and the KISS Army Dick? If he really feels like he is being disrespected by this mailing, then for his sake I hope the Obamacare bill goes through and he can find someone to fix his cranial rectal insertion problems.


Category: Politics

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SSG David Medzyk

Woah!! I joined the KISS Army back in 1975!

crap…that dates me.