Just let ’em all go

| December 22, 2009

While the Obama Administration had us distracted with the health care debate this weekend and the plan for putting Gitmo detainees in IL, the media had us fixated on snowfall and cops with guns, under the table the Justice Department was releasing some Guantanamo detainees back where we got them.

One of our readers, bdaman sent us a BBC link (since our own media doesn’t seem too interested in the war against terror these days)

“These transfers were carried out under individual arrangements between the United States and relevant foreign authorities to ensure the transfers took place under appropriate security measures,” the Department of Justice said in a statement.

“Consultations with foreign authorities regarding these individuals will continue.”

Yemenis account for almost half of the 198 detainees who remain at the US military base in Cuba. But officials fear many could re-join militant groups if sent back to Yemen.

Well, “officials fear”, but apparently none of them are in the Justice Department. Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive and In The Crosshairs fame tells us about the most disturbing of this weekend’s bunch;

This is not some poor bastard who was scarfed up in Afghanistan and sold to us by some warlord. We conducted a raid into Somalia specifically to capture this guy and now he is just back on the street? I kinda doubt it was the military changing their minds that he was a High Value Detainee, so we have the Attorney General and his friends in the terrorist fellow travelers camp to thank for this.

But this isn’t important enough for our own media to cover, so there are lots of questions that won’t be answered. At The Weekly Standard Blog, Thomas Jocelyn writes;

In other words, the DOJ and Foggy Bottom control transfer decisions, not the military officials who have been responsible for detaining, interrogating, and analyzing the intelligence collected on each Gitmo detainee. That is not surprising. Lake’s comments reinforce what we’ve known for some months. The DOJ, in particular, plays a leading role in President Obama’s interagency review board, which in turn makes transfer decisions.

So the war against terror is just another police action with the politicians and law enforcement agencies operating as the military. Naw, that doesn’t scare me.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Terror War

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I already made my feelings known over at UJ’s site.


Thanks for the hat tip.

While I felt for the past year that we were screwed and had no chance of hell of taking this country back short of a revolution, I am becoming more optimistic little by little everyday.

We now stand at the crossroads. Do not be discouraged.
With the announcement just hours ago that Democrat Parker Griffith from Alabama switched parties today to become a Republican offers me more hope that the kool-aid is wearing off.

America has been in a trance for over a year, energized by a young, handsome, well speaking and now usurper as president of the United States of America.

A great hoax was being performed upon us and like that show that exposed how magicians performed their tricks, the same thing is happening to this illegal administration.

When you have a Climategate scandal in which one of the perpe-TRAITORS uses a “trick” to “hide the decline” and then conveniently can not find the “ORIGINAL RAW DATA” to which affirms your entire claim, the gig is up.

When you have a person that refuses to release the original vital statistics, instead, offering a copy posted on the internet and continues to fight in court to keep from releasing the “ORIGINAL DATA” the gig is up.

In FACT the Hawaiian DOH has been inundated with LEGAL request for the statistics, they have now created a special web page to tell you why you can’t see them.

If Hawaii, has the original vital statistics, of Barack Hussein Obama, on file, according to state policy and procedures and it affirms he was born in Hawaii and he is a natural born citizen, in which NO COURT has EVER defined what a natural born citizen is, why not show those records instead of what was provided on the internet.

Why? Because United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

While I am not prepared at this time to raise my arms, I shall always keep my barrel clean and my powder dry in anticipation of having to make that decision.