Witness to the fix

| December 22, 2009

Yeah, we don’t have a state-controlled media. We have a media that trips over their own feet to be the mouthpiece of the White House. Ed Schultz witnessed the process last week and tells us about how it works. From The Radio Equalizer;

SCHULTZ (08:12): So Mika starts looking at her Blackberry and so does Scarborough and obviously the White House is texting them or emailing them or whatever and they didn’t like the show. Because Arianna had been on there, I’m on there, Howard Dean had been on there and they wanted some balance.

Now think about that – here’s the White House getting in contact with ‘Morning Joe’ because they’re afraid there’s too many lefties on the air! Now if that’s not sensitivity at its highest level, I don’t know what is! I told ya a few days ago they had rabbit ears! They don’t like anything that’s being said right now, they’re getting beat up!

I’m guessing we’re paying some doofus in the White House who makes more money than you make, to watch the news programs all day and all night to alert Axelrod when opinion starts sliding away from the administration.

Naw, that doesn’t scare me.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Just A Grunt

So has Glenn Beck’s phone rang yet? The one he put in as a direct line to the White House.


“obviously the White House is texting them”
Obviously?? A couple of people get one of the zillions of ubiquitous tweets, texts and emails flying through the stratosphere and obviously they’re from the White House???

I have never quite figured out the confidence of progressieves in their mind reading abilities, never having had one of their own to practice with!


This is not funny. I’ve seen it before on Morning Joe. If it’s WH control of media, or media whoring for access, or just an ideological agreement. The fourth estate is protected legally by the constitution in order to perform a watchdog role regarding government, business, churches and everyone else. If they refuse to do this job, they ought to be stripped of these protections.