Ahmadinejad not influenced by smart power

| December 22, 2009

The Associated Press in Fox News reports that all of that smart power just hasn’t influenced Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Ahmadinejad dismissed the threat of sanctions, saying Iran wants talks “under just conditions where there is mutual respect.”

“We told you that we are not afraid of sanctions against us and we are not intimidated,” he said, addressing the West. “If Iran wanted to make a bomb, we would be brave enough to tell you.”

“This nuclear game thing is an old story, it’s history now,” the Iranian leader said, as the crowd cheered: “We love you, Ahmadinejad.” He lashed out at Washington, vowing Iran will stand up against U.S. attempts to “dominate the Middle East.”

Of course he’s not influenced. No matter what happens he’s a winner. If no one does anything, Iran gets nuclear weapons. If the US or Israel decides to strike at Iran’s nuclear development, he gets to play victim of Zionist ambitions on the world stage. George Bush understood that no matter what we do, we’ll get no respect – so we might as well do what’s best for the country.

With reams of evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and supplying our opposition in Iraq and Afghanistan, the case for the Obama Administration’s “smart power” is dead now, if it wasn’t already.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Dave Thul

The only ‘smart’ power that Iran’s leaders are going to respond to would be a GBU-57.



they are ready to get nuclear weapons and to use them against israel. the fact that it would also damage their own enviroment ,it seems, does not matter for them.