Gitmo-on-Spring Lake (Updated)

| December 15, 2009

Rumors over the last few weeks that the Obama Administration is planning on renovating a prison in Thomson, IL to house Guantanamo detainees are proving to be true;

Administration officials as well as Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will make an official announcement at the White House.

Officials from both the White House and Durbin’s office confirmed that President Obama had directed the government to acquire Thomson Correctional Center in Thomson, Ill., a sleepy town near the Mississippi River about 150 miles from Chicago. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid pre-empting Tuesday’s announcement.

So now the hippies, the ACLU lawyers, Mathew Alexander, Code Pink, Keith Olbermann and the sundry other peawits all have a place they can go camp out to prove their commitment to human rights for subhumans.

Residents of the small town feel that it’s worth it to house the most terrible criminals in the world so close to the families;

“This town is slowly but surely dying off, and I mean that literally because the people that are retired are dying off and there’s no young people coming back in to take their place. There’s nothing here to draw them,” said Richard Groharing, a 68-year-old retired Florida corrections officer who was born in Thomson, a farming community about 150 miles west of Chicago.

The prison was built in 2001 with the promise of thousands of jobs. But because of state budget problems, it has been largely vacant since its completion. It has 1,600 cells, but only about 200 minimum-security inmates are held there.

I hope Thomson IL residents are ready to assume the mantle as the worse place on earth when Guantanamo is closed. Of course, the ambulance-chasers will probably double the town’s population and bring in some money. At what price?

ADDED: Of course, dicksmith at VoteVets thinks this is a good idea;

Outstanding. The Obama Administration is taking a step closer to ending the use of a facility that has been one of the most effective recruiting tools for extremism and terrorism across the globe. Not only that, it’s simply the right thing to do.

Yes, the rest of the world will automatically think that we’re treating detainees well just because they’re in Illinois now. How the Hell will that change anything? Seriously. If we put them all up in a Las Vegas hotel, THAT would become part of the new recruiting cry from terrorists, you dumbass.

I swear, is there anyone on the Left with an ounce of common sense anymore? Has every single thing they say become just a knee-jerk reaction?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Sounds like Obama may be paying some old debts to his buddies in IL.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Now Durbin the Turbin can stay stateside while he beats down the U.S.


I don’t much like IL anyway. And since they vote the way that gets them a bunch of hard core nuts in their area, well, if anything happens to them they asked for it.


BooRadley , that’s exactly what it sounds like to me too. More payoff at taxpayers’ expense. But then that’s what Obama does best.

AW1 Tim

One word: Beslan.

I’m not at all worried about being able to keep these rag-head assmaggots incarcerated. Easy to do.

What I am worried about is their friends. What happens when their jihadi friends show up and take over an elementary school and demand the safe release of those in the prison?

What happens when the guards find pictures of their families, and their homes posted all over jihadi websites?

What happens when insurance companies double the homeowners and life insurance premiums for the locals?

What happens when some group shows up and wants to build a mosque nearby?

This is a truly asinine, ill-thought and dangerous idea, but typical of the president and his sycophants. They care only for themselves, not for the citizens, the constitution, or or this nation.

When the attack(s) happen, and they will, and citizens, especially children, die, I sincerely hope that the president, and everyone else with a hand in this decision are charged with negligent homicide, and given the maximum sentence possible.


Good points, Tim.

Jonn, it’s about the same from MPLS to Thomson, also.

BTW Mpls is home to a very large Somali community and in case no one has been following, several Somali men/boys have been recruited to fight jihad back in Somalia. It’s a very big deal here in the state and there have been charges brought against several individuals, including some that have been living in Europe, for actively recruiting these men to go there and fight.


It is going to be just like the prison in Michigan they wanted to send them to. They are going to publish the few idiots that want the prison, but almost the entire community is against it. I bet the prisoners would much prefer the living conditions in Cuba. Warm weather year round, soccer fields, not having to worry about being shanked in a shower…


Makes sense to move them to Illinois. I can only imagine the huge void that was created when Obama and rest of his Chicago mob/crooks picked up and moved to DC….

Gotta fill that gap with some kind POS of similar ilk to what left town….